Quiz 9 - CD 361
Which of the following is a HABIT STATE…
- fatigue.
- motivation.
- the ability to repeat something.
- all of the above.
- “a” and “b” of the above.
Question 2 .
In terms of short term memory, according to Miller, the average person can manage how many chunks of information…
- 1 (hint–this is true only if you are a professor of CD 361)
- 7
- 12
- 24
- 55
Question 3 .
The “workhorse” (i.e., the most effective strategy) for improving Short Term Working Memory is…
- concentration.
- repetition.
- discipline.
- fear.
- motivation.
Question 4 .
Long Term Memory includes all EXCEPT…
- episodic memory
- language memory.
- motor memory.
- perceptual memory.
- semantic memory.
Question 5 .
In discussing long term memory improvement which of the following does NOT belong…
- the primacy effect .
- the recency effect .
- reminiscence.
- trace decay.
- the Von Restorff Effect.
Question 6 .
In remembering the “Good Old Days”, which we actually forgot, weren’t all that good, the forgetting process involved here is…
- trace decay.
- trace transformation.
- proactive trace inhibition.
- retroactive trace inhibition.
- intoxication.
Question 7 .
A strategy for improving memory is …
- organization.
- mnemonic devices .
- visual memory pegs.
- warm-ups.
- all of the above.
Question 8 .
A spike (brief improvement) in the memory curve that occurs shortly after learning is called…
- Reminiscence.
- Primacy.
- Recency.
- Von Restorff Effect.
- Warm-ups.
Question 9 .
Here are 6 words to remember… cat, book, monumental, fat, old and chair. Most people would probably remember if any, the word “monumental.” This is due to…
- the recency effect.
- the Von Restorf Effect.
- the Primacy effect.
- the Warm-up effect.
- a rehearsal effect.
Question 10 .
In the afternoon I study Spanish and in the evening I study Russian. I notice that I am not remembering the material in either as well as when I studied just one alone. This would be due to…
- Trace inhibition.
- Trace transformation.
- Trace decay.
- The Von Restorff Effect.
- The Primacy effect.
Question 11 .
The very strongest activity to develop memory (according to the class lecture) is…
- reading.
- watching television.
- playing games on an Ipad.
- going to lots of Movies.
- listening to Rock Music.
Question 12 .
Which of the following facilitates improvement in memory performance …
- grammar.
- chunking.
- mnemonic devices.
- visual memory pegs.
- all of the above.
Question 13 .
A way to improve short term memory is to…
- develop organization.
- engage in mental exercises as provided in many games.
- use strategies like mnemonic devices.
- study music.
- all of the above.
Question 14 .
Material is more easily retained if studied…
- very early in the morning.
- in the morning after breakfast
- in the evening before going to bed.
- from midnight to 6 am.
- none of the above.
Question 15 .
Recognizing objects in our environment is a process of…
- episodic memory.
- semantic memory.
- motor memory.
- implicit memory
- working memory.
Question 16 .
Being able to speak two languages with the facility of a native speaker means you would be classified as an example of…(from Born to Talk)
- successive acquisition .
- bilingual first language acquisition .
- simultaneous acquisition.
- bilingual second acquisition.
- Bilingual.
Question 17 .
The Unitary Language System Hypothesis, was postulated by …(from Born to Talk)
- Dopke.
- Robert Owens.
- Virgina Volterra.
- Patton Tabors .
- Dr. Jeckell and Mister Hyde.
Question 18 .
Patton Tabors (1997) concluded that there are how many stage/stages in second language acquisition? (from Born to Talk)
- One.
- Three.
- Four
- Six.
- Seven.
Question 19 .
Most communication disorders, in their most severe forms, are …(from Born to Talk)
- conspicuous.
- unintelligible.
- unpleasant.
- a sign of low intelligence.
- are a sign of a mental disorder.
Question 20 .
The incidence of Dyslexia, a Reading Disorder, among the population is…(from Born to Talk)
- 5 – 20%
- 30 – 40%
- 40 – 45%
- 50 – 60 %
- 70 – 80 % (hint-this would only be true for CD 361 Professors)
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