
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Quiz 4 - CD 361

Question 1 .

Frequency is …


  1. cps.
  2. measured in Hertz
  3. oscillations per second.
  4. Hz.
  5. All of the above.



Question 2 .

Hearing for humans is most sensitive between…


  1. 0 and 2000 hz.
  2. 400 hz and 5000 hz
  3. 1 dB and 100 dB.
  4. 0 cps and 100,000 cps.
  5. 10000 CPS for man and 50000 cps for womenl



Question 3 .

Which as a group speech sounds are mainly made up of high frequency sounds…


  1. vowels.
  2. consonants.
  3. vowels and consonants equally.
  4. letters.
  5. graphemes.



Question 4 .

A pure tone is one where a molecule of air…


  1. vibrates smoothly and consistently.
  2. moves back and forth erratically.
  3. has no order.
  4. has no color.
  5. has no odor due to impurities.



Question 5 .

Vowels originate in the…


  1. oral cavity.
  2. larynx

C  esophagus.

  1. nasal cavity.
  2. stomach



Question 6 .

An increase in the range (distance) of oscillation of a molecule of air, is perceived as an…


  1. increase in pitch.
  2. increase in loudness.
  3. increase in pain.
  4. increase in high frequency sounds.
  5. increase in the wind.



Question 7 .

In the Testing of Hearing, Zero dB would be equivalent to…


  1. no sound.
  2. no hearing.
  3. the average threshold for hearing of the healthy adult ear.
  4. .0002 dynes per centimeter squared of sound pressure
  5. c and d above.



Question 8 .

For a person with a hearing level threshold of -30dB, it would take…


  1. a sound 30 times louder than the normal threshold to be heard.
  2. a sound 100 times louder than the normal threshold to be heard.
  3. a sound 1000 times louder than the normal threshold to be heard.
  4. a sound 10,000 times louder than the normal threshold to be heard.
  5. a sound 1/1000 times louder than the normal threshold to be heard.



Question 9 .

If two pure tones of the same frequency and intensity are produced in phase…


  1. they will cancel each other out and no sound will be heard.
  2. two pure tones that are equally loud will be heard.
  3. one pure tone that is louder will be heard.
  4. three pure tones that are softer will be heard.
  5. a noise will be heard.



Question 10 .

In a Complex tone…


  1. The lowest pure tone is the fundamental.
  2. The lowest pure tone determines the pitch.
  3. The higher frequencies are called overtones.
  4. The pattern of higher frequencies determine the quality (recognizability) of the sound.
  5. all of the above.



Question 11 .

As the Mass of a vibrating body of a sound source increases…


  1. the pitch of the tone increases.
  2. the pitch of the tone decreases.
  3. the intensity of the tone increases.
  4. there is no effect on the pitch produced except it is heavier..
  5. the intensity of the tone decreases.



Question 12 .

The optimum pitch is defined as…


  1. the pitch we use most of the time when speaking.
  2. the pitch at which the vocal folds vibrate most efficiently based on their mass when speaking.
  3. the pitch at which the vocal folds vibrate most efficiently based on their tension when speaking.
  4. a Pure tone.
  5. b and c above



Question 13 .

The natural frequency of a vibrating body is determined by…


  1. the mass of the vibrating body.
  2. the tension in the vibrating body.
  3. the amount (mass) of air inhaled and exhaled
  4. all of the above.
  5. a and b above.



Question 14 .

Which of the following is a modulator (i.e. most capable of changing the overtones of a sound passing through it…


  1. the larynx with the epiglottis.
  2. the pharanx.
  3. the oral cavity with the tongue.
  4. the esophagus with the tongue.
  5. the nasal cavity.



Question 15 .

In  normal breathing in silence (i.e., no speech) , regarding muscle action)…


  1. inhalation is active.
  2. exhalation is active.
  3. inhalation and exhalation are both active.
  4. inhalation is passive.
  5. inhalation is controlled.



Question 16 .

At approximately what age range does a child begin to demonstrate efforts to communicate intentionally by pointing  to an object of interest? (from Born to Talk)


  1. 4-6 weeks old.
  2. 6 months old.
  3. 7 months old.
  4. 8 months old.
  5. 12 months old.



Question 17 .

The process whereby young children hear and understand words is known as  (from Born to Talk)…


  1. Echolalia.
  2. Fast mapping.
  3. Slow mapping.
  4. Phonotactic mapping.
  5. photosynthesis.



Question 18 .

Studies show that a one-year-old today spends an average time of ______ minutes per day in front of the TV (from Born to Talk)…


  1. 10 minutes.
  2. 30 minutes.
  3. 45 minutes.
  4. 80 minutes.
  5. 160 minutes.



Question 19 .

According to the four phases in the development of joint reference, in which phase does a child may recognize caregiver’s pitch pattern as a signal to establish joint attention? (from Born to Talk)


  1. 4-6 weeks.
  2. 6 months.
  3. 7 months.
  4. 8-12 months.
  5. after 12 months



Question 20 .

What is the (MLU) Mean Length of Utterance  (from Born to Talk)?


  1. A calculation of the average number of morphemes a child produces in a representative a sample of utterances.
  2. A calculation of children in a group of 10 who are mean spirited.
  3. A calculation of the mean number of times children speak per hour at a certain stage of development.
  4. A calculation of the average number of morphemes a child learns how to write in an hour.
  5. A calculation of the average number of phonemes a child utters in 30 sentences.

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