Quiz 10 - CD 361
Question 1 .
According to Luria, at around 3 months of age…
- The human brain reorganizes itself
- The Modalities connect and begin work in pairs
- The Child says his first words
- All of the above
- “a” and “b” above.
Question 2 .
At the earliest stages of development the child is using…
- The proximal modalities exclusively
- The distal modalities exclusively
- The distal modalities exclusively
- Speech and language exclusively
- All of the above
Question 3 .
At one year of age, the human brain reorganizes itself…
- to work in pairs of modalities
- to work with single modalities independently
- to work with all modalities as a single unit
- to make the development of babbling possible
- all of the above
Question 4 .
The birth cry…
- Provides valuable information to a doctor about the integrity of the neural and motor system
- Provides valuable information to a psychiatrist about the emotional status of the infant
- Doesn’t mean a thing and should be avoided
- Is an expressive combinative form of communication
- None of the above.
Question 5 .
Vygotsky called the crying of the infant…
- a darned nuisance
- a social communication
- an expressive combinative form of communication
- an unavoidable phenomenon
- b and c above.
Question 6 .
Differentiated crying occurs around…
- Birth to one minute.
- 1 minute to 2 months.
- 2 to 3 months
- 3 to six months
- soon after marriage!
Question 7 .
Babbling is…
- a sign of and is dependent on intelligence.
- a genetically inherited human behavior.
- evident in monkeys.
- prerequisite behavior to getting a Ph.D.
- “a” and “b” above.
Question 8 .
The phenomenon of babbling occurs from…
- Birth to one minute.
- 1 minute to 2 months.
- 2 to 3 months.
- 3 to six months.
- very soon after marriage.
Question 9 .
Motorically at the level when babbling occurs, the child is typically able…
- catch and throw a ball.
- to take a single step.
- climb stairs.
- jump.
- hold his/her head up without support.
Question 10 .
Being able to say a sound and then to repeat it voluntarily (like da da da da da) for the infant of 6 to 8 months is called…
- babbling.
- differentiated crying.
- lalling.
- jargon.
- speech.
Question 11 .
Prosody is an important feature of…
- babbling.
- supra segmental phonemes.
- jargon.
- lalling.
- “b” and “c” above.
Question 12 .
Prosody involves…
- inflection.
- stress.
- rhythm.
- juncture.
- all of the above.
Question 13 .
Chomsky hypothesized that language development was facilitated by a special neurological structure he referred to as…
- DAD.
- MOM.
- SLP.
Question 14 .
As speech develops, the consonants of a language appear…
- In order from the front (lips) to the back of the oral cavity.
- In order from the back to the front of the oral cavity.
- In order from the mid to the extremities of the oral cavity.
- At random in any order.
- At puberty.
Question 15 .
Echolalia is common verbal behaior that appears around…
- 0 to 2 months.
- 2 to 3 months.
- 3 to 6 months.
- 6 to 8 months.
- 8 to 12 months.
Question 16 .
Echolalia includes all the following EXCEPT…
- meaning.
- prosody.
- consonants.
- imitation.
- vowels.
Question 17 .
Dad comes into baby’s room and baby consistently says “DA.” This is an example of…
- body language.
- identification language.
- anticipatory language.
- echolalia.
- supra segmental phonemes.
Question 18 .
When baby wants Dad to come and he consistently says, “DA,” this would be considered…
- body language.
- identification language.
- anticipatory language.
- echolalia.
- a supra segmental phoneme.
Question 19 .
A Restricted Language style
- is more efficient.
- has fewer grammatical structures.
- is the product of an authoritarian family philosophy.
- is less suited for understanding complex concepts.
- all of the above.
Question 20 .
A three year old child has a lisp. The best way to handle it is…
- make fun of him so he stops the behavior.
- withhold his food until he says it correctly.
- stuff his tongue back in his mouth with a tongue blade.
- patiently explain to him the correct way of making the /s/ sound.
- None of the above.
CD 361 – Language Development in Children
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