Quiz 1 - CD 361
Question 1 .
Communication is…
- a phenomenon observed only among humans.
- a phenomenon observed only among insects and professors.
- a phenomenon observed only among non human animals.
- a phenomenon observed only in rocks.
- a phenomenon observed among rocks, plants, insects, animals and humans.
Question 2 .
A signal at its base level is…
- a series of words that makes up a sentence.
- a series of letters that make up a word.
- a series of symbols that represent a thought.
- an organized pattern of energy.
- a flag which represents a thought.
Question 3 .
Which of following is an example of a Graded Signal?
- The babbling of a child.
- The song of a finch.
- The speech of a parrot.
- The snarl of a dog.
- The speech of a professor.
Question 4 .
Which of the following have a true language…
- Bees.
- Parrots.
- Australian Aborigines.
- All of the above.
- None of the above.
Question 5 .
All babies Babble EXCEPT…
- Deaf babies.
- Eskimo babies.
- Russian babies.
- Babies of very poor parents.
- None of the above.
Question 6 .
In the context of this class, Swearing is…
- Sinful.
- Improper language for anyone under 2 years of age or professors.
- Expressive-combinative communication.
- Nominal-graded communication.
- Politically correct for CD 361 Students.
Question 7 .
Language is …
- based primarily on Symbols.
- based primarily on Signs.
- a nominal graded communication.
- used by parrots to communicate with other parrots and humans.
- expressive combinative communication.
Question 8 .
The picture below is of a…
- symbol
- sign.
- professor’s left foot
- word for foot
- human being.
Question 9 .
To facilitate cognitive and language development in infants and toddlers, caretakers can most easily and effectively
- manipulate..
- signs.
- symbols.
- referents.
- brain tissue.
- drug consumption.
Question 10 .
Windows of opportunity to facilitate cognitive and motor development…
- are determined by the parents.
- are the same at every age.
- are irrelevant to a consideration of referents.
- are biologically regulated.
- all of the above
Question 11 .
At birth, the brain of the child is typically around 350 grams which is about…
- 25% of the size of the adult brain.
- 50% of the size of the adult brain.
- 75% of the size of the adult brain.
- 100% of the size of the adult brain.
- 150% of the size of the CD 361 professor’s brain (hint-this may be true but it is not a politically correct answer.)
Question 12 .
During the first two years of life, the brain grows…
- 5 milligrams.
- 350 milligrams.
- 1 milligram per minute.
- 350 milligrams per day.
- 1/1000th of a milligram per hour
Question 13 .
The baby’s brain is making new connections at the fastest rate at…
- eight to thirteen weeks after fertilization.
- 7.5 months after fertilization to 2 years of age.
- puberty.
- senescence.
- all ages are equal.
Question 14 .
A reduced level of stimulation may result in…
- diminished brain growth and a loss of brain tissue
- an increase fat the content of the brain.
- a reduction in the ware and tear on the neural circuits.
- all of the above.
- none of the above.
Question 15 .
In the thought processes, a symbol…
- may be substituted for a concept.
- will be associated with a concept by a cause an effect relation.
- is a call to action.
- has an iconic relation to a concept.
- none of the above.
Question 16 .
The ability to use language as a social vehicle for establishing and maintaining relationships with others is called (from Born to Talk)…
- Semantics.
- Receptive Language.
- Pragmatics.
- Syntax.
- Expressive language.
Question 17 .
The ability for humans to talk about things that are distant in time or space is called (from Born to Talk)…
- Discreteness.
- Arbitrariness.
- Semanticity.
- indexicality.
- Displacement.
Question 18 .
What is the ability that humans have that allows us to deceive others in their communications (from Born to Talk)?
- Prevarication.
- Reflexiveness.
- Learnability.
- Recursion.
- None of the above.
Question 19 .
According to Charles Hockett’s third ‘design-feature’ of language, rapid fading means that speech signals are (from Born to Talk)…
- transitory.
- spoken in quick succession.
- quickly changing their meaning over time.
- typically too soft so people must speak louder.
- quickly displaced.
Question 20 .
Pragmatics involves not only the use of language according to socially established standards but also involves (from Born to Talk)…
- nonverbal behaviors.
- body language.
- supra segmental phonemes.
- expressive graded communication
- all of the above.
CD 361 – Language Development in Children
10. Quiz 10 – CD 361
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