Quiz 5 - CD 361
Question 1 .
The Pinna is part of the…
- Inner ear.
- Middle ear.
- Outer ear.
- larynx.
- esophogus
Question 2 .
The External Auditory Meatus is part of the…
- Inner ear.
- outer ear.
- middle ear.
- larynx.
- pharynx.
Question 3 .
An obstruction in the External Auditory Meatus could cause…
- A sensory neural hearing loss.
- deafness.
- a conductive hearing loss.
- distorted hearing.
- presbycusis
Question 4 .
The TYMPANIC MEMBRANE is part of the…
- middle ear.
- outer ear.
- inner ear.
- larynx
- soft palate
Question 5 .
The three OSSICLES (Malleus, Incus and Stapes)…
- Are the smallest bones in our body.
- Extend in a chain between the tympanic membrane and the cochlea.
- Mechanically increase the intensity of a sound that reaches the inner ear.
- exist in an air filled cavity.
- all of the above.
Question 6 .
Because sound must travel from air in the outer and middle ear to fluid in the Cochlea…
- this is a common cause of deafness.
- a significant sound distortion occurs.
- a 50 dB loss in the intensity of the sound occurs .
- a sound echo is created.
- all of the above.
Question 7 .
A passage way going from the area opposite the soft palate to the middle ear, which equalizes the pressure on each side of the tympanic membrane is called….
- The Eustachian tube.
- The External Auditory Meatus
- the larynx
- the esophogus.
- the velum.
Question 8 .
When we chew, the same muscles that close (raise) the velum….
- close the vocal folds.
- open the Esophagus.
- close the Eustachian tube.
- open the Eustachian tube.
E close the Esophagus.
Question 9 .
Otitis Media is a middle ear infection, which causes…
- a Sensory Neural hearing loss.
- deafness.
- a conductive hearing loss.
- a lateral lisp.
- a vocal hoarseness.
Question 10 .
Otitis Media is a middle ear infection, which does all of the following EXCEPT…
- can last for many months.
- invades the porous bone around the middle ear.
- causes a conductive hearing loss.
- is typically reversible through medical treatment.
- effects the higher frequency most of all.
Question 11 .
The highest incidence of a socially significant hearing loss comes from…
- head wounds from sports like football and boxing.
- Genetic inheritance.
- Otitis media.
- otosclerosis.
- noise polution.
Question 12 .
Otosclerosis is all EXCEPT…
- a conductive hearing loss.
- caused by plaque on the ossicles.
- it occurs in more women than men.
- can be treated medically.
- results eventually in total deafness.
Question 13 .
The Semi Circular Canals…
- Are the transducers for the sense of balance.
- Are the transducers for the sense hearing.
- Are structurally part of the larynx.
- Are structurally part of the outer ear.
- run from the middle ear to the back of the naso pharynx
Question 14 .
The Cochlea is all EXCEPT…
- it is embedded in very dense bone.
- it is shaped like a snail shell.
- it is a double layered tube.
- it is filled with fluid.
- it is the source of a conductive hearing loss.
Question 15 .
The Basilar Membrane ….
- is in the external auditory meatus.
- contains the hair cells for auditory transduction.
- is structurally the floor of the middle ear
- is the ear drum.
- all of the above.
Question 16 .
In which Stage does a child begin to express negation? (from Born to Talk)
- Stage 1.
- Late Stage 1.
- Late Stage 2.
- Late Stage 3.
- Stage 4.
Question 17 .
According to Carey, between which ages does a child starts to learn vocabulary rapidly? (from Born to Talk)
- Ages 18 months- 6 years .
- Ages 12 months- 17 months.
- Ages 6 years to 8 years .
- Ages 9 years to 10 years.
- after senescence.
Question 18 .
In which age range does a child learns to use regular past tense such as “Mommy went to work?” (from Born to Talk)
- 26 months-48 months.
- 29 months -39 months.
- 30 months – 50 months.
- 19 months – 28 months.
- 28 months – 30 months.
Question 19 .
The term __________ is used to refer to a change in a word created by adding a grammatical morpheme. (from Born to Talk)
- inflection.
- module.
- syntax
- deep structure.
- surface structure.
Question 20 .
The verb “to be” can also be used as a helping or _________ verb. (from Born to Talk)
- regular
- auxiliary
- irregular
- adverb
- copula
CD 361 – Language Development in Children
10. Quiz 10 – CD 361
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