Quiz 3 - CD 361
Question 1 .
Of the five levels of rules that must be learned by children with emerging language, USE (i.e., the reason for the communication) is related to…
- phonology
- morphology
- pragmatics
- semantics
- Syntax
Question 2 .
A language of primitive societies, like Hawaiian, which has FEWER phonemes than English…
- is easier for children to learn.
- is restricted in the number of concepts it can be used to express.
- is considered a pre language suited for the needs of primitive natives
- can only generate short sentences.
- None of the above.
Question 3 .
Dr. Hall from CD 361 Lectures, recommends that normal babies (i.e., without any cognitive disabilities)…
- should be stimulated in more than one language when possible.
- should be stimulated in only one language to avoid confusion.
- should be allowed to watch television as much as possible to develop language .
- should be put in a day care as young as possible to learn language.
- none of the above.
Question 4 .
The “ed” in the word “jumped”…
- is a bound morpheme.
- is a free morpheme.
- is a megaphone.
- is a holophrastic sentence.
- is all of the above.
Question 5 .
Which of the following words has the least number of morphemes …
- cats.
- John’s.
- jumped.
- Mississippi.
- argumentative.
Question 6 .
In Browns MLU Developmental Chart, plurals and the “ing” endings appear in …
- Stage 1.
- Stage 2.
- Stage 3.
- Stage 4.
- Stage 5.
Question 7 .
SYNTAX IS FOUND in all languages EXCEPT …
- Hawaiian.
- remote areas of Indonesia.
- the aborigines of Australia
- the Eskimos of Canada
- none of the above because every language on Earth contains syntax.
Question 8 .
Transformations are rules …
- which describe language structure .
- for expressing tense, number, possession and the function of words.
- for changing language structure.
- for combining the sounds of language .
- for the effective use of language.
Question 9 .
In an Analytic language, the actor and the acted upon are expressed through …
- word order.
- word endings.
- supra segmental phonemes .
- pointing.
- all of the above.
Question 10 .
In English deep structure, the main constituents of thought are, …
- Determiners and nouns.
- Auxiliaries and verbs.
- the noun phrase .
- the verb phrase.
- “c” and “d” above.
Question 11 .
For the one year old child for whom meaning is very concrete, the word “dog” …
- may refer to a particular dog and no other.
- may refer to all dogs.
- may refer to all dogs, cats and horses.
- may refer to all dogs, cats, horses and rabbits and professors.
- none of the above.
Question 12 .
The baby learns the word “mama” because every time baby says it, mama appears. This is learning on the basis of…
- Classical conditioning.
- pure coincidence.
- Operant conditioning.
- an Inherited knowledge of the word meaning.
- none of the above.
Question 13 .
Who held the point of view that concepts had to precede language development…
- Piaget.
- Skinner.
- Vygotsky.
- Lenneberg.
- Disney
Question 14 .
In Pragmatics “Locution” refers to…
- The Semantic (literal) meaning of a sentence.
- The intention of the speaker of the sentence.
- How the sentence was interpreted by the listener.
- how correctly the sentence was articulated.
- how complex the sentence was.
Question 15 .
According to Dr. Tannen discussing the pragmatics of the sexes …
- Girls talk to share information.
- Boys talk to secure group dominance or status.
- Boys talk to solve problems.
- all of the above.
- none of the above (i.e., there is no difference).
Question 16 .
According to Piaget’s theory, during which periods of development are the child’s behaviors reflexive and motor (from Born to Talk)?
- Birth to 2 years.
- 2 to 7 years.
- 7 to 11 years .
- 11-15 years
- 15-21 years.
Question 17 .
In which age range does a child use mental state terms, such as “want” and “see”? (from Born to Talk)
- Infancy.
- 18 months to 2 years.
- 3-5 years.
- 5-8 years.
- Post 10 years.
Question 18 .
Which of the following is NOT an example of Howard Gardner’s seven types of intelligence? (from Born to Talk)
- Musical.
- Love.
- Naturalist.
- Logical
- Linguistic.
Question 19 .
According to Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, a schema refers to (from Born to Talk)…
- the process of synchronistic thought
- A cognitive structure that helps children process, identify, organize, and store information.
- A cognitive process to maintain a balance between assimilation and accommodation.
- The stage concept of cognitive development.
- The ages and stages young children go through for language development.
Question 20 .
A three-year-old who is able to take another person’s perspective is most likely to be in what Cognitive stage of Piaget’s theory (from Born to Talk)…
- Pre-operational .
- Formal operational.
- Concrete operational.
- Imitation/ mimicking.
- Object permanence.
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