
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Political Science - Congressional Leadership


Hi I’m Craig and this is Crash Course. Government and Politics and today we’re going to examine the leadership structure of Congress. I know pretty exciting stuff. Now calm down let me explain.

So we’re going to talk about what the political parties do in Congress as well. Even if you don’t follow politics you probably have heard of the name and titles if not the functions of the various leaders.

I’m going to need some help on this one so let’s go to the clowns zone in the clown zone today.

I’ve got house clone and Senate clone to help me explain congressional leadership House clone in the house they get away.

The leader of the House of Representatives is the speaker of the house and he or she is the third most powerful person in the country. The speaker is always elected by whichever party is in the majority. These elections take place every two years because the whole house is elected every two years. That’s a lot of elections at the time of the shooting this episode the speaker of the House is John Boehner from Ohio.

Known for his tan tears and tacos. Yeah he’s oddly really good at making tacos. I had the barbecue pork at his house when I had the beef tongue. He called it my Lingua interesting choice. The speaker has two assistance to help run the house. The majority whip has the primary task of counting votes on important pieces of legislation and making the party members vote along with their party whipping them into line I suppose. The third line is the House majority leader who helps the majority and probably does other stuff but mainly he’s chosen by the Speaker because he’s popular with particular factions within the party. The minority party that’s the one with fewer members elected in a term also has a minority leader and the minority whip. But no speaker the minority leader is the de facto spokesperson for the minority party in the House which is why you often see him or her on TV or on your phone or i pad your pager.

I don’t think you could see it on your pager. Hey that was some pretty good stuff. You said their house clown. What’s the deal with the Senate Santa.



Things are simpler over in the Senate because we have only one hundred August members and not the rabble of 435 to try to manage the leader of the Senate as the majority leader and he so far it’s always been a he is elected by the members of his party which by definition is the majority party the one with fifty one or more members. There’s also a minority leader which like the minority leader in the house is the party’s spokesperson the vice president presides over the Senate sessions when he doesn’t have anything better to do. Even though it’s one of his few official constitutional duties when the veep is offered a funeral or undermining the president with one of his gaffes the president pro tempore a presides. The president pro tem is a largely ceremonial role that is given to the most senior member of the majority party. Senior year means longest serving not necessarily oldest although it can be the same thing. No one would want to be a congressional leader if there was no power involved. So it’s important to know what powers these folks have and how they exercise them. Also I’m not supposed to do this but let’s go to the Super Bowl.

I love saying that the primary way that leaders in both the House and Senate exercised power is through committee assignments by assigning certain members to certain committees. The leadership can ensure that their views will be represented on those committees. Also leaders can reward members with good committee assignments usually ones that allow members to connect with their constituents or stay in the public eye or punish wayward members with bad committee assignments like the Committee for cleaning the toilets or something. The speaker of the house is especially powerful in his role assigning congressmen to committees. Congressional leaders shape the agenda of Congress having a huge say in which issues get discussed and how that discussion takes place. The speaker is very influential here although how debate happens in the house is actually decided by the House Rules Committee which makes this a rather powerful committee to be the Senate doesn’t have a Rules Committee. So there’s no rules. Oh yeah there’s rules the body as a whole decides how long debate will go on and whether amendments will be allowed. But the majority leader if he can control his party still has a lot of say in what issues will get discussed agenda setting is often a negative power which means that it is exercised by keeping items off the agenda rather than putting them on. It’s much easier to keep something from being debated at all than to manage the debate once it started. It’s also rather difficult for the media to discuss an issue that’s never brought up no matter how much the public might ask.




But why don’t you talk about this thing that matters a lot to me.

Speaking of the media congressional leaders can also wield power because they have greater access to the press and especially TV. That’s the thing people used to watch instead of YouTube. This is largely a matter of efficiency. Media outlets have only so many reporters and they aren’t going to waste resources on the first term congressman from some district in upstate New York. No one even goes to upstate New York. Is there anyone in upstate New York. Has anyone ever gone upstate New York when the speaker calls a press conference reporters show up and the majority leader can usually get on the Sunday talk shows if he wants media access is a pretty handy way to set an agenda for the public. Finally congressional leaders exercise a lot of power through their ability to raise money and funnel it into their colleagues campaign. I want colleagues like that. Each house of Congress has a special campaign committee and whoever chairs it has the ability to shift campaign funds to the race that needs it most or to the Congress person he or she most wants to influence the official leadership has little trouble raising money since donors want to give to proven winners who have a lot of power and get the most bang for their buck. Since the leaders usually win their races easily this is more true in the House than the Senate. They frequently have extra campaign money to give off of the donations are given to political action committees or PACs which we’ll talk about in another episode. To spend a lot of time talking about political parties and probably having parties of our own in later episodes especially their role in elections. But they are really important once Congress is in office too. One way that parties matter is incredibly obvious. If you stop to think about it it’s contained in the phrase majority rules. This is especially true in the house where the majority party chooses the speaker but it’s also the case in the Senate. This is why ultimately political parties organize and raise so much money to win elections. If one of the parties controls both houses and the presidency as the Democrats did in 2008 through 2009 that party is much more likely to actually get things done. The party that’s the majority in each house is also the majority on all of that house’s committees or at least the important ones. And as we saw in the last episode committees are where most of the legislative work in Congress gets done gets did. As you probably figured out the majority party chooses the committee chairs too so it’s really got a lock on that sweet legislative agenda. Parties also can make Congress more efficient by providing a framework for cooperation the party provides a common set of values or Republican from Florida and one from Wyoming will have something in common. Even if their constituents don’t these common values can be basis of legislation. Sometimes. But sometimes.



That happens. Political parties also provide discipline in the process. When a party is more unified it’s easier for the leader to set an agenda and get the membership to stick to it. Right. Unified lack of party unity can make it difficult for the leadership. In 2011 a large group of very conservative newbie congressmen associated with the Tea Party movement made it difficult for Speaker Boehner to put forward an agenda. The Tea Party caucus felt Boehner compromised too much with the Democrats even though his agenda was by some standards pretty conservative. As a result Congress wasn’t able to get much done except make itself unpopular. So if you combine all this with the stuff we learned about congressional committees you should have a pretty good understanding of how Congress actually works. My understanding as this course progresses and you fall in love with politics and myself be on the lookout for how the leadership sets the agenda and pay attention to what issues might be floating around that aren’t getting discussed in Congress. Understanding who the congressional leaders are and knowing their motivations can give you a sense of why things do and don’t get done by the government. And if you’re lucky you live in a district represented by a member of leadership. In that case the person you vote for will be in the news all the time which is kind of satisfying my guess.