Quiz 6 - CD 361
Question 1 .
The structuring and organization of stimulation in the brain, received from the environment through the transducers to the brain refers to…
- kinesthesia.
- transduction.
- perception.
- the mixer.
- aphasia.
Question 2 .
A percept is the result of…
- inherited neurologic structures and function.
- past experiences.
- expectancies.
- needs.
- all of the above.
Question 3 .
Perception is ultimately…
- reality.
- a guess.
- a dream.
- dependent upon intelligence
- all of the above.
Question 4 .
Perceiving the endless staircase (below) is an example of…
- a closure task.
- a hidden figure ground task.
- a masked figure ground task
- a reversible figure ground task.
- a visual acuity task.
Question 5 .
Perception …
- is a process.
- takes time to complete.
- can result in confusion if faulty.
- is effected by learning or past experiences.
- all of the above
Question 6 .
As the redundancy of a message increases …
- the amount of information decreases.
- the signal becomes longer.
- the message takes longer to decode.
- the message becomes more complicated.
- all of the above.
Question 7 .
Grammatical rules, repetition and concepts…
- are elements of new information in a message.
- make a message harder to decode.
- are a form of redundancy.
- make the message signal much longer.
- increase the time it takes to process a message.
Question 8 .
At the Specific Level of Perceptual organization….
- the figure appears to move forward being even on top of the ground.
- the range of perceptual guessing is reduced.
- the figure becomes more durable (i.e. resistant to masking)’
- all of the above.
- none of the above.
Question 9 .
Visual Acuity is…
- the structuring and organizing of impulses after they have been transduced by the eye.
- based on intelligence.
- the ability of the retina to resolve discrete lines.
- the ability to shift focus from near to far or visa versa.
- all of the above.
Question 10 .
Babies are born with the capacity to perceive changes in brightness as well as adults…
- only by the time they are teenagers.
- only if they are given special glasses.
- none of the above.
Question 11 .
The most powerful stimulus source for a baby is….
- television.
- the human face when speaking.
- pictures of mommy and daddy.
- animation on an IPad.
- all of the above are equally stimulating.
Question 12 .
Size and Shape constancy…
- provide redundancy in a stimulus.
- improves the speed of perceptual processing.
- is a perceptual process that modifies perceptual images.
- simplifies the perception of the world environment.
- all of the above.
Question 13 .
The Perceptual skill of Spatial Relations involves an awareness of …
- the right vs left and up vs down orientation of an object.
- the position in space of things relative to other things as the center point in space.
- size and shape constancy.
- figure ground discrimination.
- visual acuity.
Question 14 .
To decode the following message, “I w a n t
a n A” i n th i s cl
a ss” when sounded out requires the perceptual skill of…
- figure ground discrimination (aural).
- figure ground discrimination (statistical).
- Signal to noise discrimination.
- auditory blending.
- temporal resolving power.
Question 15 .
Sound localization requires…
- two good ears.
- one good ear.
- three good ears and a Ph.D.
- two good eyes.
- none of the above.
Question 16 .
What does the IRE model stand for… (from Born to Talk)
- Response, Initiates and Evaluates.
- Recall, Intentions, Elaborates.
- Response, Initiates, Elaborates.
- Recall, initiates, Elaborates/
- Response, Innovation, Evaluates.
Question 17 .
What is the consolidation phase? (From Born to Talk)
- When a child writes strings of words, using the same vocabulary and rules of grammar he uses in his speech.
- When a child’s writing becomes differentiated from the way he/she talks through the use of more sophisticated grammar in writing than in speaking.
- When a child has learned the basics of writing.
- When a child is using a number of spelling strategies.
- When a child is able to represent vowels as well as consonants with letters.
Question 18 .
Nelson (1985) describes the _______________ as the knowledge students must learn regarding the world—knowledge that is shared at particular grade levels, regardless of cultural backgrounds of individual students. (from Born to Talk)
- pragmatics.
- morphology.
- deep structure.
- surface structure.
- cultural curriculum.
Question 19 .
If you were asked to describe the basic format of instruction in a typical elementary or junior high school classroom, we suspect you would describe what Mehan (1979) calls the____________…(from Born to Talk)
- classroom curriculum.
- IRE model.
- reading, writing and arithmetic, taught to the tune of a hickory stick.
- instructional conversation.
- lapse of logic
Question 20 .
Sometimes, instruction occurs in the context of classroom discussions during, which students talk to one another as well as to the teacher. This format is known as__________. (from Born to Talk)
- shared responsibility for learning.
- instructional conversation.
- revoicing.
- lapse of logic.
- classroom curriculum.
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