
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Quiz 1

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  California State University, Northridge  »  Sociology  »  Soc 348 – Juvenile Delinquency  »  Fall 2022  »  Quiz 1

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  the juvenile is charged with an offense that must be adjudicated in the juvenile court or the prosecution and juvenile court judge exercise their discretion to retain jurisdiction
B  the young person is below the age at which the criminal court traditionally assumes jurisdiction
C  the act is illegal for underage persons but not for adults
D  the act would be a criminal offense if it were committed by an adult
Question #2
A  self-control
B  planful competence
C  attachment
D  turning points
Question #3
A  persistence
B  age of onset
C  desistance
D  escalation
Question #4
A  historical context of delinquency
B  parens patriae philosophy of juvenile courts
C  Developmental Life-Course theory
D  delinquency and social policy
Question #5
A  status frustration
B  ascetic hostility
C  social rebellion
D  aspiration avoidance
Question #6
A  presence of motivated offenders
B  availability of suitable targets
C  skills necessary to engage in crime
D  absence of capable guardians
Question #9
A  a schizophrenic
B  a sociopath
C  a delusional delinquent
D  a manic-depressant
Question #10
A  dizygotic twins
B  identical twins
C  fraternal twins
D  adopted twins
Question #11
A  nationwide deinstitutionalization of status offenders
B  focus of federal effort on serious, violent, or chronic delinquents
C  disillusionment with the family as a form of social control for delinquency
D  spread of drug-trafficking street gangs due to crack epidemic
Question #12
A  juvenile courts era
B  juvenile rights era
C  colonial period
D  houses of refuge era
Question #13
A  victim-offender conferencing
B  community conferencing and peacemaking
C  restitution programs
D  family group conferences
Question #14
A  race of offender
B  age at first conviction
C  family characteristics
D  community disorganization
Question #15
A  are committed by minorities
B  are typically referred back to juvenile authorities
C  are considered as status offenses
D  are brought to the attention of the court
Question #16
A  use drugs
B  have a later age of onset
C  have an early age of onset
D  never had an arrest record
Question #18
A  Farrington
B  Shaw and McKay
C  Travis Hirschi
D  Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck
Question #19
A  denial of family
B  denial of responsibility
C  appeal to higher loyalties
D  denial of the victim
Question #20
A  ego
B  psychosexual desire
C  superego
D  id
Question #22
A  theory of differential oppression
B  poverty oppression expression
C  Marxist perspective
D  power-control thesis
Question #23
A  Lower-class boys seek out legitimate means to attain middle-class success goals, usually through one of three specialized gang contexts.
B  Lower-class boys are unable to attain the goals of middle-class culture, and therefore they become involved in nonutilitarian, malicious, and negative behavior.
C  Subcultures of violence exist among lower-class males and legitimize the use of violence.
D  Social structure exerts pressure on individuals who cannot attain the cultural goal of success, leading them to engage in nonconforming behavior.
Question #24
A  violent, property
B  property, violent
C  financial, violent
D  violent, financial
Question #26
A  high percentage of crossover youth are girls
B  more likely to have their cases dismissed compared to other youth
C  younger than non-crossover youth
D  African American youth are overrepresented in crossover cases.
Question #27
A  survey data
B  experimental data
C  content analysis
D  cohort group
Question #28
A  labeling theory
B  differential social control theory
C  theory of differential oppression
D  symbolic interactionist theory
Question #29
A  belief
B  involvement
C  morals
D  attachment
Question #31
A  critical dimensions
B  focal concerns
C  urban utilities
D  endemic entities
Question #33
A  single parents
B  more guns in use
C  lenient courts
D  urban life
Question #35
A  Get tough policies
B  Evidence-based practices (EBP)
C  Deinstitutionalization of status offenders (DSO)
D  Houses of refuge
Question #36
A  encourage community-based alternatives to juvenile detention
B  promote the development of correctional facilities
C  promote deinstitutionalization of status offenders
D  encourage elimination of the practice of jailing juveniles
Question #37
A  Conflict
B  Labeling
C  Symbolic interaction
D  Restorative justice
Question #38
A  economy and restraint
B  power and prestige
C  status and wealth
D  disorganization and culture
Question #39
A  reinforcement theory
B  social control theory
C  age-graded life-course perspective
D  cognitive theory
Question #40
A  increase, decrease, remain stable
B  increase, peak, decline
C  peak, increase, decline
D  decrease, increase, decrease
Question #41
A  get tough mandate
B  Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
C  Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act of 1974
D  1985 PINS Adjustment Services Act
Question #42
A  warm and nurturing
B  similar to that of family
C  cold and brittle
D  strong
Question #43
A  The statistics overestimate the actual amount of crime.
B  The statistics reflect official police policy rather than the amount of youth crime.
C  The reports do not measure clearance by arrest.
D  The reports are classified and are not made public.
Question #44
A  atavism
B  positivism
C  the social contract
D  utilitarianism
Question #45
A  more likely to live in communities with high prevalence of gun ownership
B  gang members less likely to carry guns
C  more likely to engage in serious assaults and robberies
D  heavy drug users more likely to carry guns
Question #46
A  convicted siblings
B  conviction for a crime before age 13
C  gender of the offender
D  low family income
Question #47
A  are arrested for Part II offenses
B  have a lengthy record of crime
C  are arrested for less serious offenses
D  are scheduled for trial after their sixteenth birthday
Question #48
A  public schools
B  civil courts
C  radical criminology
D  criminal laws
Question #49
A  political institutions
B  family and neighborhood
C  religious institutions
D  governmental agents
Question #50
A  the climate and resources within the family
B  the availability of and dependence on support systems in the community
C  individual attributes of the child or adolescent
D  attributes of peers
Question #52
A  class struggle
B  racial bias
C  Poverty
D  culture
Question #53
A  those who experience the greatest conflict with middle-class values
B  those who were part of the opportunistic subculture
C  hose who leave home at a young age
D  those who adopt the hip-hop subculture
Question #54
A  social reactions
B  neutralization
C  systematic rewards
D  rationalization
Question #55
A  low intelligence
B  family criminality
C  antisocial behavior during childhood
D  race
Question #57
A  environmental
B  biological
C  structural
D  psychological
Question #58
A  substance abuse treatment
B  anger management
C  empathy development
D  conflict resolution skills
Question #59
A  ecological fallacy
B  validity
C  reliability
D  spurious association
Question #60
A  creation of harsh punishments for juveniles, similar to those for adults
B  end of child labor
C  compulsory public schooling
D  development of the belief that raising children had to do with training and socializing
E  them