Exam 3 - Anthropology 1 - Physical Anthropology
The English surveyor who developed the technique of stratigraphic correlation between regions was:
- William Smith
- Richard Owen
- Alfred Wallace
- Charles Lyell
The study of what happens to an organism’s remains after death is:
- taphonomy
- forensic biology
- archaeology
- cryptozoology
Which of the following is NOT an ideal environment for fossilization?
- acidic soil (as in a jungle)
- mud
- Rock
- sand
A layer of stratigraphy in one location overwhelmingly represents one species, while the same species is discovered in a similar stratigraphic layer fifty miles away. What method is used to provide an estimate of age for this layer and this species?
- biostratigraphy
- carbon 14
- Steno’s law of superposition
- Dendrochronology
A wooden tomb is discovered with a well-preserved mummy inside. What method could be used to date the tomb?
- dendrochronology
- thermoluminescence
- superposition
- electron spin resonance
Scientists can determine the type of plant consumed based on:
- carbon 14
- isotopes in general
- carbon 13 and carbon 12
- index fossils
An index fossil is:
- a fossil used to categorize a stratigraphic layer
- The type specimen of a species
- a fossil found in a particular site
- the ideal specimen of that species that all examples must follow
Which dating method would be most appropriate for establishing the age of a volcanic ash layer from an early hominid site in eastern Africa?
- potassium-argon dating
- electron spin resonance dating
- amino acid dating
- carbon 14 dating
Thermoluminescence dating can provide dates when used on which types of materials?
- sediment, stone and ceramics
- shell, ceramics, and wood
- bone, wood, and stone
- “bone, shell and fabric
Electron spin resonance dating can provide dates when used on which type of material?
- teeth
- wood
- shells
- stone
Fluorine dating is an example of what type of dating method?
- chemical
- nonrelative
- chronometric
- genetic
Which of the following does not apply to foraminifera in this chapter?
- useful for tracking temperature change
- provide for comparisons in two stable forms of oxygen: O12 and O 14
- analysis indicates the climate associated with the appearance of the early hominins was drier and more seasonal than in previous times
- live in the world’s oceans
The arboreal hypothesis proposes that defining primate characteristics were adaptations to life in the trees, such as:
- grasping hands and feet, developed vision and greater intelligence
- grasping hands, tails and intelligence
- developed vision, greater sense of smell and tails
- developed vision, greater sense of smell and grasping hands and feet
Paleocene organisms that may have been the first primates were:
- plesiadapiforms
- proconsulids
- driopithecids
- adapids
The Euprimates represent :
- the first true primates
- the first anthropoids
- the first true mammals
- the first true catarrhini
The Eocene adapids and omomyids are most similar to today’s lemurs and tarsiers in what ways?
- hind limbs and feet
- noses and eyes
- eyes and ears
- hands and feet
The heel bone (calcaneus) of Eosimias suggests that it may be a very primitive:
- anthropoid
- primate
- New World monkey
- ape
The northern African fossil primate called Biretia may be an early anthropoid, based on the morphology of its:
- lower premolar tooth
- pelvis
- skull
- ankle
If you are examining the fossil remains fo the genus Dryopithecus, they are most likely from where?
- France
- India
- Peru
- China
Sivapithecus is widely recognized as an ancestral member of which ape lineage?
- orangutan
- gorilla
- gibbon
- chimpanzee
During the Miocene epoch of the Cenozoic Era, there was an adaptive radiation of which kind of primate?
- apes
- prosimians
- monkeys
- humans
The most likely common ancestor of all later catarrhines and recovered from North Africa, is:
- Aegyptopithecus
- Parapithecus
- Apidium
- Oligopithecus
Which two genera may be ancestral to today’s orangutans?
- Gigantopithecus and Sivapithecus
- Khoratpithecus and Gigantopithecus
- Sivapithecus and Khoratpithecus
- Proconsul and Carpolestes
The oldest of the Miocene apes and recovered from the continent of Africa is:
- Proconsul
- Dryopithecus
- Aegyptopithecus
- Apidium
The foundational behavior of hominini was:
- habitual bipedal locomotion
- speech
- hunting
- tool use
Bipedalism’s advantages over quadrupedalism include:
- able to see farther distances and more easily transport food
- able to run faster
- able to climb more efficiently
- able to sleep more easily
The oldest bipedal ancestors of the lineage leading to humans is currently:
- Sahelanthropus tchadensis
- Paranthropus
- Australopithecus afarensis
- Orrorin tugenensis
Bipedalism in Sahelanthropus was determined by:
- position of the foramen magnum
- shape of the pelvis
- arch in the foot
- length of the femur
The oldest hominid yet recovered to date comes from the country of:
- Ethiopia
- Chad
- Egypt
- Kenya
Distinctive characteristics of robust australopithecines include:
- small front teeth and large back teeth
- a sagittal crest
- all of these
- a small brain
Which of the following does not apply to Piltdown?
- the fossils were discovered in England
- fossils were given the scientific name of Eoanthropus dawsonii
- radiocarbon dating demonstrated the fossils could not have come from the same individual
- discovery of the Taung child begins to discredit the Piltdown fossils
Most of the early fossil hominins were recovered from three key countries in Eastern Africa:
- Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania
- Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Uganda
- Sudan, Kenya, Egypt
- Uganda, Ethiopia, Egypt
Which of the following is incorrect regarding Laetoli?
- radiopotassium/potassium-argon dating
- fossilized footprints
- Kenya
- australopithecines
In which kind of deposits are the hominids of South Africa frequently discovered?
- limestone caves
- sedimentary sandstone
- lava flows/basalt layers
- mud and siltstone deposits
Which anatomical characteristic of Orrorin tugenensis was indicative of bipedal locomotion?
- shape of the femur
- the shape of the pelvis
- the elbow
- the position of the foramen magnum
Which of the following does not pertain to Lucy?
- fully adult female
- Ethiopia
- robust australopithecine
- Australopithecus afarensis
A preaustralopithecine most likely has which of the following characteristics?
- modified honing chewing, primitive apelike traits and small brain
- modified honing chewing, primitive apelike traits, increased brain size
- nonhoning chewing, primitive apelike traits, increased brain size
- nonhoning chewing, loss of apelike traits, small brain size
Anthropology 1 – Physical Anthropology
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