
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Sample Orders

Community Experience Project Paper

Instructions There are a wide variety of community-based treatment settings in which psychiatric-mental health nurses practice. Mental Health Community Experience is to provide students with the opportunity to compare psychiatric services and identify nursing roles, responsibilities and activities in the community setting. Your campus will determine the number of hours and experiences that you will …

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Pathophysiology Case Study for Multiple Sclerosis

Complete a clinical case study analysis, research review, and oral presentation about the pathophysiology of Multiple Sclerosis. Presentations should follow a case study SBAR format (situation, background, assessment, and recommendations). Include four (4) different medical-based evidence and/or research recommendations. Include at least five (5) scholarly sources in your overall presentation. Should include: Introduction to the …

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Nursing Intervention Paper

The purpose of the MSN-APRN Examination is to demonstrate the student’s ability to use and apply existing research evidence to systematically formulate and answer clinically relevant questions for advanced nursing practice in primary or acute care. The student will select and evaluate peer-reviewed health care research and translate research and clinical outcomes studies for specific …

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Servant Leadership Paper

Learning Outcomes 1. Understand and evaluate the different approaches to the study of leadership. 2. Define, explain and illustrate principles of effective leadership and the management of change, negotiation and conflict resolution and the role of organisational power. 3. Understand the major ethical, social pressures and challenges facing leaders today. 4. Apply a leadership framework …

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Computer Algorithms

Reading Requirements: Read Chapter 1: “Algorithm Basics” and Chapter 2: “Numerical Algorithms” from the book below (search for it in the Trident Online Library): Stephens, R. (2013). Essential algorithms a practical approach to computer algorithms. Wiley. Retrieved from https://doc.lagout.org/science/0_Computer%20Science/2_Algorithms/Essential%20Algorithms_%20A%20Practical%20Approach%20to%20Computer%20Algorithms%20%5BStephens%202013-08-12%5D.pdf howstuffworks. (n.d.), What is a computer algorithm? Retrieved from http://computer.howstuffworks.com/question717.htm MITOpenCourseware. (2011). Introduction to Algorithms, Lecture …

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Stress and Crisis Paper

You are the sector highway patrol commander. Among the units under your command is a traffic homicide investigation unit. You notice that one of your traffic homicide investigators (TAIs) is acting sullen and withdrawn. You have observed him in both a professional and social setting. You know he is a terrific traffic homicide officer and …

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