What is Sociology?
What is Sociology?
Most simply put, sociology is the study of human society
A more elaborate definition: Sociology is the systematic and scientific study of the social structure, human behavior and social change
What do we mean by systematic and scientific?
Informed by theory and methodology (informed studies based on scientific methods such as observation, experiment, survey, statistics and subsequent analysis of data).
It is not rooted in common sense or opinion
Since more people tend to be more familiar with the discipline of psychology, it is helpful to use that field as a point of reference when trying to understand the field of sociology. The main difference between psychology and sociology is that psychologists focus on the individual level (e.g. developmental stages, brain development, functions, and/or processes, personality or temperament, etc.). Sociological analyses on the other hand, even when studying micro level phenomenon, always looks at the relationship between the individual and society. Thus, the focus is on the dynamic influence that both the individual and the society can have on each other. This bedrock notion of the discipline is best capture by another flagship concept called the sociological imagination.
The Sociological Imagination
Coined by C. Wright Mills in 1959.
In order to understand the complexity and nuance of social life, Mills contends that one must utilize what he called a sociological imagination. The sociological imagination is a way of thinking that incorporates three features of society: 1) history 2) biography (personal lived experience)
Mills argues, “the life of an individual not the history of a society can be understood without understanding both.” By this, Mills means that we can not understand our own personal lives nor the conditions of society without looking at and understanding how both influence and inform each other. In other words, we cannot understand our own lives or the conditions of society without understanding the mutual influence that both have on each other.
Central Concepts of the Sociological Perspective: Social Construction, Critical Thinking and Socialization
Social Constructionism (Nature versus Nurture) – Sociologists argue that aspects of life that we take for granted or assume to be naturally occurring phenomena, are actually social created by human beings. As sociologists, we try to disentangle that which is actually socially constructed from what appears as natural or biological.
Thus, as Sociologists, our job is to think critically—to ask questions about that which we tend to take for granted. When we think critically, we ask questions such as: What makes you think that? What data supports your argument or conclusion? For example, if someone states that the crime rate is rising, a critical thinker would ask, “What makes you say that?” “What data can you provide to support your argument?” And even further, thinking critically would also involve inquiry into data sources—such as who is funding the study that produced the data? Are there other agendas at stake?
Socialization – The social processes through which individuals develop an awareness of and internalize social norms, values and roles. [e.g. gender socialization] Sociologists argue that it is through a process of socialization that individuals learn roles, values, expectations, and identities.