Week 5 Quiz - WR 1
In at least 250 words, answer the following questions:
- —How does Muir talk about Yosemite?
- —What do you think he wants his readers to think about Yosemite and other natural spaces?
- —What do you think Muir’s bigger project is in writing about his experiences with nature in the ways that he does?
John Muir camped with Teddy Roosevelt in Yosemite in 1903, which inspired Roosevelt’s conservation programs.
- True
- False
John Muir was the Sierra Club’s first president.
- True
- False
John Muir’s last battle was to save Hetch Hetchy Valley from creating a dam was successful.
- True
- False
Yosemite Valley became a national park in 1890, due to the work of John Muir and Robert Underwood Johnson.
- True
- False
Which of the following was NOT an original purpose of the Sierra Club?
- to try use all lawful means to carry out these objectives, unless breaking the law is required to save the environment
- to explore, enjoy, and render accessible the mountain regions of the American Pacific Coast
- —to enlist the support and cooperation of the people and the government in preserving the forests and other natural features of the Sierra Nevada Mountains
- —to publish authentic information about their beauty and biodiversity
Week 5 Quiz Answers
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