
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

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Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

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Textbook 1 Exam 1 - Soc 305

Victor N. Show, CSUn

According to Alex Inkeles and Daniel Levinson, culture and personality are two different systems but can interact with each other in all of the following ways except

  1. None of the other three answers
  2. Institutionally induced noncongruence
  3. Ideal or unstable congruence
  4. Characterologically induced noncongruence

According to Alex Inkeles, there is a coherent psychosocial syndrome of individual modernity across cultures.  This syndrome is characterized by all of the following except:

  1. nostalgia for tradition
  2. A sense of efficacy
  3. An interest in planning
  4. Openess to new experience

According to Carl Rogers, the core constructs of personality include all of the following except:

  1. The external world
  2. The organism
  3. The phenomenal field
  4. The self

According to David Riesman, people in post-industrial societies

  1. Are exposed to too many choices and therefore lose their inner shame, guilt and goals.
  2. Tend to shun influence from others
  3. Tend to turn tradition and social customs for behavioral ignorance
  4. Are able to maintain a balance between external demands and internal goals.

According to George Mead, , the self has two aspects:

  1. The subjective “I” and the objective “me”
  2. The objective “I” and the possessive “mine”
  3. The subjective “me” and the possessive “my”
  4. The objective “I” and the subjective “me”

According to Karl Marx, working people in capitalist societies are alienated from:

  1. Capital, power, and means of production.
  2. Their products, the process of production, their co-workers, and ultimately themselves.
  3. Market, culture, mass media, and political process
  4. Their home, workplace, and sociocultural environment.

According to Sigmund Freud, a growing child passes through a series of psychosexual stages, proceeding

  1. From repression, to denial, to reaction formation, to projection, to displacement, to rationalization, to fixation, to regression, and to sublimation.
  2. From the oral, to the anal, to the phallic, to the latency, and to the genital.
  3. none of the other three answers.
  4. From id, to ego, to superego, and to the external reality.

According to Talcott Parsons, need-dispositions as the key element in the personality system can be characterized by four pattern variables.  Which one of the following pattern variables was not mentioned by him?

  1. Affective versus affective neutrality
  2. Achievement versus ascription
  3. Universalism versus particularism
  4. Natural endowment versus social learning.

According to the author, which one of the following questions does symbolic interactionalism have to address in the sociology of personality?

  1. Economic inequality and social division
  2. Stratification and organizational rationalization
  3. social consciousness
  4. individual definitions of social situations.

Criticisms against Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead’s work include all of the following except

  1. Subjective impressionism
  2. Cultural reductionism
  3. Cultural individualism
  4. Over-generalization

Criticisms against sociobiology include all of the following except:

  1. Projection of human social structural and cultural concepts to the animal world
  2. Superorganic conceptualization of humans and human behavior
  3. Circular explanation of cause and effect
  4. Reduction of sociocultural factors to evolutionary biology

David Riesman assumed that the sequence of character types corresponds with the curve of population growth and decline.  According to Riesman, which one of the following pairs (population growth v. social character) is applicable to post-industrial societies?

  1. Transitional growth vs. inner directed
  2. Incipient decline vs. other-directed
  3. High growth potential vs. tradition directed
  4. None of the other three answers.

Emile Durkheim argued that one commits anomic suicide when he or she, in his or her social life environment, suffers from

  1. Lack of attachment
  2. Excessive regulation
  3. Excessive attachment
  4. Lack of regulation

Gordon Allport’s classical definition of personality includes all of the following components, except:

  1. Personality as a consistent progression through stages of the life course.

B  Personality as the unique or distinctive pattern of those psychophysical systems in each individual.

  1. Personality as adaptive functions of one’s enduring system to various situations.
  2. Personality as a dynamic and yet enduring system

How did the author characterize Max Weber’s conflict theory?

  1. Max Weber’s conflict functionalism
  2. Max Weber’s domination/ legitimation conflict theory
  3. Max Weber’s marginality conflict theory
  4. Max Weber’s class-conflict theory

How would a Skinnerian behaviorist characterize eye blinking due to a sudden exposure to bright light?

  1. A conditioned stimulus
  2. An unconditional response
  3. A positive reinforcement
  4. An unconditioned stimulus

In 1982, a laid-off American autoworker in Detroit beat an innocent stranger, a Chinese- American to death, assuming Japanese are responsible for his unemployment.  Which one of the following defense mechanisms would be better explained by the case as an example?

  1. Rationalization
  2. Reaction Formation
  3. Projection
  4. Displacement

In their study on child training and personality, John Whiting and associates found all of the following except

  1. Parents in most cultures are more concerned with interpersonal relations than with body functions
  2. Child training practices and their effect on the child are closely related to explanations of illness and therapy
  3. Child-training practices among American middle-class families are quite lax and lenient
  4. American middle-class families start child-training practices exceptionally early.

Kalervo Oberg advanced a stage-model of culture shock.  The model includes the following four stages except:

  1. The adjustment stage
  2. The crisis stage
  3. The withdrawal stage
  4. The honeymoon stage

Major criticisms against Rogers’ and Maslow’s theories center around all of the following, except:

  1. Reduction of human motivation to unconscious symbolization.
  2. Empirical validity of theoretical constructs
  3. Too optimistic and simplified a view of human nature
  4. Problems of studying the subjective reality objectively.

Margaret Mead, in her classical studies on the cultural and personality patterns of the peoples in the South Sea, found all of the following except

  1. Human culture is preassumed and unyielding
  2. Samoan adolescent girls did not experience the same conflict and rebellion as American adolescents.
  3. Temperamental differences between sexes were largely determined by culture.
  4. There was a genuine reversal of the sex-attitudes of American culture among the Tchambuli people.

Max Weber envisioned the future Western man as imprisoned in an iron cage of his own making.  The iron cage is caused and characterized by:

  1. Stratification and status
  2. Actualization and marginality
  3. Rationalization and bureaucracy
  4. Class struggles and alienation

Merton identifies four deviant modes of adaptation to the disjuncture between culturally inspired goals and socially accepted means.  They are:

  1. Innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion
  2. Innovation, rebellion, conformity, and ritualism
  3. Innovation, opportunity, competition, and success
  4. Conformity, innovation, retreatism, and rebellion

Psychopath occurs when

  1. The ego blatantly disregards moral and ethical demands of the superego
  2. None of the other three answers
  3. The ego breaks with the external reality
  4. The ego cannot satisfy the id elements.

Rogers’ person-centered therapy requires that therapists have the following three qualities:

  1. Motivation, interpretive power, and transcendental mediation.
  2. Eagerness, devotion, and love of life.
  3. Genuineness, unconditional positive regard, and sympathy.
  4. Congruence, unconditional positive regard, and empathy.

Ruth Benedict found that each culture has its own configuration to mold a distinctive pattern of group personality.  According to her,

  1. The Kwakiutl personality was formed by the violent and excessively indulgent Dionysian culture.
  2. All of the other three answers.
  3. The personality differences among the Zuni, the Dobu and the Kwakiutl were caused by their respective culture practices.
  4. The Zuni personality was molded by the mild and orderly Apollonian culture.

Talcott Parsons conceptualized three functionally interrelated systems.  They are:

  1. society, culture, and personality
  2. Organism, spirituality, and society
  3. Environment, culture, and personality
  4. Nature, body and mind.

The benefits of cross-cultural research over single-culture research includes all of the following except:

  1. Promotion of contextual analysis
  2. Expansion of theoretical generalizability
  3. Elimination of unnecessary variables
  4. Refinement of key concepts

The current personality theories in psychology derive from the following three major frameworks, except:

  1. The phenomenological framework: homo creator
  2. The therapeutic framework: homo hypnos
  3. The behavioral framework: homo mechanicus
  4. The psychoanalytic framework: homo volens.

The phenomenological perspective contains all of the following basic postulates, except:

  1. The person’s free choice in perception and recognition
  2. Subjective experience and meaning as one’s reality.
  3. A holistic view of personality in the process of self-actualization
  4. The person’s acquisition of behavior through observational learning.

Variable-ratio reinforcement is a subtype of

  1. Variable-interval reinforcement
  2. Fixed-interval reinforcement
  3. Continuous reinforcement
  4. Intermittent reinforcement

Walter Mischel suggests five major cognitive variables which may account for individual differences in behavior.  They include all of the following except.

  1. Expectancies: What will happen?
  2. Competencies: What can you do?
  3. The definition of situation: If you define the situation as real, it is real in consequence
  4. Self-regulatory systems and plans: How can you achieve it.

Which of the following statements does not apply to id?

  1. It transforms bodily needs into psychological tensions
  2. It imposes moral standards upon ego.
  3. It operates on the principle of pleasure
  4. It has not sense of reality, rationality, and morality

Which one of the following assumptions would Skinner not agree in his behaviorism?

  1. Human behavior can be predicted and controlled
  2. A self is a repertoire of behavior appropriate to a given set of contingencies
  3. Human beings are subjected to the same principles of conditioning as animals are
  4. Occurrence, change, and elimination of behavior are determined by internal factors

Which one of the following biases is not involved in cross-cultural research?

  1. The courtesy of rudeness bias
  2. The I-cannot-ask-any-question bias
  3. The hidden promises bias
  4. The sucker bias

Which one of the following dimensional approaches Is epitomized in the statement that “every person is in certain aspects like all other person’s”?

  1. Individual
  2. Group
  3. Culture
  4. Environment

Which one of the following dimensions would interest sociologists most in the study of personality?

  1. Mind
  2. Group
  3. Culture
  4. Individual

Which one of the following is not a criticism against Skinnerian Behaviorism

  1. Environmental determinism
  2. A lack of the personality concept or construct
  3. Application of animal experiments to human behavior
  4. Attention to learning without reinforcement

Which one of the following is not a premise of symbolic interactionalist?

  1. Social encounters refer to situation where two or more individuals are involved
  2. Human beings act toward things on the basis of the meaning that things have for them in social encounters
  3. The meaning of things arises out of the social interaction that an individual has with his or her fellow members
  4. Meanings are handled in and modified through an interpretive process used by the person in dealing with the things he encounters

Which one of the following is not among the 12 guidelines for developing translatable instruments.

  1. Use short, simple sentences
  2. Add sentences to provide context for key ideas
  3. Repeat nouns instead of using pronouns
  4. Use general rather than specific terms.

Which one of the following is not among the most consistent findings about gender differences in intellectual abilities

  1. Females perform better in math tests when tested by a group of gender-balanced examiners
  2. Greater verbal abilities and better writing skills for females than males
  3. Higher mathematical and visual-spatial abilities for males than females
  4. No significant differences between men and women in overall IQ and creativity.

Which one of the following is not true according to Carl Rogers? A particular life experience can be:

  1. Denied or distorted if it is perceived as inconsistent with the self-structure
  2. None of the other three answers.
  3. Ignored if it is perceived as having no relationship to the self
  4. Accepted into consciousness and incorporated into the self-structure if it meets some self-needs.

Which one of the following is not true

  1. Women generally live longer than men.
  2. Women generally commit less suicide and crime than men
  3. Men generally experience a higher rate of neurosis.
  4. Men are generally more susceptible to critical illness than women

Which one of the following perspectives views society as a changing process rather than a pre-made structure?

  1. The interactionist perspective
  2. The conflict perspective
  3. The consensus perspective
  4. The structural view of society

Which one of the following sequences matches Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs?

  1. Physiological needs, belongingness and love, safety needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization
  2. Physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love, esteem needs, and self actualization
  3. Physiological needs, safety needs, esteem needs, self-actualization, and belongingness and love
  4. Physiological needs, belongingness and love, safety needs, self-actualization, and esteem needs.

Which one of the following sociological perspectives on personality is not mentioned in the text?

  1. Functionalism
  2. Conflict Theory
  3. Symbolic interactionism
  4. Rational choice theory

Which one of the following theoretical positions on the relationship between culture and personality negates or minimizes the significance of cross-cultural differences in personality?

  1. Culture as both the determinant ad expression of personality
  2. Psychoanalytic reductionism
  3. Culture as the determination of personality
  4. Culture and personality as independent systems.

Who analyzes the changing American cultural ethos in terms of three types of consciousness. 

  1. Karl Marx
  2. Charles Reich
  3. Robert Bellah
  4. David Riesman

Who used “psychosocial homeostasis” to refer to a process whereby every human individual tends to seek certain kinds of affective involvement with some of his fellow humans?

  1. John Connor
  2. Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck
  3. Francis Hsu
  4. Abram Kardiner

William Sheldon’s constitutional psychology suggested that criminals are predominantly

  1. Of XYY Karyotype
  2. Ectomorphic
  3. Mesomorphic
  4. Endomorphic



Soc 305 Culture and Personality

1. Exam 1 Soc 305

2. Exam 2 Soc 305


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