
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Lecture Exam 1

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  Prince George Community College  »  Biology  »  Biology 2060 – Anatomy and Physiology II  »  Summer 2021  »  Lecture Exam 1

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  Donor is type AB, recipient is type B
B  Donor is type O, recipient is Type O
C  Donor is type A, recipient has antibody anti-B
D  Donor is type A, recipient is type AB
E  Donor is type B, recipient has antibody anti-A
Question #3
A  several minuteswhen tissue damage is extensive.
B  several hours whentissue damage is moderate.
C  almost a fullminute when tissue damage is extensive.
D  a few millisecondswhen tissue damage is moderate.
Question #5
A  construction,plasmin
B  construction,thrombokinase
C  destruction,plasmin
D  destruction, thrombokinase
E  construction,actinomyosin
Question #6
A  basophil.
B  eosinophil.
C  lymphocyte.
D  monocyte.
E  neutrophil.
Question #8
A  defend againstpathogens.
B  triggerallergies.
C  carry oxygenthrough the blood.
D  form clots.
E  carry carbondioxide through the blood.
Question #10
A  The commonpathway
B  The intrinsicpathway
C  Each of the threepathways (intrinsic, extrinsic, and common).
D  The extrinsicpathway
Question #11
A  Transportation
B  Prevention
C  Regulation
D  Protection
Question #12
A  acidic,glycogen
B  basic, glucose
C  acidic,proteins
D  basic, proteins
E  acidic,glucose
Question #13
A  platelets.
B  erythrocytes andleukocytes.
C  platelets andleukocytes.
D  leukocytes.
E  erythrocytes.
Question #15
A  smallest,prominent nuclei
B  smallest, nonucleus
C  largest, nonucleus
D  largest, prominentnuclei
Question #16
A  erythrocyte progenitor cells.
B  monocytes frommonoblasts.
C  megakaryocytes andplatelets.
D  granulocytes fromtheir progenitors.
E  erythrocytes frommyeloid stem cells.
Question #17
A  located in the cytosol of the leukocytes.
B  located on thesurface of the leukocytes.
C  part of thereticular connective tissue of the spleen.
D  found in the cytosol of the erythrocytes.
E  found on thesurface of erythrocytes.
Question #21
A  Neutrophil
B  Eosinophil
C  Lymphocyte
D  Basophil
E  Monocyte
Question #23
A  eosinophil.
B  basophil.
C  monocyte.
D  neutrophil.
E  lymphocyte.
Question #25
A  nonpolar molecule,and therefore it requires a transporter in the blood.
B  polar molecule,and therefore it dissolves readily in plasma.
C  nonpolar molecule,and therefore it dissolves readily in plasma.
D  polar molecule,and therefore it requires a transporter in the blood.
Question #26
A  relatively resistant to heart attack,because it has a great capacity to accrue oxygen debt.
B  extremely susceptible to heart attack, because it uses such a variety of fuel sources.
C  relativelyresistant to heart attack, because it uses exclusively anaerobicmetabolism.
D  somewhat susceptible to heart attack, because it has so few mitochondria.
E  somewhat susceptible to heart attack, because it relies so exclusively on aerobic metabolism.
Question #27
A  P-R interval
B  T-P interval
C  P-T segment
D  S-T segment
E  Q-R segment
Question #28
A  calcium channelsopen and sodium channels close.
B  calcium andpotassium channels close.
C  sodium andpotassium channels open.
D  calcium channelsclose and potassium channels open.
E  sodium and chloride channels open.
Question #29
A  fibrous and serouslayers of the pericardium.
B  heart muscle andserous pericardium.
C  visceral andparietal layers of the serous pericardium.
D  parietal andmyocardial layers of the fibrous pericardium.
Question #33
A  Inferior venacava
B  Pulmonary veins
C  Pulmonary arteries
D  Superior vena cava
E  Pulmonary trunk
Question #34
A  into the cellthrough voltage-gated channels in the sarcolemma.
B  from the Golgiapparatus of the cell.
C  into the cellthrough leakage channels in the sarcolemma.
D  from thesarcoplasmic reticulum of the cell.
Question #35
A  anaerobicmetabolism using myoglobin, creatin kinase, and ketone bodies.
B  anaerobicmetabolism using glycolytic enzymes to quickly generate ATP.
C  aerobic metabolism using many mitochondria and a rich supply of myoglobin.
D  aerobic metabolismusing glycolysis of glycogen to meet most ATP demands.
Question #36
A  Contraction of the right ventricle
B  Contraction of the right atrium
C  Relaxation of theright ventricle
D  Contraction of the left atrium
E  Relaxation of the left atrium
Question #37
A  endocardium.
B  myocardium.
C  pericardialcavity.
D  pericardium.
E  pectinatemuscle.
Question #40
A  occurs only inskeletal muscle and makes those fibers’contractions most forceful.
B  allows cardiacmuscle cells to exhibit synchronous fibrillation.
C  allows cardiacmuscle cells to contract and then relax without locking up.
D  leads to tetaniccontractions in smooth and skeletal muscle.
Question #41
A  action potentialswithin the cusps of the valves.
B  contraction of thesmooth muscle in the walls of the great vessels leaving the heart.
C  pressure changes of alternating contraction and relaxation during the cardiac cycle.
D  contraction andrelaxation of papillary muscles that pull on heart strings.
Question #42
A  Calcium is entering and potassium is leaving ventricular cells.
B  Sodium channels are beginning to open in ventricular cells and calcium is entering through slowchannels in atrial cells.
C  Potassium isentering atrial cells and sodium is leaving ventricular cells.
D  Sodium is rapidly diffusing out of atrial muscle cells.
Question #44
A  the semilunar valves open and the AV valves close.
B  only the AV valves close.
C  only the semilunar valves close.
D  only the AV valves open.
E  the semilunar valves close and the AV valves open.
Question #45
A  milliliters perminute per gram.
B  millimiters perhour per kilogram.
C  beats per minute per gram.
D  liters pergram.
E  grams perminute.
Question #46
A  defibrillation ofcardic muscle cell contraction.
B  inadequate bloodsupply and damage to body tissues.
C  increases incapillary exchange.
D  increases inperfusion.
Question #47
A  pushes against thesemilunar valves and opens them.
B  pushes against theatrioventricular valves and opens them.
C  pushes against thesemilunar valves and closes them.
D  fills the cusps ofthe semilunar valves, causing them to expand and block the backflow ofblood
E  fills the cusps ofthe atrioventricular valve causing opening of the bicuspid and closure of thetricuspid.
Question #48
A  2
B  None of the choices is correct.
C  4
D  1
E  Highly variable, depending on the heart beat rate
Question #50
A  back wall of the left ventricle.
B  back wallofthe right ventricle.
C  floor of the leftatrium.
D  roof of the leftventricle.
E  floor of the rightatrium.