10 pain under his left arm. The physician completed a comprehensive history and physical examination. It was decided to admit the patient to observation based on some evidence that he may have hit the left side of his head during the fall. The medical decision making is moderately complex. Also code for a subsequent observation, one day, Expanded, Problem-Focused History, Expanded, Problem- Focused Exam and Moderate Medical Decision Making; what is noteworthy about the subsequent day observation codes?
A new patient is admitted to the observation unit of the local hospital after a 10 foot fall from a ladder. The patient hit his head on the side of the garage as he fell into a hedge that somewhat broke his fall. He has significant bruising on the left side of his body and complains of a 5 out of 10 pain under his left arm. The physician completed a comprehensive history and physical examination. It was decided to admit the patient to observation based on some evidence that he may have hit the left side of his head during the fall. The medical decision making is moderately complex. Also code for a subsequent observation, one day, Expanded, Problem-Focused History, Expanded, Problem- Focused Exam and Moderate Medical Decision Making; what is noteworthy about the subsequent day observation codes?
10 pain under his left arm. The physician completed a comprehensive history and physical examination. It was decided to admit the patient to observation based on some evidence that he may have hit the left side of his head during the fall. The medical decision making is moderately complex. Also code for a subsequent observation, one day, Expanded, Problem-Focused History, Expanded, Problem- Focused Exam and Moderate Medical Decision Making; what is noteworthy about the subsequent day observation codes?