An alternatve method of organizing economic activity is to rely on a free market. i.e. allowing people to engage in voluntary exchange where people are left alone to buy or sell only if they percieve it is in their self interest to do so and to let the market set the price of goods and services. There is no central authority telling people what to do and people are left alone to order their lives as they see fit.
According to Milton Friedman:
A neccesary condition for a system of voluntary exchange to be used to organize an economy is that prices be allowed to fluctuate according to supply and demand, i.e. no central authority interferes in people buying and selling in the market.
The Soviet Union is and example of a centrally controlled command economy that produced prosperity and freedom for its citizens.
Generally speaking, economies that rely on voluntary exchange have produced more prosperity and freedomg for its citizens than central controlled economies.
The Soviet Union is and example of a centrally controlled command economy that produced prosperity and freedom for its citizens.