Please note: If you think the student version contains BOTH word-for-word and paraphrasing plagiarism, you should check word-for-word. Also, different items can use the same original source material so be sure to read items carefully before responding.
Original Source Material
The design team held weekly meetings during the first semester of work. In addition to these meetings, the team members used emails and a listserv for communication. The team eventually created a website hosted by Google to keep track of all of the decisions made during the design process.
Lara, M. A., Myers, R., Frick, T. W., Aslan, S., & Michaelidou, T. (2010). A design case: Developing an enhanced version of the Diffusion Simulation Game. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 1(1). Retrieved from
Student Version
In the end the design team created an online repository to document all the design decisions that were made. However, initially they held weekly meetings with emails and listservs providing additional means of communication.
Which of the following is true for the student version?
The student version is: