Please note: If you think the student version contains BOTH word-for-word and paraphrasing plagiarism, you should check word-for-word. Also, different items can use the same original source material so be sure to read items carefully before responding.
Original Source Material
What, however, does not merge in this autobiographical text are the ego boundaries of mother and daughter, mother and granddaughter. They always stand apart but close, always in relation to each other, always in a mental and spiritual proximity, but as presented by the text, never threatening each other’s subjectivity. In this way, this textual representation of female and, in particular, maternal subjectivity rewrites–or rather, writes herself out of–the patriarchal inscription of the maternal: there is no fusion between the mother and the child; as is the self-sacrificial element of mothering missing from the text.
Student Version
With respect to the ego boundaries among the female characters in the text, Séllei (2009) suggests “They always stand apart but close, always in relation to each other, always in a mental and spiritual proximity, but as presented by the text, never threatening each other’s subjectivity” (p. 180). Séllei then goes on to contrast the text’s representation of the maternal with traditional patriarchal representations.
Séllei, N., (2009) The mother in mourning as the subject of autobiography in Rosamond Lehmann’s The swan in the evening: Fragments of an inner life. In A. O’Reilly, & S. Caporale-Bizzini (Eds.). From the personal to the political: Toward a new theory of maternal narrative (pp. 170-182). Cranbury, NJ: Susquehanna University Press.
Which of the following is true for the student version?
The student version is: