Please note: If you think the student version contains BOTH word-for-word and paraphrasing plagiarism, you should check word-for-word. Also, different items can use the same original source material so be sure to read items carefully before responding.
Original Source Material
Many physical education and health curricula have been developed to foster active, healthy lifestyles through various learning outcomes and objectives. Although such a goal may be desired and valued by our society, ways to achieve this goal are less understood. If elementary physical education is to assist children in developing skills and understanding that will serve as the foundation for future activities, then educators at all levels need to develop ways to foster these skills and understanding across numerous types of activities.
Mandigo, J. L., & Anderson, A. T. (2003). Using the pedagogical principles in net/wall games to enhance teaching effectiveness. Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 14(1), 8-11.
Student Version
While society may broadly appreciate and desire educational objectives that can help people lead healthy lives, the exact approaches necessary to reach these desired outcomes are not well understood. Mandigo and Anderson (2003) highlight the need for educators “to develop ways to foster these skills and understandings across numerous types of activities” (p. 8) as an important step towards making this desire a reality.
Mandigo, J. L., & Anderson, A. T. (2003). Using the pedagogical principles in net/wall games to enhance teaching effectiveness. Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 14(1), 8-11.
Which of the following is true for the student version?
The student version is: