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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Parents and non-parents in the population, differ in their views on contraception-based sex education
B Parents and non-parents in the sample groups, do not differe in their views on contraception-based sex education.
C No reasonable interpreatations can be drawn from this dataset since it is based on sample data
D Parents and non-parents in the population, do not differ in their views on contraception-based sex education
Question #2
A Yes, it is s.s.
B No, it is NOT s.s.
Question #3
A reject
B retain.
Question #4
A 1.96
B 2.58
C 1.98
D 2
Question #5
A 0.88
B 2.1
C -2.1
D -0.88
Question #6
A Two sample test of proportions (AKA Difference between proportions)
C Chi-square
D Testing the difference between means for independent samples
E Before/after testing (same sample measured twice)
Question #7
A There is no diference in opinions on teaching contraception-based sex educaiton in public schools between parent and non-parents, in the population
B There is a diference in opinions on teaching contraception-based sex educaiton in public schools between parent and non-parents
C There is no diference in opinions on teaching contraception-based sex educaiton in public schools between parent and non-parents
D There is a diference in opinions on teaching contraception-based sex educaiton in public schools between parent and non-parents
Question #8
A Gets smaller
B Does not change
C Impossible to say
D Gets larger
Question #9
A All samples must be selected randomly
B All data must be interval level data
C All variances are assumed to be equal
D All of the above are true
Question #10
A The less likely an observed difference is due to chance
B The larger the sum of squares within groups compared to the sum of squares between groups
C The more likely an oberved difference is due to chance
D The larger the mean square within groups compared to the mean square between groups.
Question #11
A Dividing the degrees of freedom within by degrees of freedom between
B Dividing the mean square within by the mean square between
C Dividing the mean square between by the mean square within
D None of the above
Question #12
A Calculated by dividing the sum of squares between by the degrees of freedom between
B Calculated by dividing the sum of squares within by the degrees of freedom within
C Is a method for assessing variation in conjunction with the sum of squares
D All of the above.
Question #13
A Between groups
B All of the abve
C For the total sample
D Within groups
Question #14
A Within group variation
B Total variation
C Between group variation
D None of the above
Question #15
A a 95% confidence interval
B a z-score critical valu of 1.96
C a probability of the findings being the result of sampling error
D all of the above.
Question #16
A Two scores exist for each respondent
B The null hypothesis states that the two groups are not equal
C The degrees of freedome is based on the total number of scores.
D None of the above is true.
Question #17
A The less probable that our results are due to chance alone
B The more probable that our results are due to chance alone
C The larger the probability of making a Type 1 error
D The larger our critical (table) t value
Question #18
A requires only one samples characteristics
B does not include the sample sizes
C is an estimate of the standard deviation in a sampling distribution of difference
D cannot be properly estimated
Question #19
A Means a higher probability of the obtained difference being a result of sampling error
B Means a lower probability of the obtained difference being a result of sampling error
C Means a skewed distribution
D Means a normal distribution
Question #20
A Made a Type 2 error
B Made a Type 1 error
C Made the correct decision
D None of the above
Question #21
A Claim that a significant difference exists between groups
B conclude that the sampling error is responsible for our obtained difference
C Have committed a Type 2 error
D Have an obtained (calculated) t value greater than our critical (table) value
Question #22
A Gang members differ from non-gang members in perceptions of violence
B Senior citizens driving behaviors do not differ from those of teenagers
C Juveniles do ot differ from adults in criminal offense behaviors
D Catholics and protestants pray the same amount
Question #23
A the likelihood that the mean will be greater than the media
B the likelihood the mean and the median and the moe will all have the same value
C the likelihood that the median will be the most frequent score
D the likelihood that the samples were drawn from populations with equal medians
Question #24
A only applicble to interval level data
B not applicable for nominal data
C less powerful than parametric tests
D more “robust” than parametric tests
Question #25
A a chi-square test
B a parametric test
C Pearson’s r
D a difference between means test
Question #26
A reject the null hypothesis
B accept the null hypothesis
C use Yates’ adjusted formula
D square all values
Question #27
A the frequences one would expect if the research hypothesis was true
B The frequences one would expect if the null hypothesis was true
C The frequences one would expect if the sample was truly representative of the population
D the frequences one would expect if the sample was normally distributed
Question #28
A the distinction between expected and observed frequencies
B only observed frequences
C the distinction between two interval level variables
D the distinction between one ordinal and one interval level variable