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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Assess the CSF fluid laboratory test results
B Administer prescribed antibiotics.
C Encourage oral fluid intake.
D Prepare the client for a CT scan.
Question #2
A Photophobia
B Positive Brudzinski sign
C Nuchal rigidity
D Positive Kerning sign
Question #3
A Urine output of 40 ml/hour
B Even, unlabored respirations
C Warm, dry skin
D Soft, nondistended abdomen
Question #4
A Assess the patient’s sensitivity to light.
B Help the patient flex his neck and observe for flexion of the hips and knees
C Support the patient’s neck through normal range of motion and evaluate stiffness.
D Flex the patient’s thigh on his abdomen and assess the extension of the leg.
Question #5
A Initiating isolation procedures
B Administering amphotericin B
C Providing palliative care
D Preparing for organ donation
Question #6
A infection.
B choking.
C falls.
D complications.
Question #7
A Speeds nerve impulse transmission
B Carries message to the next nerve cell
C Represents building block of nervous system
D Acts as chemical messenger
Question #8
A Pyridostigmine bromide (Mestinon)
B Deltasone (Prednisone)
C Lioresal (Baclofen)
D Azathioprine (Imuran)
Question #9
A Incentive spirometer
B Blood pressure apparatus
C Nebulizer and thermometer
D Intubation tray and suction apparatus
Question #10
A Ptosis and diplopia
B Headache and nuchal rigidity
C Numbness and vomiting
D Hyporeflexia in the lower extremities
Question #11
A CSF electrophoresis
B Evoked potential studies
C Magnetic resonance imaging
D Neuropsychological testing
Question #12
A indicate renal toxicity and a worsening condition.
B are primarily associated with infection with Coccidioides immitis and Aspergillus.
C indicate the need for immediate blood and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) cultures.
D may be controlled by the administration of diphenhydramine and acetaminophen approximately 30 minutes before administration of the amphotericin.
Question #13
A Suction machine with catheters
B Nasal cannula and oxygen
C Padded tongue blade
D Sphygmomanometer
Question #14
A Call the rapid response team because the patient is preparing to arrest.
B Administer atropine to control the side effects of edrophonium.
C Administer diphenhydramine (Benadryl) for the allergic reaction.
D Place the patient in the supine position
Question #15
A Within 48 hours after exposure
B Within 72 hours after exposure
C Within 24 hours after exposure
D Therapy is not necessary prophylactically and should only be used if the person develops symptoms.
Question #16
A Don’t worry; your child will be fine.”
B There are no guarantees, but a large portion of people with Guillain-Barré syndrome survive.”
C Once Guillain-Barré syndrome progresses to the diaphragm, survival decreases significantly.”
D It’s too early to give a prognosis.”
Question #17
A Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) electrophoresis
B Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
C Neuropsychological testing
D Evoked potential studies
Question #18
A Assess visual acuity.
B Ensure that client takes nothing by mouth.
C Initiate seizure precautions.
D Assess for facial weakness.
Question #19
A Multiple sclerosis
B Huntington disease
C Parkinson disease
D Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Question #20
A Creating a positive environment
B Use of adaptive equipment
C Promoting ability to critically think
D Prevention of joint contractures
Question #21
A Loss of proprioception
B Numbness
C Diplopia and ptosis
D Patchy blindness
Question #22
A Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
B Huntington disease
C Parkinson disease
D Multiple sclerosis
Question #23
A Eight hours after administration, the acetylcholinesterase begins to regenerate the available acetylcholine and will relieve symptoms.
B The patient will have recovery of symptoms for at least 24 hours after the administration of the Tensilon.
C Thirty seconds after administration, the facial weakness and ptosis will be relieved for approximately 5 minutes.
D After administration of the medication, there will be no change in the status of the ptosis or facial weakness.
Question #24
A I should participate in non–weight-bearing exercises.”
B I will stretch daily as directed by the physical therapist.”
C exercises should be completed quickly to reduce fatigue.”
D I will take hot tub baths to decrease spasms.”
Question #25
A diplopia and bradykinesia.
B sensory disturbance, limb pain, and behavioral changes.
C akathisia and dysphagia.
D muscle rigidity, memory impairment, and cognitive impairment.
Question #26
A assessing vital signs frequently
B destabilizing client’s condition
C preventing further neurologic damage
D reporting changes to the physician
Question #27
A Infection
B Compliance with medication
C Overmedication
D Undermedication
Question #28
A Mestinon therapy is initiated.
B Antibodies are removed from the plasma.
C The thymus gland is removed.
D Immune globulin is given intravenously.
Question #29
A Pyridostigmine bromide
B Atropine
C Prednisone
D Azathioprine
Question #30
A signs and symptoms of cardiac insufficiency.
B renal complications related to acyclovir therapy.
C signs of improvement in the patient’s condition.
D signs of relapse.
Question #31
A It must be hard to accept the permanency of your paralysis.”
B You’ll be permanently paralyzed; however, you won’t have any sensory loss.”
C You’ll first regain use of your legs and then your arms.”
D The paralysis caused by this disease is temporary.”
Question #32
A Administer prescribed antibiotics.
B Initiate isolation precautions.
C Apply a cooling blanket.
D Ensure the family receives prophylaxis antibiotic treatment.
Question #33
A Gamma-aminobutyric acid
B Acetylcholine
C Dopamine
D Serotonin
Question #34
A Increased pulse rate, adventitious breath sounds
B Decreased pulse rate, abdominal breathing
C Decreased pulse rate, respirations of 20 breaths/minute
D Increased pulse rate, respirations of 16 breaths/minute
Question #35
A Neurovascular system
B Endocrine system
C Cardiovascular system
D Respiratory system
Question #36
A Serum studies
B Computed tomography (CT) scan
C Tensilon test
D Electromyogram (EMG)
Question #37
A Urinary output and capillary refill
B Gag reflex and bowel sounds
C Condition of skin
D Respiratory status
Question #38
A Ptosis and diplopia
B Facial distortion and pain
C Fatigue and depression
D Hyporeflexia and weakness of the lower extremities
Question #39
A Positive Kernig’s sign
B Hyper-alertness
C Negative Brudzinski’s sign
D Positive Romberg sign
Question #40
A Western equine bacteria
B Lyme Disease
C Herpes simplex virus (HSV)
D Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV
Question #41
A Bell’s palsy
B Angina pectoris
C Migraine headache
D Trigeminal neuralgia
Question #42
A Elevated protein levels in the CSF
B White blood cells in the CSF
C Glucose in the CSF
D Red blood cells present in the CSF
Question #43
A Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
B Multiple sclerosis
C Parkinson disease
D Huntington disease
Question #44
A Dexamethasone (Decadron)
B Vancomycin
C Acyclovir (Zovirax)
D Phenytoin (Dilantin)
Question #45
A A disorder in which the body has too many immunoglobulins
B A disorder in which the body does not have enough immunoglobulins
C A disorder in which histocompatible cells attack the immunoglobulins
D A disorder in which killer T cells and autoantibodies attack or destroy natural cells—those cells that are “self”
Question #46
A Headache and nuchal rigidity
B Hyporeflexia in the lower extremities
C Numbness and vomiting
D Ptosis and diplopia
Question #47
A Hyporeflexia and weakness of the lower extremities
B Facial pain in the areas of the fifth cranial nerve
C Ptosis and diplopia
D Fatigue and depression
Question #48
A Muscle weakness and hyporeflexia of the lower extremities
B Ptosis and muscle weakness of upper extremities
C Hyporeflexia and skin rash
D Fever and cough
Question #49
A Take moderate amounts of alcohol
B Avoid analgesic medication.
C Avoid physical activity.
D Avoid hot temperatures.
Question #50
A Trigeminal (V)
B Vagus (X)
C Facial (VII)
D Vestibulocochlear (VIII)
Question #51
A Limit your fruit and vegetable intake.”
B Avoid taking daytime naps.”
C Avoid hot baths and showers.”
D Restrict fluid intake to 1,500 ml/day.”
Question #52
A I was sitting at home watching television.”
B I was brushing my teeth.”
C I was putting my shoes on.”
D I was taking a bath.”
Question #53
A The muscles will become fatigued and the patient will not be able to chew food or swallow pills.
B The patient will require a double dose prior to lunch.
C The patient will go into cardiac arrest.
D There should not be a problem, since the medication was only delayed by about 2 hours.
Question #54
A A donor who was in college in England for 1 year
B A donor with a history of hypertension with a blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg
C A donor who is taking medication for benign prostatic hyperplasia
D A donor who moved to the United States from Canada
Question #55
A Exercise the right eye twice a day.
B Apply an eye patch to the right eye.
C Administer eye drops as needed.
D Place needed items on the right side.
Question #56
A Preventing renal insufficiency
B Controlling seizures and increased intracranial pressure
C Preventing muscular atrophy
D Maintaining hemodynamic stability and adequate cardiac output
Question #57
A Assess client for ability to ambulate independently.
B Include client in planning of care and setting of goals.
C Provide instruction on blood-thinning medication.
D Praise client when using adaptive equipment.
Question #58
A Admission to the nearest hospital for observation
B Treatment with antimicrobial prophylaxis as soon as possible
C treatment unless the roommate begins to show symptoms
D Bedrest at home for 72 hours
Question #59
A Have you developed any new allergies in the last year?”
B Have you had difficulty with urination in the last 6 weeks?”
C Have you experienced any viral infections in the last month?”
D Have you experienced any ptosis in the last few weeks?”
Question #60
A Edrophonium (Tensilon)
B Azathioprine (Imuran)
C Immunoglobulin G (Iveegam EN)
D Cyclosporine (Sandimmune)
Question #61
A Alternatively patch one eye every 2 hours.
B Encourage the client to close his eyes.
C Instill artificial tears.
D Turn out the lights in the room.
Question #62
A Assess laboratory values for renal insufficiency.
B Notify the physician and prepare for a lumbar puncture to obtain CSF cultures.
C Administer diphenhydramine and acetaminophen per orders.
D Stop the infusion immediately.
Question #63
A Prednisone
B Atropine
C Azathioprine
D Pyridostigmine bromide
Question #64
A preventing renal insufficiency
B maintaining hemodynamic stability and adequate cardiac output
C preventing muscular atrophy.
D controlling seizures and increased intracranial pressure.
Question #65
A tick.
B horse.
C mosquito.
D flea.
Question #66
A rest in an air-conditioned room.
B increase the dose of muscle relaxants.
C take a hot bath.
D avoid naps during the day.