
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Chapter 65 Quiz

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #3
A  Provide adequate caffeine-rich drinks to the client.
B  Assess the level of consciousness (LOC) and the pupil response of the client.
C  Position the client flat for at least 3 hours.
D  Administer antihistamines to the client.
Question #4
A  Clonus
B  Ataxia
C  Flaccidity
D  Rigidity
Question #5
A  hyperactive reflexes.
B  decreased muscle tone.
C  muscle spasticity.
D  no muscle atrophy.
Question #6
A  Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
B  Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI)
C  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
D  Computed tomography (CT)
Question #7
A  Blood vessels in the skeletal muscles to dilate
B  Blood pressure to increase
C  Heartbeat to decrease
D  Blood vessels in the heart muscle to dilate
Question #10
A  processing information transferred from the environment.
B  identification of information due to slowed passages of information to brain
C  response due to interrupted impulses from the central nervous system
D  cognitive ability to understand relayed information.
Question #11
A  Vagus
B  Spinal accessory
C  Hypoglossal
D  Glossopharyngeal
Question #13
A  Occipital
B  Frontal
C  Temporal
D  Parietal
Question #14
A  Obtain two large-bore IV lines.
B  Maintain the client NPO for 6 hours before the test.
C  Obtain a blood sample to evaluate BUN and creatinine concentrations.
D  Assess the client for medication allergies.
Question #18
A  use the pointed end of the reflex hammer when striking the Achilles tendon.
B  hold the reflex hammer tightly.
C  support the joint where the tendon is being tested.
D  tap the tendon slowly and softly.
Question #19
A  Prone
B  Head of the bed elevated 45 degrees
C  Supine with feet raised
D  Supine with the head lower than the trunk
Question #21
A  Who is the president of the United States?”
B  Can you write your name on this piece of paper?”
C  Are you having hallucinations now?”
D  Can you count backward from 100?”
Question #22
A  Hyperactive reflexes
B  Muscle spasticity
C  NO muscle atrophy
D  Decreased muscle tone
Question #24
A  cease function and shunt blood to the heart and lungs.
B  convert glycogen to glucose for immediate use.
C  produce a toxic byproduct in relation to stress.
D  maintain a basal rate of functioning.
Question #25
A  transmits sensory impulses from the brain to the spinal cord
B  controls striated muscle activity in blood vessel walls
C  transmits motor impulses from the brain to the spinal cord
D  controls parasympathetic nerve impulses in the pons
Question #26
A  V
B  Frontal
C  Temporal
D  Occipital
Question #27
A  The blood can repair damage to the spinal cord that occurred with the procedure
B  The blood will replace the cerebral spinal fluid that has leaked out.”
C  The blood provides moisture at the site, which encourages healing.”
D  The blood will seal the hole in the dura and prevent further loss of cerebral spinal fluid.”
Question #30
A  refrain from eating or drinking for now.
B  have their spouse bring in the client’s glasses.
C  use the walker when walking.
D  wear any hearing aids while in the hospital.
Question #31
A  Ataxia
B  Agnosia
C  Rigidity
D  Spasticity
Question #32
A  Pupil reacts to light
B  Unequal pupils
C  Pinpoint pupils
D  Pupil reaction quick
E  Absence of pupillary response
Question #34
A  emotional status.
B  thought content.
C  motor ability.
D  intellectual function.
Question #35
A  Ataxia
B  Rigidity
C  Spasticity
D  Agnosia
Question #36
A  Relationship
B  Visual
C  Auditory
D  Tactile
Question #37
A  Norepinephrine
B  Serotonin
C  Enkephalin
D  Acetylcholine
Question #38
A  introducing ice water into the external auditory canal.
B  touching the cornea with a wisp of cotton.
C  shining a bright light into the pupil.
D  turning the client’s head suddenly while holding the eyelids open.
Question #41
A  Note that no special safety actions need to be taken.
B  Check the client’s oxygen saturation level using a pulse oximeter after the client has been placed on the MRI table.
C  Ensure that no client care equipment containing metal enters the room where the MRI table is located.
D  Securely fasten the client’s portable oxygen tank to the bottom of the MRI table after the client has been positioned on the table.
Question #42
A  endocrine system.
B  parasympathetic nervous system.
C  sympathetic nervous system.
D  musculoskeletal system.
Question #43
A  Acetylcholine
B  Dopamine
C  Serotonin
Question #44
A  Absence of movement below the waist
B  The inability to maintain steady balance for the Romberg test
C  The inability to tell how a mouse and a cat are alike
D  Intentional tremors
Question #45
A  Damage to the spinal cord
B  Cerebral spinal fluid leakage at the puncture site
C  Not ambulating soon enough after the procedure
D  Traumatic puncture
Question #46
A  Note that no special safety actions need to be taken
B  Securely fasten the client’s portable oxygen tank to the bottom of the MRI table after the client has been positioned on the top of the MRI table
C  that no client care equipment containing metal enters the room where the MRI is located.
D  Check the client’s oxygen saturation level using a pulse oximeter after the client has been placed on the MRI table
Question #47
A  There’s no other option but to assume the knee-chest position.”
B  Lying on your left side will be fine during the procedure.”
C  Although the required position may not be comfortable, it will make the procedure safer and easier to perform.”
D  I’ll report your concerns to the physician.”
Question #48
A  Have you noticed any changes in your muscle strength?”
B  Do you have any difficulty speaking?”
C  Do you have any trouble swallowing food or fluids?”
D  Do you have any problems with balance?”
Question #51
A  close his or her eyes and discriminate between dull and sharp.
B  close his or her eyes and jump on one foot.
C  touch his or her nose with one finger.
D  close his or her eyes and stand erect.
Question #52
A  Physician maintains aseptic procedure.
B  Client reports a piercing feeling.
C  Client reports pressure relief in the head.
D  Cerebrospinal fluid is cloudy in nature.
Question #53
A  cleaned the eye area from the inner to outer eye area.
B  cleaned the neck and upper chest area.
C  moved the client’s head to clean behind the ears.
D  used mild soapy water to clean the face.
Question #54
A  Cerebrum
B  Midbrain
C  Brain stem
D  Cerebellum
Question #55
A  Inform the client that he will not experience any electrical shock.
B  Inform the client that he will experience only mild electrical shock.
C  Distract the client’s attention from the test.
D  Encourage adequate water intake by the client.
Question #57
A  Decreased respiratory rate
B  Decreased blood pressure
C  Dilated pupils
D  Increased peristalsis
Question #58
A  Lateral recumbent, with chin resting on flexed knees
B  Prone, with the head turned to the right
C  Lateral, with right leg flexed
D  Supine, with the knees raised toward the chest
Question #59
A  Maintain the client NPO for 6 hours before the test.
B  Assess the client for medication allergies.
C  Obtain a blood sample to evaluate BUN and creatinine concentrations
D  Obtain two large-bore IV lines.
Question #61
A  Seizures.
B  Depression.
C  Myasthenia gravis.
D  Parkinson’s disease.
Question #62
A  Decreased blood pressure
B  Constricted bronchioles
C  Constricted pupils
D  Decreased peristalsis