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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Intermittent catheterizations
B Irrigating the urinary diversion
C Exercises to promote sphincter control
D Application of an ostomy pouch
Question #2
A Try drinking coffee throughout the day.”
B Use scented powders to disguise any odor.”
C Make sure to eat enough fiber to prevent constipation.”
D Limit the number of times you urinate during the day.”
Question #3
A This medication should be taken at bedtime.”
B This will kill the organism causing the infection.”
C This medication will prevent re-infection.”
D This medication will relieve your pain.”
Question #4
A I should limit my intake of meat and fish.”
B I should avoid raw fruits and vegetables.”
C Chocolate, spinach, and strawberries are not allowed.”
D I will eliminate milk and other dairy products from my diet.”
Question #5
A Away from skin folds
B Over a bony prominence
C At the belt line
D At the umbilicus
Question #6
A Exercises to promote sphincter control
B Application of an ostomy pouch
C Irrigating the urinary diversion
D Intermittent catheterizations
Question #7
A Acute pyelonephritis
B Urethritis
C Prostatatis
D Renal abscess
Question #8
A Hypoparathyroidism
B Hyperthyroidism
C Hypouricemia
D Hyperparathyroidism
Question #9
A Avoid foods such as buttermilk or yogurt.
B Add a few drops of diluted white vinegar to the pouch.
C Avoid pouches with carbon filters.
D Eat plenty of cheese and egg
Question #10
A Peritonitis
B Postoperative pneumonia
C Stoma ischemia
D Stoma retraction
Question #11
A Monitor the continuous bladder irrigation.
B Notify the physician of hematuria.
C Strain the urine carefully for stone fragments.
D Administer allopurinol (Zyloprim).
Question #12
A Urinary incontinence is a disease.
B Urinary incontinence in the elderly population can’t be treated.
C Urinary incontinence is a normal part of aging.
D Urinary incontinence isn’t a disease.
Question #13
A Stoma dilation wasn’t performed.
B skin barrier was applied properly.
C The skin wasn’t lubricated before the pouch was applied.
D The pouch faceplate doesn’t fit the stoma.
Question #14
A Relieve the pain.
B Prevent nephron destruction.
C Relieve any obstruction.
D Determine the stone type.
Question #15
A Bladder retraining
B Interval voiding
C Voiding at given intervals
D Prompted voiding
Question #16
A Struvite
B Calcium
C Cystine
D Uric acid
Question #17
A Pyridium
B Bactrim
C Septra
D Levaquin
Question #18
A Observe for leakage of urine or stool from the anastomosis.
B Encourage oral intake.
C Maintain renal function.
D Assess for signs and symptoms of peritonitis.
Question #19
A Phenazopyridine
B Levofloxacin
C Nitrofurantoin
D Ciprofloxacin
Question #20
A Place the catheter bag on the client’s abdomen when moving the client
B Use a clean technique during insertion
C Use a sterile technique to disconnect the catheter from the tubing to obtain urine specimens
D Perform meticulous perineal care daily with soap and water
Question #21
A Note the nail beds and mobility of the fingers
B Monitor the patient’s intake and output
C Palpate for a thrill over the vascular access
D Inspect the skin over the fistula or graft for signs of infection
Question #22
A Reflex
B Overflow
C Urge
D Stress
Question #23
A Decrease his sodium intake to prevent fluid retention.
B Increase fluids to 3 to 4 L/24 hours to dilute the urine.
C Decrease his intake of calcium rich foods to prevent kidney stones.
D Limit his fluid intake to 1.5 L/day to minimize bladder fullness, which could cause backward pressure on the kidneys.
Question #24
A Pancreatitis
B Diabetes mellitus
C Hyperparathyroidism
D Hyperuricemia
Question #25
A Perform hand hygiene prior to patient care.
B For those patients who are incontinent, insert indwelling catheters
C Provide careful perineal care.
D Assist the patients with frequent toileting.
E Encourage patients to wear briefs.
Question #26
A Septra
B Cipro
C Macrodantin
D Bactrim
Question #27
A The nursing assistant places the drainage bag on the lower area of the wheelchair for transport.
B The nursing assistant places the drainage bag on the client’s abdomen for transport.
C The nursing assistant keeps the catheter and drainage bag together when moving the client.
D The nursing assistant holds the drainage bag while the client moves to the wheelchair
Question #28
A New diagnosis of urosepsis
B Crusted drainage around the cystoscopy tube
C Diagnostic studies reporting bladder stones
D A white blood count of 12,000 cells/mm3
Question #29
A Neurogenic bladder
B Gout
C Excessive intake of vitamin D
D Foreign bodies
Question #30
A catheter is rinsed with sterile normal saline after being soaked in a cleaning solution.
B The nurse uses nonsterile technique in the hospital setting.
C Peroxide is recommended for cleaning the urinary catheter.
D Catheterization should occur every 4 to 6 hours and before bedtime.
Question #31
A Restricting fluid intake to reduce the need to void
B Assessing present voiding patterns
C Establishing a predetermined fluid intake pattern for the client
D Encouraging the client to increase the time between voidings
Question #32
A Incontinence
B Frequency
C Dysuria
D Hematuria
Question #33
A Ginger ale at dinner time
B Fruit juice midmorning
C Milk at lunch
D Coffee in the morning
Question #34
A Use caffeine in moderation
B Implement a low fiber diet
C Void regularly, 5 to 8 times a day
D Take diuretics after 4 PM
Question #35
A Constriction of pupils
B Constriction of bronchioles
C Relaxation of bladder wall
D Decrease of heart rate
Question #36
A Overflow
B Urge
C Stress
D Functional
Question #37
A Restrict the client’s sodium intake.
B Encourage the client to void every 2 to 3 hours
C Encourage deep-breathing exercises.
D Encourage frequent ambulation.
Question #38
A Risk for altered urinary elimination
B Risk for infection
C Risk for fluid volume excess
D Risk for deficient knowledge: self-catherization
Question #39
A Consulting with a dietitian
B Encouraging intake of at least 2 L of fluid daily
C Giving the client a glass of soda before bedtime
D Taking the client to the bathroom twice per day
Question #40
A Kidney
B Ureter
C Urethra
D Bladder
Question #41
A Monitor urine output hourly and report output less than 30 mL/hr
B Clean the stoma with soap and water after the patient voids.
C Administer pain medication every 2 hours.
D the patient every 2 hours around the clock
Question #42
A Take the antibiotic as well as an antifungal for the yeast infection she will probably have.
B Understand that if the infection reoccurs, the dose will be higher next time.
C Be sure to take the medication with grapefruit juice.
D Take the antibiotic for 3 days as prescribed.
Question #43
A apply Karaya powder.
B remove the urinary stents.
C change the pouching system.
D contact the physician.
Question #44
A Reveals causative microorganisms
B Shows damage to the kidneys
C Detects calculi, cysts, or tumors
D risk for chronic pyelonephritis is likely
Question #45
A Altered voiding
B Back pain
C Painless gross hematuria
D Pelvic pain
Question #46
A Obstruction due to fecal impaction or enlarged prostate
B Bladder irritation related to urinary tract infections
C Decreased pelvic muscle tone due to multiple pregnancies
D Increased urine production due to metabolic conditions
Question #47
A Monitor the continuous bladder irrigation.
B Administer allopurinol (Zyloprim
C Notify the physician of hematuria.
D Strain the urine carefully for stone fragments.
Question #48
A Impaired urinary elimination
B Acute pain
C Impaired urinary elimination
D Risk for infection
Question #49
A Secure or patch it with barrier paste.
B Secure or patch it with tape.
C Empty the pouch.
D Change the wafer and pouch.
Question #50
A Drink coffee or tea to increase diuresis
B Void every 4 to 6 hours.
C Take tub baths as opposed to showers.
D Drink liberal amount of fluids.
Question #51
A to wear underwear made from synthetic material
B Need to urinate after engaging in sexual intercourse
C Importance of urinating every 4 to 6 hours while awake
D Suggestion to take tub baths instead of showers
Question #52
A Teach client to increase fluid intake up to 3 liters per day.
B Straight catheterize the client every 4 to 6 hours
C Administer acetaminophen (Tylenol).
D Restrict fluid intake to 1 liter per day.
Question #53
A Anticipatory grieving
B Situational low self esteem
C Disturbed body image
D Deficient knowledge: stoma care
Question #54
A Do you get up at night to urinate?”
B When did you last urinate?”
C Have you had a fever and chills?”
D How much fluid are you drinking?”
Question #55
A encouraging the client to void immediately.
B performing straight catheterization after 4 hours.
C instructing the client to follow a 2- to 3-hour timed voiding schedule.
D advising the client to avoid urinating for at least 6 hours.
Question #56
A evaluate the client’s need for mental health intervention.
B assess whether the client is a good candidate for surgery.
C help the client cope with the anxiety associated with changes in body image.
D assess suicidal risk postoperatively.
Question #57
A Take your temperature every 4 hours.”
B Apply an antibacterial dressing to the incision daily.”
C Increase your fluid intake to 2 to 3 L per day.”
D Be aware that your urine will be cherry-red for 5 to 7 days
Question #58
A Nitrofurantoin
B Ciprofloxacin
C Phenazopyridine
D Levofloxacin
Question #59
A Perform straight catheterization every 4 hours
B Encourage voiding immediately after catheter removal
C Avoid drinking fluids for 6 hours
D Implement a 2- to 3-hour voiding schedule
Question #60
A placement of small amounts of collagen in urethral walls to aid the closing pressure
B a procedure that increases support to the bladder by tightening the vaginal wall under the urethra.
C procedure that increases storage capacity of the bladder.
D implantation of an artificial sphincter that can be inflated to prevent urine loss and deflated to allow urination.
Question #61
A Chronic pain
B Urinary retention
C Deficient knowledge: management of urinary diversion
D Risk for impaired skin integrity
E Disturbed body image
Question #62
A Painless hematuria
B Fever
C Urinary retention
D Frequency
Question #63
A I will not need to worry about being incontinent of urine.”
B My urine will be eliminated through a stoma.”
C My urine will be eliminated with my feces.”
D A catheter will drain urine directly from my kidney.”
Question #64
A Drink liberal amount of fluids.
B Void every 4 to 6 hours.
C Use tub baths as opposed to showers
D Drink coffee or tea to increase diuresis.
Question #65
A Over-the-counter decongestant
B Tricyclic antidepressants
C Anticholinergic agent
D Estrogen hormone