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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A pyelonephritis.
B ureteral stones.
C Urethral infection.
D cystitis.
Question #2
A The ingestion of 8 oz of water
B Bruits noted over the abdominal area
C A dull sound when percussing over the bladder
D Tenderness over the kidneys
Question #3
A bladder
B urethra
C ureter
D kidney
Question #4
A Mucosal
B Detrusor
C Adventitia
D Connective tissue
Question #5
A I should increase my fluid intake for the rest of the day.”
B It is normal for my urine to be blood-tinged.”
C I can resume my usual activities without restriction.”
D If I have difficulty urinating, I should contact my physician.”
Question #6
A Vasopressin
B Renin
C Albumin
D Cortisol
Question #7
A Check the patient’s urine for hematuria.
B Apply moist heat, every 4 hours for the first 48 hours to aid healing.
C Keep the patient on bed rest for 72 hours.
D Place a bed board under the mattress to add support
Question #8
A Increased glomerular filtration rate
B Acid-base balance
C Susceptibility to develop hypernatremia
D Increased blood flow to the kidney
Question #9
A Infection
B Metronidazole
C Phenytoin
D phenazopyridine hydrochloride
Question #10
A Dullness
B Tympany
C Flatness
D Resonance
Question #11
A Parenchyma
B Glomerulus
C Nephron
D Renal pelvis
Question #12
A Who has come with you today?”
B Have you any artificial joints?”
C “Do you have any allergies?”
D Do you have a pacemaker?”
Question #13
A Prostaglandins
B Aldosterone
C Antidiuretic hormone
D Growth hormone
Question #14
A 6:01
B 4:01
C 3:01
D 10:01
Question #15
A confirm which beverages the client normally consumes.
B assess the client’s usual intake of sodium.
C palpate the client’s bladder before and after voiding.
D confirm all of the medications and supplements normally taken.
Question #16
A Creatinine clearance level
B Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
C BUN to creatinine ratio
D Uric acid level
Question #17
A Is it painful when you urinate?”
B Does it burn when you urinate?”
C Do you have a strong desire to void?”
D Do you urinate while sleeping?”
Question #18
A Chronic kidney disease
B Neurogenic bladder
C Proteinuria
D Kidney stone formation
Question #19
A Have you had a recent urinary tract infection?”
B “Do you take multiple vitamin preparations?”
C Have you noticed any vaginal bleeding?”
D Do you take phenytoin daily?”
Question #20
A I brought a copy of my living will with me.”
B “I have not eaten since 8 pm last night.”
C “I took my usual dose of Coumadin last night.”
D “I signed the consent form in the physician’s office.”
Question #21
A Acid-base balance
B Increased blood flow to the kidneys
C Increased glomerular filtration rate
D More prone to develop hypernatremia
Question #22
A Liver function studies
B Therapeutic index
C Creatinine clearance
D GI absorption rate
Question #23
A After discarding the 8:00 am specimen
B At 8:00 am, with or without a specimen
C 6 hours after the urine is discarded
D With the first specimen voided after 8:00 am
Question #24
A Creatinine clearance level
B Uric acid level
C Blood urea nitrogen level
D Serum potassium level
Question #25
A Diabetes insipidus
B Increased fluid intake
C Decreased fluid intake
D Glomerulonephritis
Question #26
A Osmolality
B Creatinine
C Hemoglobin
D Blood urea nitrogen
Question #27
A The costovertebral angle
B Above the symphysis pubis
C The upper abdominal quadrants on the left and right side
D Around the umbilicus
Question #28
A Fistula
B Chronic renal failure
C Kidney stones
D Neurogenic bladder
Question #29
A potassium
B chloride
C creatinine
D glucose
Question #30
A Diabetes insipidus
B Fluid deficits
C Glomerulonephritis
D Diabetes
E Severe renal damage
Question #31
A “I did not take my multivitamin this morning.”
B “I had my last cigarette 3 hours ago with my morning coffee.”
C “I do not have a pacemaker, artificial heart valve, or artificial joints.”
D I took my blood pressure medication with my morning coffee an hour ago.”
Question #32
A Perineal pain
B Suprapubic pain
C Pain after voiding
D Costovertebal angle tenderness
Question #33
A When the urine output is between 300 and 500 mL/h
B When the urine output is less than 30 mL/h
C When the urine output is about 100 mL/h
D When the urine output is between 500 and 1,000 mL/h
Question #34
A Urine-specific gravity
B Creatinine clearance
C Circulating ADH concentration
D Volume of urine output
Question #35
A carefully handle urine because it is radioactive.
B notify the health care team if bloody urine is noted.
C maintain bed rest for 2 hours.
D drink liberal amounts of fluids.
Question #36
A Dysuria
B Nocturia
C Polyuria
Question #37
A Decreased potassium
B Increased serum creatinine
C Increased serum albumin
D Decreased blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
Question #38
A anuria.
B dysuria.
C oliguria.
D nocturia.
Question #39
A Assess peripheral pulses in the left leg.
B Place cool compresses on the calf.
C Assess for anaphylaxis.
D Exercise the leg and foot.
Question #40
A Increased alertness
B Hypoventilation
C Pruritus
D Unusually smooth skin
Question #41
A Apply moist heat, every 4 hours for the first 48 hours to aid healing.
B Keep the patient on bed rest for 72 hours.
C Check the patient’s urine for hematuria.
D Place a bed board under the mattress to add support.
Question #42
A decreased in nephrotic syndrome.
B decreased in renal disease and urinary obstruction.
C unchanged in renal disease.
D increased in renal disease and urinary obstruction.
Question #43
A Myocardial infarction
B Urinary incontinence
C Stroke
D Congestive heart failure
Question #44
A Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
B Calcitonin
C Aldosterone
D Renin
Question #45
A Vitamin D synthesis
B Secretion of insulin
C Regulation of blood pressure
D Secretion of prostaglandins
E Vitamin B production
Question #46
A An x-ray will be done to view your kidneys, ureters, and bladder.”
B You’ll have a pressure dressing on your groin after the test.”
C “You don’t need to do any fasting before this noninvasive test.”
D “A contrast medium will be used to help see the structures better.”
Question #47
A Regulation of white blood cell production
B Synthesis of vitamin K
C Secretion of enzymes
D Control of water balance
Question #48
A Assess the client’s mental changes.
B Evaluate the client for periorbital edema.
C Monitor the client for signs of electrolyte and water imbalance.
D Monitor the client for an allergy to iodine contrast material.
Question #49
A The client has blood-tinged urine following brush biopsy.
B The client reports a pain rating of 3 two hours post-kidney biopsy.
C The client voids 75 cc four hours post cystoscopy.
D The client consumes 75% of lunch following an intravenous pyelogram
Question #50
A Sodium
B Phosphorous
C Potassium
D Calcium
Question #51
A Have you had a recent urinary tract infection?”
B Have you noticed any vaginal bleeding?”
C “Do you take phenytoin daily?”
D “Do you take multiple vitamin preparations?”
Question #52
A Hematuria
B Anuria
C Dysuria
D Enuresis
Question #53
A Bladder ultrasonography
B Computed tomography with contrast
C Cystoscopy
D Radiography
Question #54
A A person who has a high fluid intake and who is not losing excessive water from perspiration, diarrhea, or vomiting has scant urine output with a high specific gravity.
B On a hot day, a person who is perspiring profusely and taking little fluid has high urine output with a low specific gravity.
C On a hot day, a person who is perspiring profusely and taking little fluid has low urine output with a high specific gravity.
D When the kidneys are diseased, the ability to concentrate urine may be impaired and the specific gravity may vary widely.
Question #55
A Provide analgesics to the client.
B Assess the patient’s back and shoulder areas for signs of internal bleeding.
C Distract the client’s attention from the pain.
D Enable the client to sit up and ambulate.
Question #56
A Nephrotic syndrome
B Obstruction of the lower urinary tract
C Acute renal failure
D Infection
Question #57
A Computed tomography (CT scan)
B Angiography
C Cystoscopy
D Radiography
Question #58
A “I should remove all jewelry before the test.”
B “I will need to drink all of the dye as quickly as possible.”
C “I will feel a warm sensation as the dye is injected.”
D I should let the staff know if I feel claustrophobic.”
Question #59
A client discomfort.
B incorrect urine output values.
C microorganism transfer.
D prostate irritation.
Question #60
A The left kidney usually is slightly higher than the right one.
B The average kidney is approximately 5 cm (2 in.) long and 2 to 3 cm (0.8 to 1.2 in.) wide.
C The kidneys lie between the 10th and 12th thoracic vertebrae.
D The kidneys are situated just above the adrenal glands.
Question #61
A After discarding the 8:00 am specimen
B At 8:00 am, with or without a specimen
C With the first specimen voided after 8:00 am
D 6 hours after the urine is discarded
Question #62
A Blood urea nitrogen level
B Creatinine clearance level
C Uric acid level
D Serum potassium level
Question #63
A Urinary stasis
B Urinary frequency
C Urinary urgency
D Urinary incontinence
Question #64
A A dull sound when percussing over the bladder
B The ingestion of 8 oz of water
C Tenderness over the kidneys
D Bruits noted over the abdominal area
Question #65
A Allergic reaction
B Bleeding
C Dehydration
D Infection