
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Chapter 53 Quiz

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #2
A  The ingestion of 8 oz of water
B  Bruits noted over the abdominal area
C  A dull sound when percussing over the bladder
D  Tenderness over the kidneys
Question #5
A  I should increase my fluid intake for the rest of the day.”
B  It is normal for my urine to be blood-tinged.”
C  I can resume my usual activities without restriction.”
D  If I have difficulty urinating, I should contact my physician.”
Question #7
A  Check the patient’s urine for hematuria.
B  Apply moist heat, every 4 hours for the first 48 hours to aid healing.
C  Keep the patient on bed rest for 72 hours.
D  Place a bed board under the mattress to add support
Question #8
A  Increased glomerular filtration rate
B  Acid-base balance
C  Susceptibility to develop hypernatremia
D  Increased blood flow to the kidney
Question #9
A  Infection
B  Metronidazole
C  Phenytoin
D  phenazopyridine hydrochloride
Question #10
A  Dullness
B  Tympany
C  Flatness
D  Resonance
Question #12
A  Who has come with you today?”
B  Have you any artificial joints?”
C  “Do you have any allergies?”
D  Do you have a pacemaker?”
Question #13
A  Prostaglandins
B  Aldosterone
C  Antidiuretic hormone
D  Growth hormone
Question #14
A  6:01
B  4:01
C  3:01
D  10:01
Question #15
A  confirm which beverages the client normally consumes.
B  assess the client’s usual intake of sodium.
C  palpate the client’s bladder before and after voiding.
D  confirm all of the medications and supplements normally taken.
Question #16
A  Creatinine clearance level
B  Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
C  BUN to creatinine ratio
D  Uric acid level
Question #17
A  Is it painful when you urinate?”
B  Does it burn when you urinate?”
C  Do you have a strong desire to void?”
D  Do you urinate while sleeping?”
Question #18
A  Chronic kidney disease
B  Neurogenic bladder
C  Proteinuria
D  Kidney stone formation
Question #19
A  Have you had a recent urinary tract infection?”
B  “Do you take multiple vitamin preparations?”
C  Have you noticed any vaginal bleeding?”
D  Do you take phenytoin daily?”
Question #20
A  I brought a copy of my living will with me.”
B  “I have not eaten since 8 pm last night.”
C  “I took my usual dose of Coumadin last night.”
D  “I signed the consent form in the physician’s office.”
Question #21
A  Acid-base balance
B  Increased blood flow to the kidneys
C  Increased glomerular filtration rate
D  More prone to develop hypernatremia
Question #22
A  Liver function studies
B  Therapeutic index
C  Creatinine clearance
D  GI absorption rate
Question #23
A  After discarding the 8:00 am specimen
B  At 8:00 am, with or without a specimen
C  6 hours after the urine is discarded
D  With the first specimen voided after 8:00 am
Question #24
A  Creatinine clearance level
B  Uric acid level
C  Blood urea nitrogen level
D  Serum potassium level
Question #25
A  Diabetes insipidus
B  Increased fluid intake
C  Decreased fluid intake
D  Glomerulonephritis
Question #30
A  Diabetes insipidus
B  Fluid deficits
C  Glomerulonephritis
D  Diabetes
E  Severe renal damage
Question #31
A  “I did not take my multivitamin this morning.”
B  “I had my last cigarette 3 hours ago with my morning coffee.”
C  “I do not have a pacemaker, artificial heart valve, or artificial joints.”
D  I took my blood pressure medication with my morning coffee an hour ago.”
Question #32
A  Perineal pain
B  Suprapubic pain
C  Pain after voiding
D  Costovertebal angle tenderness
Question #33
A  When the urine output is between 300 and 500 mL/h
B  When the urine output is less than 30 mL/h
C  When the urine output is about 100 mL/h
D  When the urine output is between 500 and 1,000 mL/h
Question #34
A  Urine-specific gravity
B  Creatinine clearance
C  Circulating ADH concentration
D  Volume of urine output
Question #35
A  carefully handle urine because it is radioactive.
B  notify the health care team if bloody urine is noted.
C  maintain bed rest for 2 hours.
D  drink liberal amounts of fluids.
Question #36
A  Dysuria
B  Nocturia
C  Polyuria
Question #37
A  Decreased potassium
B  Increased serum creatinine
C  Increased serum albumin
D  Decreased blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
Question #38
A  anuria.
B  dysuria.
C  oliguria.
D  nocturia.
Question #39
A  Assess peripheral pulses in the left leg.
B  Place cool compresses on the calf.
C  Assess for anaphylaxis.
D  Exercise the leg and foot.
Question #41
A  Apply moist heat, every 4 hours for the first 48 hours to aid healing.
B  Keep the patient on bed rest for 72 hours.
C  Check the patient’s urine for hematuria.
D  Place a bed board under the mattress to add support.
Question #42
A  decreased in nephrotic syndrome.
B  decreased in renal disease and urinary obstruction.
C  unchanged in renal disease.
D  increased in renal disease and urinary obstruction.
Question #43
A  Myocardial infarction
B  Urinary incontinence
C  Stroke
D  Congestive heart failure
Question #44
A  Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
B  Calcitonin
C  Aldosterone
D  Renin
Question #45
A  Vitamin D synthesis
B  Secretion of insulin
C  Regulation of blood pressure
D  Secretion of prostaglandins
E  Vitamin B production
Question #46
A  An x-ray will be done to view your kidneys, ureters, and bladder.”
B  You’ll have a pressure dressing on your groin after the test.”
C  “You don’t need to do any fasting before this noninvasive test.”
D  “A contrast medium will be used to help see the structures better.”
Question #47
A  Regulation of white blood cell production
B  Synthesis of vitamin K
C  Secretion of enzymes
D  Control of water balance
Question #48
A  Assess the client’s mental changes.
B  Evaluate the client for periorbital edema.
C  Monitor the client for signs of electrolyte and water imbalance.
D  Monitor the client for an allergy to iodine contrast material.
Question #49
A  The client has blood-tinged urine following brush biopsy.
B  The client reports a pain rating of 3 two hours post-kidney biopsy.
C  The client voids 75 cc four hours post cystoscopy.
D  The client consumes 75% of lunch following an intravenous pyelogram
Question #50
A  Sodium
B  Phosphorous
C  Potassium
D  Calcium
Question #51
A  Have you had a recent urinary tract infection?”
B  Have you noticed any vaginal bleeding?”
C  “Do you take phenytoin daily?”
D  “Do you take multiple vitamin preparations?”
Question #53
A  Bladder ultrasonography
B  Computed tomography with contrast
C  Cystoscopy
D  Radiography
Question #54
A  A person who has a high fluid intake and who is not losing excessive water from perspiration, diarrhea, or vomiting has scant urine output with a high specific gravity.
B  On a hot day, a person who is perspiring profusely and taking little fluid has high urine output with a low specific gravity.
C  On a hot day, a person who is perspiring profusely and taking little fluid has low urine output with a high specific gravity.
D  When the kidneys are diseased, the ability to concentrate urine may be impaired and the specific gravity may vary widely.
Question #55
A  Provide analgesics to the client.
B  Assess the patient’s back and shoulder areas for signs of internal bleeding.
C  Distract the client’s attention from the pain.
D  Enable the client to sit up and ambulate.
Question #56
A  Nephrotic syndrome
B  Obstruction of the lower urinary tract
C  Acute renal failure
D  Infection
Question #57
A  Computed tomography (CT scan)
B  Angiography
C  Cystoscopy
D  Radiography
Question #58
A  “I should remove all jewelry before the test.”
B  “I will need to drink all of the dye as quickly as possible.”
C  “I will feel a warm sensation as the dye is injected.”
D  I should let the staff know if I feel claustrophobic.”
Question #60
A  The left kidney usually is slightly higher than the right one.
B  The average kidney is approximately 5 cm (2 in.) long and 2 to 3 cm (0.8 to 1.2 in.) wide.
C  The kidneys lie between the 10th and 12th thoracic vertebrae.
D  The kidneys are situated just above the adrenal glands.
Question #61
A  After discarding the 8:00 am specimen
B  At 8:00 am, with or without a specimen
C  With the first specimen voided after 8:00 am
D  6 hours after the urine is discarded
Question #62
A  Blood urea nitrogen level
B  Creatinine clearance level
C  Uric acid level
D  Serum potassium level
Question #64
A  A dull sound when percussing over the bladder
B  The ingestion of 8 oz of water
C  Tenderness over the kidneys
D  Bruits noted over the abdominal area