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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Making sure that the patient adheres to the therapeutic medication regimen
B Lowering and controlling the blood pressure without adverse effects and without undue cost
C Instructing the patient to enter a weight loss program and begin an exercise regimen
D Scheduling the patient for all follow-up visits and making phone calls to the home to ensure adherence
Question #2
A Overweight/obesity
B Decreased low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels
C Elevated high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol
D Smoking
E Age ≥65 in women
Question #3
A Reduce smoking to no more than four cigarettes per day
B Stop alcohol intake
C Limit aerobic physical activity to 15 minutes, three times per week
D Maintain adequate dietary intake of fruits and vegetables
Question #4
A A severe drop in blood pressure is possible.
B There are no adverse effects from blood pressure medicine.
C A possible adverse effect of blood pressure medicine is dizziness when you stand.
D Take the medicine on an empty stomach.
Question #5
A 135/85 or lower
B 140/90 or lower
C 150/90 or lower
D 135/80 or lower
Question #6
A Secondary hypertension
B Primary hypertension
C Isolated systolic hypertension
D Hypertensive urgency
Question #7
A lungs
B limbic system
C kidneys
D parasympathetic nervous system
Question #8
A Palpates the systolic pressure before auscultating blood pressure
B Wraps the blood pressure cuff firmly around the arm
C Centers the blood pressure cuff bladder directly over the brachial artery
D Positions the arm at waist level
Question #9
A Hyponatremia
B Hypokalemia
C Hyperkalemia
D Hypernatremia
Question #10
A “The lower the better. Blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg is best for everyone.”
B “Clients with diabetes should have a lower blood pressure goal. You should strive for 130/80 mm Hg.”
C “Your blood pressure is fine. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”
D “The current recommendation is for everyone to have blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg or lower.”
Question #11
A The client’s arm should be positioned at the level of the heart.
B Using a BP cuff that is too small will give a higher BP measurement.
C Using a BP cuff that is too large will give a higher BP measurement.
D The client should sit quietly while BP is being measured.
E The client’s BP should be measured 1 hour before consuming alcohol.
Question #12
A “Do you have a dry mouth or nasal congestion?”
B “Are you having chest pain or shortness of breath?”
C “Did you take any medication for your headache?”
D “Have you taken your prescribed clonidine today?”
Question #13
A an MRI.
B ophthalmic examination.
C using a sphygmomanometer.
D laboratory tests
Question #14
A Hyperkalemia
B Hypokalemia
C Hypercalcemia
D Hypocalcemia
Question #15
A Rebound hypertension
B Postural hypotension and resulting injury
C Postural hypertension and resulting injury
D Sexual dysfunction
Question #16
A Hypertensive urgency
B Hypertensive emergency
C Secondary hypertension
D Primary hypertension
Question #17
A help reduce the work required by the heart to resupply oxygen to the brain.
B help reduce the blood pressure to resupply oxygen to the brain.
C provide time for the heart to reduce the rate of contraction to resupply oxygen to the brain.
D provide time for the heart to increase the rate of contraction to resupply oxygen to the brain.
Question #18
A right-sided heart failure
B pulmonary insufficiency
C stroke
D peripheral edema
Question #19
A Change positions (lying or sitting to standing) slowly.
B Do not become dependent on canes, walkers, or handrails.
C Check blood pressure every day for signs of rebound hypertension.
D Eat plenty of salty food to prevent hypotension.
Question #20
A Lung sounds
B Heart rhythm
C Character of apical and peripheral pulses
D Respiratory rate
E Heart rate
Question #21
A Pressures may vary 10 mm Hg or more between arms.
B Pressures should not differ more than 5 mm Hg between arms.
C Pressures may vary, with the higher pressure found in the left arm.
D Pressures must be equal in both arms.
Question #22
A Secondary
B Pathologic
C Malignant
D Essential (primary)
Question #23
A Loss of arterial elasticity
B Decrease in cardiac output
C Decrease in blood volume
D Increase in calcium intake
Question #24
A 130/80 or lower
B 150/95 or lower
C 145/95 or lower
D 125/85 or lower
Question #25
A Sensory
B Integumentary
C Musculoskeletal
D Gastrointestinal
Question #26
A 2 or fewer
B 2 or 3
C 4 or 5
D 7 or 8
Question #27
A The pituitary gland
B The thymus
C The adrenal gland
D The thyroid gland
Question #28
A “Do you have a friend accompanying you?”
B “Have you recently drunk a caffeinated beverage?”
C “Do you smoke?”
D “Are you married and with children?”
E “Did you have a beer after work?”
Question #29
A Multiple gated acquisition scan (MUGA)
B Blood chemistry
C Chest radiograph
D Fluorescein angiography
Question #30
A Use a pillbox to store daily medication.
B Sit on the edge of the chair and rise slowly.
C Take the medication at the same time daily.
D Do not operate a motor vehicle.
Question #31
A Heart and blood vessels
B Lung and arteries
C Kidneys and autonomic nervous system
D Brain and sympathetic nervous system
Question #32
A “Sit with legs crossed when taking your blood pressure.”
B “Sit quietly for 5 minutes prior to taking blood pressure.”
C “Avoid smoking cigarettes for 8 hours prior to taking blood pressure.”
D “Be sure the forearm is well supported above heart level while taking blood pressure.”
Question #33
A increases the heart rate, constricts arterioles, and increases the heart’s ability to eject blood.
B decreases the heart rate, constricts arterioles, and reduces the heart’s ability to eject blood.
C decreases circulating blood volume.
D increases the heart rate, constricts arterioles, and reduces the heart’s ability to eject blood
Question #34
A increases blood volume and improves the potential for greater cardiac output.
B increases the resistance that the heart must overcome to eject blood.
C increases the production of neurotransmitters that constrict peripheral arterioles.
D decreases the production of neurotransmitters that constrict peripheral arterioles.
Question #35
A Discussing methods for stress reduction
B Purchasing a self-monitoring BP cuff
C Administering glycemic control
D Advising smoking cessation
Question #36
A “Who eats meals with you?”
B “Do you eat three meals per day?”
C “How do you prepare your food?”
D “Do you snack in the evening?”
Question #37
A Anemia resulting from bone marrow suppression
B Emphysema related to poor gas exchange
C Renal dysfunction resulting from atherosclerosis
D Hyperglycemia resulting from insulin receptor resistance
Question #38
A blurred vision
B persistent cough
C tremor
D dizziness
Question #39
A Primary
B Secondary
C Malignant
D Essential
Question #40
A Tension pneumothorax
B Stroke
C Pancreatitis
D Myocardial infarction
E Coronary artery disease
Question #41
A Gallbladder disease
B Gallbladder disease
C Diabetes mellitus
D Smoking
E Physical inactivity
Question #42
A Maintain a body mass index between 30 and 35.
B Maintain a waist circumference of 45 inches (114 cm) (men) and 40 inches (102 cm) (women) or less.
C Limit alcohol consumption to no more that 3 drinks per day.
D Engage in aerobic activity at least 30 minutes/day most days of the week.
Question #43
A Spironolactone
B Furosemide
C Chlorthalidone
D Chlorothiazide
Question #44
A “I chose broiled chicken with a baked potato for dinner.”
B “I’m glad I can still have chicken bouillon.”
C “I can still eat a ham-and-cheese sandwich with potato chips for lunch.”
D “I chose a tossed salad with sardines and oil and vinegar dressing for lunch.”
Question #45
A continuous IV infusion
B oral
C sublingual
D intramuscular
Question #46
A Reduce the blood pressure by 50% within the first hour of treatment.
B Rapidly reduce the blood pressure so the client will not suffer a stroke.
C Reduce the blood pressure to about 140/80 mm Hg.
D Reduce the blood pressure by 20% to 25% within the first hour of treatment.
Question #47
A Isolated systolic hypertension
B Angina
C Rebound hypertension
D Left ventricular hypertrophy
Question #48
A Urine output of 40 mL over the past hour
B Numbness and weakness in the left arm
C Nausea and severe headache
D Chest pain score of 3 (on a scale of 1 to 10)
Question #49
A Increasing fluids for low blood pressure
B Diagnostic testing for determining cardiac functioning
C Use of beta-blockers for treatment of hypertension
D Stress reduction to lower prehypertensive state
Question #50
A Hypertensive emergency
B Primary hypertension
C Secondary hypertension
D Hypertensive urgency
Question #51
A 10
B 20
C 30
D 25
Question #52
A Echocardiography
B Electrocardiography
C Blood urea nitrogen
D Blood chemistry
Question #53
A stage 1 hypertension.
B normal.
C prehypertension.
D stage 2 hypertension.
Question #54
A “If I include less fat in my diet, I’ll lower my blood pressure.”
B “A glass of red wine each day will lower my blood pressure.”
C “Limiting my salt intake to 2 grams per day will improve my blood pressure.”
D “I should eliminate caffeine from my diet to lower my blood pressure.”
Question #55
A Potassium level
B Magnesium level
C Sodium level
D Calcium level
Question #56
A Urine output of 60 mL over 2 hours
B Blood urea nitrogen concentration of 12 mg/dL
C Retinal blood vessel damage
D Chest x-ray showing pneumonia
Question #57
A essential hypertension.
B primary hypertension.
C secondary hypertension.
D isolated systolic hypertension.
Question #58
A Beta blocker
B Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor
C Diuretic
D Vasodilator
Question #59
A 110, 60
B 120, 70
C 130, 80
D 140, 90