Navigation » List of Schools » Los Angeles Valley College » Anthropology » Anthropology 101 – Human Biological Evolution » Spring 2020 » Exam 2
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A orangutans
B gorillas
C chimpanzees
D bonobos
Question #2
A reduce the reproductive success of the incoming male.
B maximize the reproductive success of incoming ‘bachelor’ male.
C reduce competition among the females in the group..
D maximize the reproductive success of the females in the group.
Question #3
A Cercopithecoids (OWM).
B Strepsirhines (Prosimians).
C Hominoidea (apes and humans).
D Platyrrhines (NWM).
Question #4
A Strepsirhines (Prosimians).
B Platyrrhines (NWM).
C Cercopithecoid (OWM).
D Hominoidea (apes and humans).
Question #5
A Cercopithecoid (OWM).
B Strepsirhines (Prosimians).
C Platyrrhines (NWM).
D Hominoidea (apes and humans).
Question #6
A engage in complex tool-use.
B are highly competitive.
C consume a variety of food resources.
D are highly cooperative and altruistic.
Question #7
A Strepsirhine (Prosimian).
B Hominoidea (apes and humans).
C Cercopithecoid (OWM).
D Platyrrhine (NWM).
Question #8
A Africa and Asia.
B Madagascar and Indonesia.
C South America and Australia
D North America and South America.
Question #9
A cold and high altitude.
B heat and high altitude.
C heat and low altitude.
D cold and low altitude.
Question #10
A bonding monogamously with the dominant male.
B having one birth per year.
C having twin births every year.
D caring for young and ensuring access to food.
Question #11
A 2-2-3-3.
B 2-1-2-3.
C 2-2-1-3.
D 2-1-3-3
Question #12
A predators.
B competition.
C sexual selection.
D kin selection.
Question #13
A predator alarm calls.
B all of these are alturistic.
C caregiving.
D grooming.
Question #14
A Cercopithecoids (OWM).
B Hominoidea (Apes & Humans).
C Platyrrhines (NWM).
D Strepsirhines (Prosimians).
Question #15
A the ability to move on four limbs.
B adaptation to life in the savanna.
C adaptation to life in the trees.
D the ability to knuckle-walk.
Question #16
A women living at high altitudes tend to have fewer surviving children.
B women living at high altitudes tend to practice monogamy.
C women living at high altitudes typically do not receive adequate nutrition.
D women with alleles for high oxygen saturation in their hemoglobin had more surviving children.
Question #17
A malaria.
C swine flu.
D ebola.
Question #18
A they have higher intelligence and larger brains relative to other animals.
B the areas of the brain associated with smell and hearing are expanded in all primates.
C they take longer to develop to sexual maturity.
D on average they are larger bodied than nonprimates.
Question #19
A high altitude.
B low altitude.
C cold environments.
D hot environments.
Question #20
A fruit.
B vegetaion.
C carbohydrates.
D meat.
Question #21
A risk-taking behavior.
B competition for mates.
C care of young.
D altruistic behavior.
Question #22
A Cercopithecoid and Hominoidea.
Cercopithecoid and Hominoidea.
B Platyrrhine and Catarrhine.
C Pongidae and Hominidae.
D Lorisiform and Lemuriform.
Question #23
A population size.
B body size.
C survival and reproduction.
D brain size.
Question #24
A individual factors, as in humans.
B emotional impulses produced randomly and involuntarily.
emotional impulses produced randomly and involuntarily.
C the type of predator and the predator’s attack strategy.
D lessons taught by primatologists.
Question #25
A develops more with age.
B is a chemical that decreases the possibility of a tan.
C occurs in individuals with light skin tone.
D is advantageous because it provides protection from solar radiation.
Question #26
A capuchin monkeys.
B chimpanzees.
C vervet monkeys.
D ring-tailed lemurs.
Question #27
A sight and touch.
B smell and touch.
C smell and hearing.
D sight and smell.
Question #28
A Cercopithecoids (OWM).
B Hominoidea (Apes & Humans).
C Strepsirhines (Prosimians).
D Platyrrhines (NWM).
Question #29
A completion of brain growth.
B adult social roles.
C similar body size in males and females.
D menarche (on-set of menstruation).
Question #30
A a Great Ape because they use both their hands and feet to grasp tree limbs.
B a New World monkey, because it has a prehensile tail.
C an Old World monkey, because many of these species have a tail with grasping abilities similar to those observed in nonhuman primate hands and feet.
D a lesser ape, because many of these species have a tail with grasping abilities similar to those observed in nonhuman primate hands and feet.
Question #31
A Asia.
B Madagascar.
C Africa.
D South America.
Question #32
A Cercopithecoids (OWM).
B Platyrrhines (NWM).
C Strepsirhines (Prosimians).
D Hominoidea (Apes & Humans).
Question #33
A menopause.
B sexual selction.
C concealed ovulation.
D menstration.
Question #34
A ring-tail lemurs.
B cotton-top tamarins.
C western lowland gorillas.
D rhesus macaques.
Question #35
A altruistic behaviors.
B interbreeding with other subspecies.
C meat sharing.
D competition.
Question #36
A Hominoidea (Apes & Humans).
B Strepsirhines (Prosimians).
C Platyrrhines (NWM).
D Cercopithecoids (OWM).
Question #37
A smaller lung capacity.
B decreased melanin production.
C more effective oxygen exchange between mother and fetus.
D chronic shortness of breath.
Question #38
A blending in with the snow.
B avoiding skin cancer.
C avoiding malarial infection.
D proper absorption of vitamin D.
Question #39
A hot climate.
B high altitude environments.
C cold climate.
D aquatic environments.
Question #40
A consume more vegetation.
B have short limbs and large bodies.
C consume more carbohydrates.
D have long limbs and slim bodies.
Question #41
A in extreme cold.
B far away from the equator (low UV).
C close to the equator (high UV).
D at low altitude.
Question #42
A are not common among primates.
B none of these options.
C involve using material culture to make living possible in certain settings.
D occur at the population level via natural selection.
Question #43
A polyamory.
B polyandry
C polygyny
D monogamy.
Question #44
A monogamy.
B polyamory
C polyandry.
D polygyny.
Question #45
A South America.
B Africa.
C Madagascar.
D Asia.
Question #46
A multi-male; multi-female.
B All female.
C one-male; multi-female.
D one female; multi-male.
Question #47
A Hominoidea (apes and humans).
B Cercopithecoids (Old World Monkeys).
C Platyrrhines (New World Monkeys)
D Strepsirhines (Prosimians).
Question #48
A spider monkey.
B gelada baboon.
C chimpanzee.
D lemur.
Question #49
A howler monkey.
B orangutan.
C ring-tailed lemur.
D hamadryas baboon.
Question #50
A howler monkey.
B gorilla.
C gelada baboon.
D ring-tailed lemur.