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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A A nonrebreathing mask
B A nasal cannula
C An oropharyngeal catheter
D A Venturi mask
Question #2
A Ensuring that the client remains sedated while intubated
B Cleaning the client’s mouth with chlorhexidine daily
C Maintaining the client in a high Fowler’s position
D Turning and repositioning the client every 4 hours
Question #3
A “I just finished eating my lunch, I’m ready for my CPT now.”
B “I have been coughing all morning and am barely bringing anything up.”
C “I received my pain medication 10 minutes ago, let’s do my CPT now.”
D “I just changed into my running suit; we can do my CPT now.”
Question #4
A Mood swings
B Substernal pain
C Dyspnea
D Fatigue
E Bradycardia
Question #5
A Maintain a supine position to use the spirometer.
B Inhale and exhale rapidly with the spirometer.
C Expect coughing when using the spirometer properly.
D Use the spirometer twice every hour
Question #6
A 22 mm Hg
B 16 mm Hg
C 13 mm Hg
D 19 mm Hg
Question #7
A take a deep breath as the nurse deflates the cuff.
B cough as the cuff is being deflated.
C hold the breath as the cuff is being reinflated.
D exhale deeply as the nurse reinflates the cuff.
Question #8
A take a deep breath as the nurse deflates the cuff.
B exhale deeply as the nurse reinflates the cuff.
C cough as the cuff is being deflated.
D hold the breath as the cuff is being reinflated.
Question #9
A Pressure necrosis
B Hypoxia
C Tracheal ischemia
D Tracheal aspiration
E Tracheal bleeding
Question #10
A It increases the respiratory rate to improve oxygenation.
B It will assist with widening the airway.
C It prolongs exhalation.
D It will prevent the alveoli from overexpanding.
Question #11
A Promote the client’s ability to take in oxygen
B Promote the strengthening of the client’s diaphragm
C Improve oxygen transport; induce a slow, deep breathing pattern; and assist the client to control breathing
D Promote more efficient and controlled ventilation and to decrease the work of breathing
Question #12
A To reduce stress on the myocardium
B To decrease the work of breathing
C To clear respiratory secretions
D To provide adequate transport of oxygen in the blood
E To provide visual feedback to encourage the client to inhale slowly and deeply
Question #13
A Impaired gas exchange related to ventilator setting adjustments
B Risk for trauma related to endotracheal intubation and cuff pressure
C Impaired physical mobility related to being on a ventilator
D Risk for infection related to endotracheal intubation and suctioning
Question #14
A clamp the chest tube once every shift.
B milk the chest tube every 2 hours.
C encourage coughing and deep breathing.
D report fluctuations in the water-seal chamber.
Question #15
A pressure support ventilation (PSV).
B synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV).
C assist-control (AC) ventilation.
D continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).
Question #16
A Notify the physician.
B Milk the chest tube.
C Disconnect the system and get another.
D Place the head of the patient’s bed flat
Question #17
A The patient will be extubated and a nasotracheal tube will be inserted.
B The patient will begin the weaning process.
C The patient will have an insertion of a tracheostomy tube.
D The patient will be extubated and another endotracheal tube will be inserted.
Question #18
A Troubleshoot to identify the malfunction.
B Notify the respiratory therapist.
C Reposition the endotracheal tube.
D Manually ventilate the client.
Question #19
A Lobectomy
B Segmentectomy
C Pneumonectomy
D Wedge resection
Question #20
A Prepare to start an I.V. line.
B Apply a dressing over the wound and tape it on three sides.
C Draw blood for a hematocrit and hemoglobin level.
D Prepare a chest tube insertion tray.
Question #21
A Prepare to start an I.V. line.
B Apply a dressing over the wound and tape it on three sides.
C Prepare a chest tube insertion tray.
D Draw blood for a hematocrit and hemoglobin level.
Question #22
A 45 to 60 minutes.
B 5 to 20 minutes.
C 30 to 40 minutes.
D 15 to 60 seconds.
Question #23
A Suction the client, withdraw residual air from the cuff, and reinflate it.
B Remove the malfunctioning cuff.
C Add more air to the cuff.
D Call the physician.
Question #24
A They help prevent cardiac arrhythmias.
B They help prevent subcutaneous emphysema.
C They help prevent pneumothorax.
D They help prevent pulmonary edema.
Question #25
A Pain of 5 on a 1-to-10 scale
B Moderate amounts of colorless sputum
C Chest tube drainage, 190 mL/hr
D Heart rate, 112 bpm
Question #26
A Make sure that a thoracotomy tube is linked to open chest drainage.
B Assist with positioning the client on the right side.
C Encourage coughing to mobilize secretions.
D Restrict intravenous fluids for at least 24 hours.
Question #27
A Transtracheal
B Hyperbaric
C High-flow systems
D Low-flow systems
Question #28
A Nasal cannula
B Nonrebreather mask
C Face tent
D Simple mask
Question #29
A Clamp the chest tube immediately.
B Apply an occlusive dressing and notify the physician.
C Secure the chest tube with tape.
D Place the end of the chest tube in a container of sterile saline.
Question #30
A “Breathe in and out quickly.”
B “You need to start using the incentive spirometer 2 days after surgery.”
C “Before you do the exercise, I’ll give you pain medication if you need it.”
D “Don’t use the incentive spirometer more than 5 times every hour.”
Question #31
A a compromised skin graft.
B pneumonia.
C hyperthermia.
D a malignant tumor.
Question #32
A Hypoxic hypoxia
B Circulatory hypoxia
C Histotoxic hypoxia
D Anemic hypoxia
Question #33
A The patient is hypoxic from suctioning.
B The patient is in a hypermetabolic state.
C The patient is having a stress reaction
D The patient is having a myocardial infarction.
Question #34
A Hypoxia
B Oxygen-induced hypoventilation
C Oxygen-induced atelectasis
D Oxygen toxicity
Question #35
A “When the tube is being removed, take a deep breath, exhale, and bear down.”
B “Exhale forcefully while the chest tube is being removed.”
C “While the chest tube is being removed, raise your arms above your head.”
D “Do not move during the removal of the chest tube because moving will make it more painful.”
Question #36
B Pressure support
D Assist control
Question #37
A Tracheal ischemia
B Tracheal bleeding
C Aspiration pneumonia
D Pressure necrosis
Question #38
A Tracheal ischemia
B Aspiration pneumonia
C Tracheal bleeding
D Pressure necrosis
Question #39
A Venturi mask
B T-piece
C Nasal cannula
D Partial-rebreathing mask
Question #40
A Catheter
B Nonrebreathing mask
C Venturi mask
D Face tent
Question #41
A Suction the client’s artificial airway.
B Ventilate the client with a handheld mechanical ventilator
C Increase the oxygen percentage.
D Check for an apical pulse.
Question #42
A Encourage the patient to take approximately 10 breaths per hour, while awake.
B Inform the patient that using the spirometer is not necessary if the patient is experiencing pain
C Have the patient lie in a supine position during the use of the spirometer.
D Encourage the patient to try to stop coughing during and after using the spirometer.
Question #43
A Volume cycled
B Pressure cycled
C Time cycled
D Negative pressure
Question #44
A Consults with the physician about removing the client from the ventilator
B Contacts the respiratory therapy department to report the ventilator is malfunctioning
C Changes the setting on the ventilator to increase breaths to 14 per minute
D Continues assessing the client’s respiratory status frequently
Question #45
A pH
B Bicarbonate (HCO3–)
C Partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2)
D Partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2)
Question #46
A Deflating the cuff before removing the tube
B Checking the cuff pressure every 6 to 8 hours
C Routinely deflating the cuff
D Ensuring that humidified oxygen is always introduced through the tube
Question #47
A Assess the CO2 level to determine if the patient requires suctioning.
B Auscultate the lung for adventitious sounds.
C Have the patient cough.
D Have the patient inform the nurse of the need to be suctioned.
Question #48
A PaO2
D pH
Question #49
A Cleans the wound and the plate with a sterile cotton tip moistened with hydrogen peroxide
B Dries and reinserts the inner cannula or replaces it with a new disposable inner cannula
C Places clean tracheostomy ties then removes soiled ties after the new ties are in place
D Puts on clean gloves; removes and discards the soiled dressing in a biohazard container
Question #50
A 120 mm Hg
B 84 mm Hg
C 58 mm Hg
D 45 mm Hg
Question #51
A Assist control
D Pressure support
Question #52
A Volume-controlled
B Time-cycled
C Negative-pressure
D Pressure-cycled
Question #53
A Turning the client from side to side every 2 hours
B Monitoring serial blood gas values every 4 hours
C Auscultating the lungs for bilateral breath sounds
D Providing frequent oral hygiene
Question #54
A A change in the oxygen concentration without resetting the oxygen level alarm
B A disconnected ventilator circuit
C An ET cuff leak
D Kinking of the ventilator tubing
Question #55
A Air-leak chamber
B Collection chamber
C Water-seal chamber
D Suction control chamber
Question #56
A A bottle of sterile water
B A set of hemostats
C An Ambu bag
D An incentive spirometer
Question #57
A Malfunction of the alarm button
B A kink in the ventilator tubing
C A cut or slice in the tubing from the ventilator
D Higher than normal endotracheal cuff pressure
Question #58
A 0 to 5 seconds
B 20 to 25 seconds
C 10 to 15 seconds
D 30 to 35 seconds
Question #59
A The chest tube is obstructed.
B The system has an air leak.
C The client has a pneumothorax.
D The system is functioning normally.
Question #60
A Keeping the collection chamber at chest level
B Stripping the chest tube every hour
C Measuring and documenting the drainage in the collection chamber
D Maintaining continuous bubbling in the water-seal chamber