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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A external beam radiation therapy.
B brachytherapy.
C systemic radiation.
D a contact mold.
Question #2
A Malignant tumor
B Benign fibrocystic disease
C Malignant tumor with metastasis to surrounding tissue
D Normal finding
Question #3
A Exposure to chemicals and spermicides
B Smoking and tobacco use
C Increased tumor suppressor genes
D Inherited gene mutation
Question #4
A Mitotic spindle poisons
B Antimetabolite
C Nitrosoureas
D Alkylating
Question #5
A Fatigue related to deficient blood cells
B Activity intolerance related to side effects of chemotherapy
C Anxiety related to change in role function
D Risk for infection related to inadequate defenses
Question #6
A absorption through the gloves.
B inhalation of aerosols.
C absorption through the goggles.
D absorption through the gown.
Question #7
A “I use an alcohol-based mouthwash every morning.”
B “I lubricate my lips with petroleum jelly.”
C “I replace my toothbrush every month.”
D “I clean my teeth gently several times per day.”
Question #8
A Provide aseptic care to the incision postoperatively
B Clarify information provided by the physician.
C Provide time for the patient to discuss her concerns.
D Counsel the patient about the possibility of losing her breast.
Question #9
A Antimetabolites
B Retinoids
C Cytokine
D Monoclonal antibodies
Question #10
A The I.V. site is red and swollen.
B The laboratory reports a white blood cell (WBC) count of 1,000/mm3.
C The client states he is nauseous.
D The client begins to shiver.
Question #11
A Colon
B Liver
C Reproductive trac
D White blood cells (WBCs)
Question #12
A To prevent the formation of new cancer cells
B To destroy marginal tissues
C To analyze the lymph nodes involved
D To remove the tumor from the brain
Question #13
A They demonstrate cells that are well differentiated.
B They grow by expansion.
C They usually grow slowly.
D They gain access to the blood and lymphatic channels
Question #14
A A normal reaction to the diagnosis of cancer.
B An aberrant psychologic reaction to the chemotherapy.
C A side effect of the neoplastic drugs
D A psychiatric diagnosis everyone has at one time or another.
Question #15
A “You will be unable to have children.”
B “You will need to practice birth control measures.”
C “You will experience menopause now.”
D “You will continue having your menses every month.”
Question #16
A leukopenia
B granulocytopenia
C neutropenia
D thrombocytopenia
Question #17
A chondroma
B neuroma
C hemangioma
D osteoma
Question #18
A Malignancy
B Carcinoma
C Sarcoma
D Leukemia
Question #19
A Progression
B Prolongation
C Promotion
D Initiation
Question #20
A chemotherapy exposure and risk factors.
B signs and symptoms of infection.
C expected chemotherapy-related adverse effects.
D reinforcement of the client’s medication regimen.
Question #21
A Extravasation
B Nausea and vomiting
C Bone pain
D Stomatitis
Question #22
A Random, rapid growth of the tumor
B Cells colonizing to distant body parts
C Tumor pressure against normal tissues
D Emission of abnormal proteins
Question #23
A Monitor the client’s heart rate.
B Monitor the client’s toilet patterns.
C Monitor the client closely to prevent infection.
D Monitor the client’s physical condition.
Question #24
A Practicing relaxation techniques
B Taking prescribed ondansetron
C Using imagery techniques
D Obtaining acupressure treatments
Question #25
A drinks one glass of wine at dinner each night
B works as a secretary at a medical radiation treatment center
C eats red meat such as steaks or hamburgers every day
D uses the treadmill for 30 minutes on 5 days each week
Question #26
A White blood cell (WBC) count of 9,000 cells/mm3
B Ate 75% of all meals during the day
C Temperature of 98.3° F (36.8° C)
D Stage 3 pressure ulcer on the left heel
Question #27
A Eggs and milk
B Green, leafy vegetables
C Fish and poultry
D Ham and bacon
Question #28
A No regional lymph node metastasis
B No evidence of primary tumor
C No distant metastasis
D Distant metastasis
Question #29
A Prepare food separately from family members.
B Flush the toilet twice after every use.
C Shield your throat area when near others.
D Use disposable utensils for the next month.
Question #30
A Blood studies
B Family history
C Drug history
D Allergy history
Question #31
A “I’m worried I’ll expose my family members to radiation.”
B “I’ll wash my skin with mild soap and water only.”
C “I’ll not use my heating pad during my treatment.”
D “I’ll wear protective clothing when outside.”
Question #32
A Providing for frequent rest periods
B Administering aspirin if the temperature exceeds 102° F (38.8° C)
C Inspecting the skin for petechiae once every shift
D Placing the client in strict isolation
Question #33
A Serving small portions of bland food
B Withholding fluids for the first 4 to 6 hours after chemotherapy administration
C Encouraging rhythmic breathing exercises
D Administering metoclopramide and dexamethasone as ordered
Question #34
A Serum potassium level of 2.6 mEq/L
B Sodium level of 142 mEq/L
C Urine output of 400 ml in 8 hours
D Blood pressure of 120/64 to 130/72 mm Hg
Question #35
A Break needles after the infusion is discontinued.
B Disconnect I.V. tubing with gloved hands.
C Wear disposable gloves and protective clothing.
D Throw I.V. tubing in the trash after the infusion is stopped.
Question #36
A The I.V. site is red and swollen.
B The laboratory reports a white blood cell (WBC) count of 1,000/mm3.
C The client begins to shiver.
D The client states he is nauseous.
Question #37
A Place a chair next to the bed to allow the spouse to sit.
B Have visitors wear dosimeters for safety
C Place the client in a private room.
D Allow visitors to telephone only.
Question #38
A Encourage fluid intake, if possible, to dilute the urine.
B Modify the diet to acidify the urine, thus preventing uric acid crystallization.
C Limit fluids to 1,000 mL/day to minimize stress on the renal tubules.
D Withhold medication when the blood urea nitrogen level exceeds 20 mg/dL.
Question #39
A Drug history
B Allergy history
C Blood studies
Question #40
A “With your family history, there is nothing you can do to prevent getting cancer.”
B “You can’t prevent cancer, but you can have your blood analyzed for tumor markers to see what your risk level is.”
C “Cancer often skips a generation, so don’t worry about it.”
D “If you eat right, exercise, and get enough rest, you can prevent breast cancer.”
Question #41
A Mitosis
B G2 phase
C S phase
D G1 phase
Question #42
A Carcinogenesis
B Mitosis
C Apoptosis
D Angiogenesis
Question #43
A Encourage maximum fluid intake
B Stay away from protein beverages.
C Encourage eating cheese, eggs, and legumes
D Suck on hard candy during treatment.
Question #44
A Decrease tobacco smoking from one pack/day to half a pack/day
B Obtain a cancer history from her parents.
C Use sunscreen when outdoors.
D Exercise 30 minutes 3 times each week.
Question #45
C Superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS)
D Cardiac tamponade
Question #46
A Increased uric acid excretion
B Hypokalemia
C Hypercalcemia
D Hypophosphatemia
Question #47
A Withhold medication when the blood urea nitrogen level exceeds 20 mg/dL.
B Limit fluids to 1,000 mL daily to prevent accumulation of the drug’s end products after cell lysis.
C Take measures to acidify the urine and prevent uric acid crystallization.
D Encourage fluid intake to dilute the urine.
Question #48
A It causes a systemic reaction.
B It targets normal body cells as well as cancer cells.
C It functions against disseminated disease.
D It attacks cancer cells during their vulnerable phase.
Question #49
A Diagnostic
B Prophylactic
C Palliative
D Reconstructive
Question #50
A It removes a wedge of tissue for diagnosis.
B It removes an entire lesion and the surrounding tissue.
C It treats cancer with lymph node involvement.
D It is used to remove cancerous cells using a needle.
Question #51
A Stomatitis
B Extravasation
C Neutropenia
D Nadir
Question #52
A “Wigs can be used after the chemotherapy is completed.”
B “New hair growth will return without any change to color or texture.”
C “Clients with alopecia will have delay in grey hair.”
D “The hair loss is usually temporary.”
Question #53
A Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
B Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone release (SIADH)
C Tumor lysis syndrome
D Cardiac tamponade
Question #54
A Autologous
B Allogeneic
C Syngeneic
D Homogenic
Question #55
A The first two drugs are toxic to cancer cells, and the third drug promotes cell growth.
B The three drugs can be given at lower doses.
C The second and third drugs increase the effectiveness of the first drug.
D The three drugs have a synergistic effect and act on the cancer cells with different mechanisms.
Question #56
A antimetabolite.
B antiemetic.
C antibiotic
D anticoagulant.
Question #57
A To prevent metastasis
B Angiogenesis
C Stomatitis
D Fatigue
Question #58
A Most clients believe the discomfort is well worth the cure for cancer.
B Chemotherapy treatment can be adjusted to optimize effects while limiting adverse effects.
C Nausea and vomiting are only a factor for the first 24 hours after treatment.
D Clinical trials are opening up new cancer treatments all the time.
Question #59
A Eat wholesome meals.
B Eat warm or hot foods.
C Avoid spicy and fatty foods.
D Avoid intake of fluids.
Question #60
A Increased urine output
B Hypertension
C Warm, moist skin
D Altered mental status
Question #61
A “I’ll use hats to protect my head from the sun when my hair falls out.”
B “I’ll allow myself plenty of time to rest between activities.”
C “If I get nauseous, I’ll try to eat several small, bland meals each day.”
D “Most of the adverse effects should go away shortly after my last radiation treatment.”