Navigation » List of Schools » California State University, Northridge » Religion » Religious Studies 361 – Contemporary Ethical Issues » Spring 2020 » Reading Quiz 1
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Ideal society would be possible only if all citizens were genuinely religious
B If everyone thinks of the well-being of the majority we will have an ideal society
C There is a contstant battle between good and evil and good will eventually win
D We can never have an ideally happy society if happiness is at the expense of the suffering of a silent minority
Question #2
A Bentham’s Utilitarianism believes pleasure is pleasure, but Mill thinks “higher pleasure” is the main goal
B Bentham thinks minority rights are equally important but Mill does not
C Bentham is a Supernaturalist but Mill is a Utilitarian
D There is no difference, both of them agree on the “pleasure” concept similarly
Question #3
A Utilitarianism cannot be right, because it creates serious ethical problems for “individual rights”
B “Usefulness for the majority” principle is perhaps the most reasonable ethical theory
C Each society should decide for itself what is right and what is wrong
D Utilitarianism can be right if we consider its usefulness in the long run
Question #4
A Morality should be based on the “Divine Command” concept only
B Ethical decision can also be based on one’s “gut feeling”
C Moral feelings are not scientific and therefore invalid and meaningless emotional expressions
D Motivation is the main driving force for morality
Question #5
A Supernaturalist
B Moral Subjectivist
C Moral Objectivist
D Idealist
Question #6
A Children learn foreign languages much faster, because of certain chemicals in their brain
B Chomsky’s theory is about human language being a non existent and meaningless thing, because it cannot be proven scientifically
C Religious Language has been developed throughout the human evolution
D Morality, Ethics and the Concept of Language may be “built in” in humans which goes beyond science
Question #7
A The author takes a balanced view and believes that religious experience, although not scientifically accurate, is an important contribution to human ethics and self-awareness.
B Only scientific, provable and testable data is valid and religion should be disregarded as superstition
C Religions are usually outdated, superstitious and often hateful, therefore the only solution is to find the best religion which is accurate and valid
D Religious claims are absolutely valid and should be taken seriously along with scientific discoveries
Question #8
A The author does not believe that “city civilizations” affected the religious worldview in any way
B “City civilizations” created environmental crisis and people lost their religion and became more secular
C People lost their sense of “sameness” and “collective identity” with their tribe and death became a personal and cruel problem
D People became more individualistic and the “divine” became more democratic and available for all
Question #9
A Often Religious Language describes the divine not “what it is like” but “what it is not”
B Unfortunately, obscurity of Religious Language has created significant misfortune
C Religious Language often criticizes people too harshly for their shortcomings
D It states that negative thinking can create bad karma
Question #10
A Is confusing and therefore religions need to simplify it to reach people more effectively
B Is full of metaphors and allegories, because it tries to explain the inexplicable
C Is outdated and if modernized, everyone would clearly and completely understand the message
D Is Utilitarian and tries to produce maximum usefulness for the majority