Navigation » List of Schools » Los Angeles Mission College » English » English 102 – College Reading and Composition 2 » Spring 2023 » Quiz Thesis Statement & Topic Sentences
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
A topic sentence should always ask a question.
A topic sentence should actually be more than one sentence.
A topic sentence is made up of a topic and key words.
A topic sentence should actually be more than one sentence.
A topic sentence should always ask a question.
A topic sentence should actually be more than one sentence.
A topic sentence is made up of a topic and key words.
A topic sentence should actually be more than one sentence
Because it uses the first person pronoun “I”.
Because football isn’t the most popular sport in the U.S.
Because football isn’t the most popular sport in the U.S.
Because it really doesn’t argue anything.
Because it doesn’t have a question mark at the end.
Because football isn’t the most popular sport in the U.S.
Because it is simply a statement of fact.
Because it really doesn’t argue anything.
It is not okay to change your thesis statement after you’ve written your essay.
You should put your thesis statement in the form of a question.
You should not use phrases like “I think” and “I believe” in a thesis statement.
A thesis statement is merely a statement of fact.
You should not use phrases like “I think” and “I believe” in a thesis statement.
You should put your thesis statement in the form of a question.
It is not okay to change your thesis statement after you’ve written your essay.
You should not use phrases like “I think” and “I believe” in a thesis statement.
The arguable opinion or assertion in an essay.
The guiding question of an essay.
The first sentence of an essay which introduces the topic.
The topic and key words in the first sentence of a paragraph.