Navigation » List of Schools » West Los Angeles College » Humanities » Human 030 – The Beginnings of Civilization » Fall 2019 » Test 2
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A First English translator of the Torah
B Bought the Standard of Ur at auction for 12,500,000 in 2002.
C Translator of The Humanistic Tradition: Prehistory to the Early Modern World
D Archeaologist. Ziggurat excavator circa 1920’s.
Question #2
A a state achieved militarily by the unification of territories under a single sovereign power
B contract; the bond between the Hebrew people and their God
C a ritual for public worship
D an upright stone or slab with an inscribed or sculptured surface, used as a monument or as a commemorative tablet in the face of a building
Question #3
A He had the head of a human and the body of a lion
B He was two-thirds adult and one-third child
C The was two-thirds god and one-third lion
D He was two-thirds god and one-third man
Question #4
A ‘Mud and water on land’
B ‘Where the sun shines always’
C ‘House whose foundation creates terror’
D ‘Place of love and gods’
Question #5
A Enkindu
B Moses
C The “Queen of the Night”
D Akkadian
Question #6
A a carving system, incorporating sharp rock and flowing water
B the name for the Lydian’s standard coinage
C Goddess of the moon
D storm and rain god
Question #7
A The Baskins
B The 3rd century b.c.e. Greeks
C The Assyrians
D The Robbins
Question #8
A father of the gods, god of heaven
B goddess of grain
C storm and rain god
D goddess of the moon
Question #9
A the goddess of grain
B the goddess of the moon
C the goddess of love, fertility and war; Queen of Heaven
D a storm and rain god
Question #10
A multiplication tables devised in Babylon.
B Strict Asseryian laws that predate the Code of Hammurabi.
C A double-sided wooden panel executed in shell, mother-of-pearl and lapis lazuli. It appears to commemorate a Sumerian victory.
D Statuettes from the Abu temple.
Question #11
A The Epic of Gilgamesh
B Genesis
C Numbers
D Exodus
Question #12
A The height of these structure, Fiero writes symbolizes “the sacred mountain linking the realms of heaven and earth.”
B According to Fiero “no ziggurat remains in the 21st Century and scholars now believe they might never have existed.”
C they often contained steep exterior stairwells.
D it is often a large terraced tower of rubble and brick.
Question #13
A a belief that singing should not take place during religious services
B a seven-branched candelabrum
C A type of music in which two or more groups of voices or instruments alternate with one another
D the belief in only one god
Question #14
A a prayer cloth
B A harp from Ur
C the clay tablets containing the Epic of Gilgamesh
D A ram’s horn, used as a trumpet, to call the faithful to prayer
Question #15
A create iron molds
B Chant biblical passages as part of the Hebew liturgy
C build ships
D guard the Assyrian aqueducts
Question #16
A a chest or box containing the tablets of The Ten Commandments
B The name of the boat the Hebrews took from Egypt back to Mesopotamia
C A song/poem performed at the death of Mesoptamian royalty
D the Biblical name for Noah’s Ark
Question #17
A The Epic of Gilgamesh
B THe Babylonian Creation
C The Book of the Dead
D The Code of Hammurabi
Question #18
A The first female leader in Ancient Greece
B a painting on a cave wall in what is now Germany
C Probably the most famous early artistic image of a human, a woman
D An early Greek sculpture
Question #19
A the first chapter in the Babylonian creation myth
B the first recorded laws
C the last chapter in the Babylonian creation myth
D a collection of songs, praise, thanksgiving, confession and supplication
Question #20
A The Book of the Dead
B The Code of Hammurabi
C The Epic of Gilgamesh
D The Babylonian Creation
Question #21
A Jehovah
B Sumeria
C Abraham
D Asseria
Question #22
A “home for the family of the dead.”
B “site for cremation ceremony.”
C “platform for politcal speeches.”
D “shrine and temple.”
Question #23
A “created by God, but left in the hands of humans.”
B “systematically planned and invested with a preconceived moral order.”
C “a combination of fate, free-will and destiny.”
D “peaceful, but becomes chaotic because of greed and war.”
Question #24
A the Phoenicians
B the Persians
C the Egyptians
D the Chaldeans
Question #25
A The Caspian and the Antioch
B The Nile and the Black Sea
C The Nile Delta and the Aegean
D The Tigris and the Euphrates