Navigation » List of Schools » California State University, Northridge » Geography » Geography 322 – Geography of Latin America » Spring 2019 » Quiz 14 Transnational Latin America Movements, Places and Displacements
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A is integral to people’s daily lives
B is about the global and not the local
C typically does not entail power relations
D is clearly separated from processes of colonialism
Question #2
A practice circular migration between Guanajuato and Moline
B created hometown associations (HTAs) but they have little to no contact with other HTAs in the US
C receive all of their funding from private organizations
D are primarily from Guanajuato and began arriving there after World War I
Question #3
A it is utilized by countries of the global North to exploit other countries
B is a social construct without material implications
C refers to size of a phenomenon
D is socially constructed
Question #4
A The economic slowdown in Madrid did not effect housing construction in Ecuador
B Many Ecuadorians who could not afford to purchase a home in Spain, bought homes in Ecuador through catalogs in Madrid
C Ecuadorian men started migrating in large numbers to Madrid in the 1970s
D Ecuadorian women living abroad challenge the social reproduction of their homes in Ecuador
Question #5
A Generally, it is the least educated Ecuadorians who migrated to Spain
B Ecuadorian women preceded men due to high demand for domestic work
C Ecuadorians abroad can have influence on the Ecuadorian government
D Remittances from this group is the second leading contributor to Ecuador’s GNP
Question #6
A they are designed solely to help citizens living abroad (i.e. not in Latin America)
B they work on multiple scales
C they are important to transnational practices
D they can help finance stadiums and roads/highways in societies of origin
Question #7
A In countries that experience large exoduses (e.g. Bolivia), remittances are very important to gross national product
B remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean are not yet as significant as they are in other world regions
C remittances tend to decrease the sense of belonging from those living abroad
D remittances are an important reason why countries try to keep citizens living abroad involved in national politics
Question #8
A Is immigration exclusively the outcome of global structures of inequality OR individual decision-making?
B How do local practices play into the process of immigration?
C How do labor dynamics influence immigration?
D What are the class and racial dynamics underlying immigration?
E Who is more likely to immigrate and why?
Question #9
A is based solely on the work of intellectuals from the global North
B challenges historically modernist notions of both “nation” and “globalization”
C takes the concept of “nation” for granted.
D is conceptually identical to globalization
Question #10
A promoted socialist change
B emerged in ideological opposition to dependency theory
C was based on the perspective of those living in the global periphery
D focused exclusively on internal, i.e. not global, exploitation