Navigation » List of Schools » California State Polytechnic University » History » History 2202 – U.S. History, 1877 to the Present » Fall 2022 » Chapter 5 Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Pursuing antitrust cases
B Abolishing Jim Crow practices in federal offices
C Selling millions of acres of public lands
D Providing significant support to labor in their disputes with big business
E Accomplishing all of the above
Question #2
A Ability of organized citizen groups to influence policy and government
B Ultimate powerlessness of the average citizen
C Success of third parties in electing presidents
D Strong influence of agriculture in the American economy
E Importance of centralized leadership in challenging the political status quo
Question #3
A Weak presidential power
B All of these
C Political graft
D High voter turnouts
E Republican domination of the US Senate
Question #4
A give federal government control of corporations
B eliminate unfair business practices
C increase the power of local governments
D reduce the power of the unions
E reduce imports from foreign nations
Question #5
A Alice Paul and the National Woman’s Party
B Mary Elizabeth Lease and Populism
C Jane Addams and the settlement house movement
D Francis Willard and woman suffrage
E Ida Tarbell and muckraking journalism
Question #6
A Mechanization
B Weather conditions
C Distance from markets
D Lack of availability of land for farming
E Overproduction
Question #7
A Reliance on expert knowledge as an element of good governance
B The state set as a center of progressive reform
C The state’s role in woman suffrage
D Robert LaFollette’s successful reforms as governor of Wisconsin
E The city-manager style of local government
Question #8
A William Howard Taft
B William McKinley
C James Garfield
D Benjamin Harrison
E Grover Cleveland
Question #9
A The government should own and run all businesses that operate within the 50 states.
B Businesses need to be allowed to operate in response to consumer demands.
C Labor unions should have government support.
D All agriculture should be monitored and protected by the government.
E The government should intervene and eliminate unfair business practices.
Question #10
A Enhanced the regulatory powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission
B Enforced federal powers to regulate big business
C Sought to balance competing interests to provide everyone a “square deal”
D Accomplished all of these
E Promoted conservation of natural resources
Question #11
A making labor unions stronger
B strengthening the gold standard
C all of these
D demanding that railroads lower their rates
E lowering the rate of inflation
Question #12
A Age and gender qualifications
B Political connections
C The merits of the applicant
D Educational achievements
E The lottery system
Question #13
A Popularity of art with gilded frames
B Gold discoveries in California and Nevada.
C Use of gold to back America’s money supply.
D Corruption, greed and the surface appearance of wealth.
E Improvements in the average American’s standard of living.
Question #14
A They grew out of dissatisfaction with the inability of government to effectively deal with changing conditions in the nation
B They exemplify the success of third parties in presidential politics.
C Their main support came from the growing middle class.
D They successfully addressed the growing diversity of America.
E They consisted of disgruntled Americans with a radical agenda.
Question #15
A Strong labor unions
B Unlimited coinage of silver
C Restrictions on alien land ownership
D Graduated income tax
E Government ownership of railroads