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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A They would lose revenue from a small price increase
B They would gain revenue from a small price decrease and they would lose revenue from a small price increase
C They would gain revenue from a small price decrease
D They would gain revenue from a small price increase and they would lose revenue from a small price decrease
Question #2
A products A and B are substitutes, if the price falls for B the demand for A rises
B products A and B are unrelated
C products A and B are complements, if the price falls for B the demand for A falls
D products A and B are complements, if the price falls for B the demand for A rises
E products A and B are substitutes, if the price falls for B the demand for A falls
Question #3
A -0.5
B 0
C 1
D 0.5
E None of the choices
Question #4
A An item that consumers can quickly and easily change their consumption of
B Necessity
C An item that represents a large portion of consumers’ income
D An item with many substitutes
E Luxury
Question #5
A Ed = 0.4, demand is elastic
B c. Ed = 0.9, demand is inelastic
C Ed = 2.3, demand is elastic
D Ed = 0.9, demand is elastic
E Ed = 0.4, demand is inelastic
Question #6
A increasing taxes
B cutting subsidies for the agriculture industry
C decreasing taxes
D increasing interest rates
E a public works project to rebuild a bridge
Question #7
A None of the choices
B All of the choices
C A subsidy to producers
D A tax on producers
E A subsidy to buyers
Question #8
A 30,000 – which is less than the societally optimal amount since education is a negative externality
B 30,000 – which is more than the societally optimal amount since education is a positive externality
C 60,000 – which is less than the societally optimal amount since education is a positive externality
D 60,000 – which is more than the societally optimal amount since education is a positive externality
E 30,000 – which is less than the societally optimal amount since education is a positive externality
Question #9
A price decreases, quantity sold increases
B price increases, quantity sold may increase or decrease
C quantity sold decreases, price may increase or decrease
D quantity sold increases, price may increase or decrease
E price decreases, quantity sold may increase or decrease
Question #10
A price decreases, quantity sold increases
B price increases, quantity sold decreases
C price decreases, quantity sold decreases
D price decreases, quantity sold may increase or decrease
E price increases, quantity sold increases
Question #11
A the price of bicycles increases
B the price of bicycles decreases
C the price of gas increases
D the price of gas decreases
E None of these choices
Question #12
A $800 and 16m
B $800 and 5m
C $600 and 22m
D $400 and 16m
E $600 and 12m
Question #13
A The cost of gas increases.
B The price of steel used in the production of Priuses increases.
C The price of Toyota Priuses rises.
D The government provides Toyota a subsidy for each car produced.
E Consumers realize the Prius is a slow and tacky vehicle.
Question #14
A firms sell resources/labor to households.
B households buy resources/labor from firms.
C households buy resources/labor from firms and firms sell resources/labor to households
D firms buy resources/labor from households and households sell resources/labor to firms.
Question #15
A None of these choices
B Monetary incentives exist for entrepreneurs who bear risk.
C Goods and services are sold in a competitive way.
D Individuals, not the government, own the factors of production.
E Government services are limited to basic protections such as enforcing laws and protecting the public.