Navigation » List of Schools » Los Angeles City College » Sociology » Soc 001 – Introduction to Sociology » Fall 2019 » Exam 2
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A brainwashing
B group polarization
C groupthink
D mental programming
Question #2
A Most people conform to social norms, even when told to deviate from them by persons in authority.
B Group conformity is the most important social relationship people seek to achieve.
C Individualism is among the most cherished personal qualities one can possess.
D A substantial number of people will inflict pain on others if ordered to do so by a person in a position of authority.
Question #3
A democratic leader
B laissez-faire leader
C dictatorial leader
D authoritative leader
Question #4
A pushes
B inner control
C pulls
D formal control
Question #5
A body type theory: people with muscular bodies are prone to be criminals
B intelligence theory: low intelligence leads to deviant and criminal behavior
C social learning theory: we learn deviance from our peers
D XYY” theory: the extra Y chromosome in males causes criminal behavior
Question #6
A Officer Friel is violating police ethics.
B Officer Friel is using reverse psychology on Mark.
C Officer Friel is employing police discretion.
D Officer Friel is guilty of breaking the law.
Question #7
A They are all retreatists.
B They are all ritualists.
C They are all conformists.
D They are all rebels
Question #8
A In the presence of strong attachments, commitments, and involvement with other members of society.
B When they are applied to members of the middle or upper classes
C In situations where there is a strong police presence.
D When we fear punishment from authorities such as parents or the court system.
Question #9
A a police officer taking $100 to refrain from writing a speeding ticket
B a businessperson classifying parking tickets as job hunting expenses on an income tax return
C an executive writing off the corporation’s million-dollar fine as investment capital
D a bank teller robbing the First National bank
Question #10
A the cultural relativity of deviance
B the need for social sanctions
C nonconforming behavior
D the need for absolute standards in defining deviance
Question #11
A a conformist
B a ritualist
C a rebel
D an innovator
Question #12
A They are common in families living in poverty.
B They come from regions populated by large numbers of minorities
C They are from families that have a history of being involved in crime.
D They are concentrated in urban areas with a population over 25,000.
Question #13
A sociology
B sociobiology
C anthropology
D psychology
Question #14
A It was discovered there are no longer any XYY chromosome configurations among men.
B The theory only explains deviant and criminal behavior among females.
C Most criminals do not have XYY and everyone with XYY is not a criminal.
D The work of the theorist who proposed the theory was plagiarized.
Question #15
A The nature of one’s behavior is the most important aspect in determining deviance.
B It is not the act itself, but the reaction of others to the act that makes it deviant.
C Deviance is most related to functionalism because it creates a dysfunction for society.
D Deviance is analogous to mental illness
Question #16
A out-group
B reference group
C primary group
D in-group
Question #17
A impersonality
B technical qualifications
C hierarchy of authority
D Division of labor
Question #18
A oligarchy
B voluntary association
C nonprofit organization
D bureaucracy
Question #19
A interactionist
B conflict
C functionalist
D structuralist
Question #20
A to increase company profits and competitiveness
B to professionally develop staff
C to stimulate an understanding of cultural differences
D to emphasize the qualities that will lead to a worker’s success
Question #21
A Operating on-site daycare reduces employee absenteeism, improves production, and increases staff morale.
B The results of the research are inconclusive.
C Because of the large number of employees using them, daycare facilities are too expensive to operate.
D Daycare facilities are ineffective because they are used by only a few employees
Question #22
A They are all primary groups.
B They all bring people into the political mainstream.
C They all offer people an identity.
D They all generate social change.
Question #23
A alienate the “deadbeats” in the corporation
B humanize the work setting to develop employee potential
C increase the number of employees
D increase profits by downsizing
Question #24
A goal displacement
B bureaucratic ritualism
C the Thomas theorem
D the Peter principle
Question #25
A social capital
B social networks
C primary groups
D secondary groups
Question #26
A technical qualifications
B impersonality
C hierarchy of authority
D technical qualifications
Question #27
A the belief that heaven was a myth and there was no hereafter
B the belief that people were destined before birth for either heaven or hell
C the belief that man was naturally sinful
D the belief that money is the root of all evil
Question #28
A democratic leader
B authoritarian leader
C expressive leader
D laissez-faire leader
Question #29
A Groups tend to develop a more formal social structure.
B Members tend to form more informal relationships.
C Group members become more active in the decision-making process.
D Group members feel more strongly bonded to each other.
Question #30
A Leisure time activities are the primary product of the society.
B The transmission and use of information services dominates the work force.
C High-efficiency production of food and fiber products is most prevalent.
D The production of durable goods such as automobiles, refrigerators, and washing machines is the emphasis.
Question #31
A They would probably use physical punishment
B They would offer verbal encouragement.
C They would rely on reasoning with the child.
D They would probably deny privileges and “ground” the child.
Question #32
A a manifest function of education
B a manifest dysfunction of education
C a latent dysfunction of U.S. education
D a part of the hidden curriculum in U.S. schools
Question #33
A The self-concept begins at birth and concludes by age 5 or 6.
B The self-concept begins when a child is able to reason and concludes at about age 18.
C The self-concept begins prior to conception and concludes at birth.
D The self-concept begins at birth and continues as a life-long process until death.
Question #34
A Identical twins will always exhibit similar behavior because their gene complement is identical.
B Behavior is the result of genetic influences.
C Environment has a significant influence on behavior, regardless of gene complement.
D The father’s genetic influence is greater than the mother’s as a determinant of behavior.
Question #35
A a way to motivate young women to play video games
B an example of pornography
C a way to confuse children about their sexuality
D the creation of a new stereotype of women as symbolic males
Question #36
A basic intelligence
B biological makeup
C strict discipline
D intimate early social interaction
Question #37
A the ability to take the role of another
B the influence of positive peers
C an average or above-average IQ
D a well-developed id
Question #38
A Sociologists reject the notion that personality develops in stages.
B Sociologists object to the view that inborn and subconscious motivations are the primary reasons for human behavior.
C Sociologists argue that Freud failed to study a wide range of subjects before developing his theory.
D Sociologists disagree on the influence of the super ego as a balancing force of behavior.
Question #39
A The mother-child bond was based on the social class of the mother and not the hours the child spent in day care.
B There was no relationship between mother-child bond and the hours a child spent in day care.
C As the number of hours in day care increased, the bond was weaker between mother and child.
D As the number of hours in day care increased, the bond was stronger between mother and child
Question #40
A buy him his own car and hold him to a higher standard of responsibility
B call the police and have their son arrested to impress upon him the error of his ways
C suspend Frank’s driving privileges for a month and discuss with Frank the dangers of drinking and driving
D physically punish their son using a culturally approved method