Navigation » List of Schools » California State Polytechnic University » Anthropology » Anthropology 3600 – Magic, Shamanism and Religion » Fall 2022 » Introduction to Anthropology Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A “The Mind of Primitive Man;” Cultural Relativism
B “Argonauts of the Western Pacific;” Partcipant Observation
C “Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande;” Azande Witchcraft
D “Sick Societies;” Maladapations
Question #2
A “The Mind of Primitive Man;” Cultural Relativism
B “Sick Societies;” Maladapations
C “Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande;” Azande Witchcraft
D “Argonauts of the Western Pacific;” Partcipant Observation
Question #3
A “Argonauts of the Western Pacific;” Partcipant Observation
B “Sick Societies;” Maladapations
C “Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande;” Azande Witchcraft
D “The Mind of Primitive Man;” Cultural Relativism
Question #4
A “Sick Societies;” Maladapations
B “Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande;” Azande Witchcraft
C “The Mind of Primitive Man;” Cultural Relativism
D “Argonauts of the Western Pacific;” Partcipant Observation
Question #5
A No, but American witchcraft is real.
B Yes, in terms of their own understanding.
C Yes, and it is evil and dangerous.
D No, magic isn’t real.
Question #6
A False
B True
Question #7
A religious training and vaccines
B unlimited freedom and academic autonomy
C funding and access to field sites
D scientific tools and apparel
Question #8
A Stay for an extended period of time
B Learn the local language
C Explore the mundane imponderabilia
D Get off the armchair to try local cuisine
Question #9
A A description of cultural practices or cultural groups.
B The approach that considers all interconnected parts of a cultural system.
C the process of learning your own culture.
D Fieldwork approach that is backbone of anthropological research.
Question #10
A The approach that considers all interconnected parts of a cultural system.
B A cultural practice that contradicts the people’s own culturally-specific logic.
C The ousider’s perspective of a culture
D The study of humanity.
Question #11
A Comparing another culture/cultural practice againts your own culturally-specific logic.
B The study of humanity.
C the process of learning your own culture.
D A cultural practice that contradicts the people’s own culturally-specific logic.
Question #12
A The approach that considers all interconnected parts of a cultural system.
B The ousider’s perspective of a culture
C The concept that one can only understand another culture in terms of the own culturall-specific logic.
D The study of humanity.
Question #13
A Comparing another culture/cultural practice againts your own culturally-specific logic.
B the process of learning your own culture.
C A cultural practice that contradicts the people’s own culturally-specific logic.
D The exploitation of peoples by a foreign power.
Question #14
A The exploitation of peoples by a foreign power.
B Comparing another culture/cultural practice againts your own culturally-specific logic.
C To make the strange familiar and the familiar strange.
D The concept that one can only understand another culture in terms of the own culturall-specific logic.
Question #15
A To make the strange familiar and the familiar strange.
B The exploitation of peoples by a foreign power.
C The concept that one can only understand another culture in terms of the own culturall-specific logic.
D Fieldwork approach that is backbone of anthropological research.
Question #16
A The approach that considers all interconnected parts of a cultural system.
B The study of humanity.
C Comparing another culture/cultural practice againts your own culturally-specific logic.
D A description of cultural practices or cultural groups.
Question #17
A The concept that one can only understand another culture in terms of the own culturall-specific logic.
B The insider’s perspective of a culture
C The exploitation of peoples by a foreign power.
D The ousider’s perspective of a culture
Question #18
A The insider’s perspective of a culture
B The ousider’s perspective of a culture
C the process of learning your own culture.
D A cultural practice that contradicts the people’s own culturally-specific logic.
Question #19
A The approach that considers all interconnected parts of a cultural system.
B Fieldwork approach that is backbone of anthropological research.
C To make the strange familiar and the familiar strange.
D A description of cultural practices or cultural groups.
Question #20
A The approach that considers all interconnected parts of a cultural system.
B The study of humanity.
C The ousider’s perspective of a culture
D The insider’s perspective of a culture