Navigation » List of Schools » Los Angeles Community College District » Sociology » Sociology 001 – Introduction to Sociology » Summer 2022 » Exam 2
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A making mistakes
B functionalism
C recidivism
D deviance
Question #2
A control theory
B strain theory
C labeling theory
D conflict theory
Question #3
A sociological
B psychological
C theoretical paradigms
D biological
Question #4
A body type theory: people with muscular bodies are prone to be criminals
B social learning theory: we learn deviance from our peers
C intelligence theory: low intelligence leads to deviant and criminal behavior
D XYY” theory: the extra Y chromosome in males causes criminal behavior
Question #5
A violent crime
B street crime
C corporate crime
D non-violent crime
Question #6
A They are all ritualists.
B They are all conformists.
C They are all retreatists.
D They are all rebels
Question #7
A When we fear punishment from authorities such as parents or the court system.
B When they are applied to members of the middle or upper classes
C In the presence of strong attachments, commitments, and involvement with other members of society.
D In situations where there is a strong police presence.
Question #8
A an executive writing off the corporation’s million-dollar fine as investment capital
B a police officer taking $100 to refrain from writing a speeding ticket
C a bank teller robbing the First National bank
D a businessperson classifying parking tickets as job hunting expenses on an income tax return
Question #9
A Deviance is socially defined.
B Deviance is defined by federal, state, and local laws.
C Deviance’s definition is determined by one’s religion.
D Deviance occurs whenever someone else is harmed by an action.
Question #10
A differential association
B strain
C control
D labeling
Question #11
A They come from regions populated by large numbers of minorities
B They are concentrated in urban areas with a population over 25,000.
C They are from families that have a history of being involved in crime.
D They are common in families living in poverty.
Question #12
A considered an example of corporate crime.
B felony
C an example of white-collar crime
D non-violent crime
Question #13
A Causes the group’s members to Close ranks
B Prompts the group to organize in order to limit future deviant acts
C It causes confusion about the norms and values of a society.
D Helps clarify for the group what it really does believe in
Question #14
A hospitals
B police
C the Courts
D prisons
Question #15
A never committed by those in the upper-class
B behavior that violates social norms.
C associated with poor people
D always seen as a disgusting act.
Question #16
A an out-group
B a formal organization
C a reference group
D a division of labor
Question #17
A responded
B conformed
C added
D referred
Question #18
A dyad; triad
B couple; family
C de facto group; nuclear family
D primary group; secondary group
Question #19
A to professionally develop staff
B to stimulate an understanding of cultural differences
C to emphasize the qualities that will lead to a worker’s success
D to increase company profits and competitiveness
Question #20
A laissez-faire leader
B authoritative leader
C dictatorial leader
D democratic leader
Question #21
A primary group
B out-group
C reference group
D in-group
Question #22
A total institutions
B out-groups
C reference groups
D agents of socialization
Question #23
A They are required to move away from their parents.
B They are required to serve in the military for one year.
C They are expected to enter college, trade school, or the workforce shortly after graduation.
D They are expected to take a year “off” before college.
Question #24
A It encourages a sexless society.
B It encourages women to assume male roles to be successful.
C It encourages cross-gender behavior.
D It reinforces gender roles considered appropriate for one’s sex.
Question #25
A division of labor
B coercion to join
C impersonality
D hierarchy of authority
Question #26
A laissez-faire leader
B democratic leader
C expressive leader
D authoritarian leader
Question #27
A Groups tend to develop a more formal social structure.
B Group members become more active in the decision-making process.
C Group members feel more strongly bonded to each other.
D Members tend to form more informal relationships.
Question #28
A reference group
B aggregate
C secondary group
D formal organization
Question #29
A functionalist perspective
B interactionist perspective
C conflict perspective
D labeling perspective
Question #30
A out-group
B secondary group
C primary group
D in-group
Question #31
A Learning to read and write
B Following a schedule
C Knowing locker room etiquette
D Understanding when to speak up and when to be silent
Question #32
A The self-concept begins at birth and concludes by age 5 or 6.
B The self-concept begins at birth and continues as a life-long process until death.
C The self-concept begins prior to conception and concludes at birth.
D The self-concept begins when a child is able to reason and concludes at about age 18.
Question #33
A the “Looking Glass” self.
B the game stage
C the imitation stage
D the generalized other
Question #34
A peers
B the workplace
C family
D schools
Question #35
A a primary group
B an in-group
C an aggregate
D a secondary group
Question #36
A biological makeup
B intimate early social interaction
C strict discipline
D basic intelligence
Question #37
A a well-developed id
B the ability to take the role of another
C an average or above-average IQ
D the influence of positive peers
Question #38
A blood type
B class
C race
D gender
Question #39
A aptitude for mathematics
B temperament
C ability at sports
D vocational choice