Navigation » List of Schools » West Coast University » Nursing » Nursing 420 – Principles of Leadership and Management » Summer 2022 » Week 5 Reading Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A the staff did not believe that the new policy would be effective.
B the policy was too lengthy and inundated readers with too much detail.
C testing should not be done in the lab.
D the policy made decisions for other departments in the company.
Question #2
A The nurse supervisor asks the head nurse for Unit A to make do without a replacement for an ill staff member because Unit A was originally overstaffed anyway. Patient acuity levels are very high on Unit A and two staff are orientating.
B The nurse supervisor asks the charge nurse on Unit B to cover Unit F, which is two floors up, because the charge nurse for Unit F is ill. The charge nurse for Unit B is an experienced manager but has no experience with the nursing care required on Unit F.
C The nurse supervisor for a large urban acute care department asks the unit manager to accept two new acutely ill patients, which the manager does. The unit is short two staff, and the replacement is inexperienced.
D A unit manager agrees to release a staff from her unit to Unit B. The staff member she agrees to release is experienced on Unit B and is agreeable to the change. The unit manager’s unit is fully staffed and patients are stable.
Question #3
A potential damage to reputation through learner error, increased salary costs
B increased salary costs, duplication of tests and procedures, graduate medical education
C increased salary costs, duplication of tests and procedures, potential damage to reputation through learner error
D duplication of tests and procedures, potential damage to reputation through learner error
Question #4
A select the least expensive brand.
B use a decision-making tool to evaluate brands.
C select the vendor the institution usually buys from.
D ask the nursing staff which brand they prefer.
Question #5
A the policies and procedures.
B government regulations.
C line and staff responsibilities.
D the organizational structure.
Question #6
A rehabilitative.
B long-term care.
C a tertiary care institution.
D a healthcare network.
Question #7
A consider your increased vulnerability under the terms of your employment.
B are more likely as a leader to take action because you are well protected from repercussions by federal and state regulations.
C contact your union to discuss your concerns and review your options.
D recognize that your supervisor is more vulnerable than you are because of her more senior position.
Question #8
A Failed to establish that oppression is present in nursing groups.
B Indicated that nurses use oppression negatively.
C Verified the presence of behaviors associated with oppression within nursing.
D Suggested that oppression leads to bullying but has little or no effect on patient outcomes.
Question #9
A functional nursing.
B the case method.
C nurse case management.
D primary nursing.
Question #10
A the first nursing licensure laws prohibited nurses from making most decisions.
B women lacked legal, social, and political power because of legal and cultural barriers.
C nurses freely chose to defer to physicians and administrators with more education.
D nurses astutely recognized the risks of grabbing too much power too soon
Question #11
A Encourage recognition among staff of their knowledge of the patient-care environment. With staff, select small changes for consideration. Present ideas based on best practices and ask staff for advice on implementation.
B Select only projects that have widespread impact. Secure external advisors to evaluate innovation. With staff, select small changes for consideration.
C Encourage recognition among staff of their knowledge of the patient-care environment. With staff, select small changes for consideration. Select only projects that have widespread impact.
D Select only projects that have widespread impact. Secure external advisors to evaluate innovation.
Question #12
A accountability resides entirely with the unit manager.
B individual expertise will be utilized to provide solutions, but that responsibility for the change is shared.
C this will contribute to widespread skepticism among the staff about the probability of success.
D no one really has any accountability or responsibility for the changes.
Question #13
A Home healthcare environment with patients at varying levels of acuity
B Stable patient population with long-term care and family needs
C Pediatric intensive care unit that heavily involves families as well as patients
D Acute care surgical unit with predictable postsurgical outcomes and many technical procedures
Question #14
A restricted, which necessitates finding alternative means to achieve strong patient outcomes.
B of unlimited capacity when shared with others.
C directed primarily toward those who are subordinate to her.
D limited, thereby necessitating involvement of others in implementing ideas.
Question #15
A equipping them to practice in a rapidly changing environment.
B creating professional practice climates in their institutions.
C representing them in labor-management disputes.
D negotiating employment contracts.
Question #16
A Data interpretation
B Assessment/Data collection
C Planning
D Generating hypotheses
Question #17
A participate in databases that compare the outcomes and staffing levels versus those of similar institutions.
B implement a patient-classification system immediately.
C provide increased numbers of staff to the unit.
D ignore such concerns because acuity is variable.
Question #18
A a variety of scheduling options.
B all holidays off.
C rotating shifts.
D all weekends off.
Question #19
A meeting standards.
B evidence-based practice.
C information.
D cost-effective care.
Question #20
A maintaining unit morale.
B demonstrating patient outcomes.
C inviting staff participation in decision making.
D complying with national requirements.
Question #21
A unit.
B patient.
C staff.
D department.
Question #22
A adapt in communicating information to her supervisor.
B build relationships with physicians.
C be able to effectively communicate with patients.
D be able to adapt to daily changes in staffing.
Question #23
A Karen, a housewife, 45 years of age, whose husband recently abandoned the family
B Dan, who is 68 years of age and in good health
C Alysha, who is on social assistance and has a 5-year-old daughter with frequent ear infections
D Jim, who lives on the street and has occasional infections
Question #24
A Self-interest
B Gladiator
C Buy-in
D Political astuteness
Question #25
A refuse to believe that they are acting like members of groups that suffer socioeconomic oppression.
B suffer from learned helplessness as a result of abuse by powerful nurse executives.
C purposefully choose to exercise their power in the workplace through indirect means.
D do not understand how their failure to exercise power can limit the power of the whole profession.
Question #26
A is decreased.
B is increased.
C is relinquished.
D remains the same.
Question #27
A Maximum work stretch for each employee
B Weekend requirements
C Trends in acuity on the unit
D Hours of operation of the unit
Question #28
A Chaos theory.
B bureaucratic organization.
C transformational leadership.
D transactional leadership.
Question #29
A “I see no reason why I wouldn’t be able to work overtime.”
B “Is there a strategy in place to reduce the number of overtime hours on the unit?”
C “If there is an opportunity to work extra shifts, I would really like that.”
D “Will I be able to get overtime hours on your unit?”
Question #30
A profession.
B flexible discipline.
C career with off and on ramps.
D occupation.
Question #31
A The federal government
B Medicare
C Blue Cross/Blue Shield
D Medicaid
Question #32
A The team of caregivers on day shift are familiar with their roles and with the patients. The nurse manager decides to work on the unit budget in her office.
B After a year of working on the unit, Shari, an LPN, is still hesitant about many policies and procedures. The charge nurse decides to challenge Shari with more difficult patients.
C Team members complain that Alysha, an RN, is unmotivated, and that she refuses assignments that are complex or difficult. The charge nurse suggests that Alysha is relatively new and that she needs time to adjust.
D The nursing supervisor asks one of her charge nurses to lead a technology integration project. The supervisor continuously demands involvement in decisions that the charge nurse is making in the project.
Question #33
A active delegation.
B passive delegation.
C passive accountability.
D active responsibility.
Question #34
A total number of staff and implementing 12-hour shifts.
B number of RNs and number of RNs with experience on the unit.
C total number of staff on the unit.
D staff and RN hours per patient.
Question #35
A Optimizing model
B Objective model
C Subjective model
D Satisficing model
Question #36
A Ancillary
B Staff position
C Hierarchical position
D Line position
Question #37
A knowledge software.
B biomedical technology.
C telecommunications.
D distance learning.
Question #38
A identify only practical and realistic ideas.
B critique the ideas of others.
C evaluate problem solutions.
D generate as many solutions as possible.
Question #39
A levels and types of assessment.
B intention to provide holistic nursing.
C breadth of nursing knowledge and expertise required.
D degree of task orientation.
Question #40
A decisions of the public board.
B the possibility of violence.
C an increase in uncompensated care events.
D an increase in prescription drugs available for abuse.
Question #41
A Reduction of falls among seniors
B Pain management for patients with low back pain
C Programs to educate the community on preparing healthy meals for a limited cost
D Reduction of injuries from alcohol-related accidents
Question #42
A prevent additional hospitalizations resulting from complications of the client’s disease.
B provide direct nursing care throughout the hospitalization.
C implement the care pathway on admission.
D supervise the nursing staff members who implement the care map.
Question #43
A requesting budgetary funds needed for systems.
B participating in organizational information technology committees.
C submitting written requests for needed information systems.
D sending staff nurses to conferences that discuss cutting-edge technologies.
Question #44
A Incorrect problem identification
B Not using a problem-solving model
C Not considering a number of alternatives
D Poor evaluation of outcomes
Question #45
A providing only health education programs for children and their parents.
B capable only of providing referrals for health problems to primary care providers.
C funded exclusively by local authorities.
D increasingly seen as primary care sites for children.
Question #46
A behaviors, traditions
B norms, traditions
C behaviors, values
D norms, traditions, behaviors, values
Question #47
A the practice of leaving financial decisions with senior officials who understand the total context of funding.
B a need to make expedient decisions that are likely to be poorly received by staff.
C ensuring that decisions with regard to cost are made equitably across all departments.
D a tendency to concentrate decision making during economic downturns at the top administrative level.
Question #48
A staffing models.
B changes in services that will be offered.
C organizational staffing policies.
D department of Health licensing standards.
Question #49
A nurse expert system.
B nursing information system.
C central data repository.
D handheld device.