Navigation » List of Schools » Glendale Community College » Psychology » Psychology 103 – Physiological Psychology » Spring 2022 » Final Exam
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A genotypes.
B alleles.
C gametes.
D phenotypes.
E dominants.
Question #2
A greater for males than for females.
B more than for dizygotic twins.
C much less than 100%.
D much more than 50%.
Question #3
A muscles of the fingers and thumb.
B interneurons of the spinal gray matter that in turn synapse on motor neurons that project to the distal muscles of the arms and legs.
C Betz cells.
D muscles of the hands and wrists.
E motor neurons that project to the fingers.
Question #4
A neurons.
B oligodendroglia.
C sulci.
D axons.
E glial cells.
Question #5
A Frontal Lobe
B Parietal Lobe
C Temporal Lobe
D Broca’s Area
Question #6
A Basal Ganglia
B Corpus Collasum
C Frontal Lobe
D Hippocampus
Question #7
A epilepsy.
B MPTP poisoning.
C Huntington’s disease.
D Alzheimer’s disease.
E autotransplants.
Question #8
A all of these
B supplies nutrients to the nervous system
C protects (cushions ) brain and spinal cord
D removes waste products from cerebral metabolism
Question #9
A having him make synchronous, bilaterally symmetrical movements of “both arms” while directly viewing his good arm and a mirror image of it where his phantom limb would have been.
B having him practice moving his phantom limb while he imagined that he saw it moving.
C injecting his stump with curare.
D injecting his stump with stem cells.
E having him practice moving his phantom limb while his good arm was tied down.
Question #10
A indolamines
B catecholamines
C amino acids
D monoamines
Question #11
A incoherent speech or thought
B hallucinations
C delusions
D all of these
E inappropriate affect
Question #12
A crest.
B plate.
C floor.
D mesoderm.
E tube.
Question #13
A various kinds of small RNA molecules.
B all of these
C DNA methylation as an important epigenetic mechanism.
D many active areas of nongene (junk) DNA.
E histone remodeling as an important mechanism by which experience can influence gene expression.
Question #14
A myelencephalon
B telencephalon
C medulla
D mesencephalon
E metencephalon
Question #15
A Thirty receptors have been discovered for bitter.
B all of these
C Many tastes cannot be created from combinations of the five current primaries.
D Evidence suggests that there may be more than five primary tastes.
E No receptors have been discovered for salty and sour.
Question #16
A confounds.
B converging operations.
C zeitgeist.
D guano.
Question #17
A all of these
B adaptive responses to minimize pain.
C perception of pain.
D emotional reaction to pain.
E expectation of pain.
Question #18
A amoeboid migration.
B somal translocation.
C growth cone translocation.
D pioneer migration.
Question #19
A cerebral angiography
B pneumoencephalography
C X-ray photography
D CT scans
E PET scans
Question #20
A in the nasal passages.
B in the olfactory mucosa.
C in the olfactory bulb.
D passing through the cribriform plate.
E all of these
Question #21
A provide the major input to spinal motor circuits.
B mediate reflexes.
C program specific patterns of movement.
D terminate response sequences.
E specialize in guiding learned sequences.
Question #22
A glutamate
C glycine
D dopamine
E serotonin
Question #23
A ANS and the PNS.
B SNS and the CNS.
C brain and the spinal cord.
D ANS and the CNS.
E PNS and the CNS.
Question #24
A analogous.
B homologous.
C none of these
D convergent.
Question #25
A unethical.
B quasiexperiments.
C true experiments.
D case studies.
E randomized experiments.
Question #26
A the Wolffian system.
B testes.
C ovaries.
D the female sex ducts.
E the frenulum.
Question #27
A be triggered by an obvious traumatic event.
B NOT involve anhedonia.
C involve a suicide attempt.
D last more than 2 weeks.
E last less than 2 weeks.
Question #28
A dopamine.
B D2 receptors.
C D1 receptors.
D glutamate receptors.
E autoreceptors.
Question #29
A none of these
B all of these
C in the lateral fissure.
D adjacent to SI.
E in the parietal cortex.
Question #30
Question #31
A functional MRI
E angiography
Question #32
A closed-head injuries of sudden onset.
B cerebrovascular disorders of sudden onset.
C brain infarcts.
D cancerous brain tumors of sudden onset.
Question #33
A serotonin.
B dopamine.
C acetylcholine.
D L-dopa.
E norepinephrine.
Question #34
A is a progressive disorder.
B attacks young adults.
C all of these
D is associated with the development of areas of scar tissue in the CNS white matter.
E is a disease of CNS myelin.
Question #35
A telencephalon.
B myelencephalon.
C mesencephalon.
D diencephalon.
E metencephalon.
Question #36
A ectodermal cells.
B multipolar cells.
C daughter cells.
D embryonic stem cells.
E zygotes.
Question #37
A it plays an important role in mental health.
B treatments that improve depression increase BDNF.
C regeneration is not possible without it.
D BDNF is localized in the prefrontal lobes.
E women have twice as much as men.
Question #38
A free nerve ending.
B fast adapting cutaneous receptor.
C none of these
D slowly adapting cutaneous receptor.
Question #39
A central canal.
B lateral ventricles.
C all of these
D subarachnoid space.
E none of these
Question #40
A depolarizes cones.
B opens potassium channels.
C hyperpolarizes rods.
D depolarizes rods.
E opens sodium channels.
Question #41
A aromatization
B alpha fetoprotein
C dihydrotestosterone
D dimorphic
E cholesterol
Question #42
B absence epilepsy.
C Parkinson’s disease.
D human epileptogenesis.
E multiple sclerosis.
Question #43
A glutamate.
B dopamine.
C neuropeptides.
D small-molecule neurotransmitters.
E acetylcholine.
Question #44
A the Mach band demonstration.
B lateral inhibition.
C color constancy.
D the cocktail sausage demonstration.
E the complementary color afterimage demonstration.
Question #45
A ossicles
B vestibular nucleus
C semicircular canals
D cochlea
E basilar membrane
Question #46
A on the basis of wavelength.
B ipsilaterally.
C retinotopically.
D from top to bottom.
E from left to right.
Question #47
A all of these
B the locus of control is often shifted from conscious to unconscious control mechanisms.
C the locus of control is often shifted to lower levels of the sensorimotor hierarchy.
D individual responses are often integrated into continuous motor programs.
Question #48
A intermediate
B circuitous
C axonal
D rapid
E tangential
Question #49
A Ruffini Ending
B Hippocampus
C Hypothalamus
D Cochlea
Question #50
A difficulty in maintaining steady postures.
B inability to precisely control the direction, force, velocity, and amplitude of movements.
C severe disturbances of balance, gait, speech, and eye movement.
D all of these
E inability to adapt patterns of motor output to changing conditions.
Question #51
A retinotopically.
B on the basis of wavelength.
C ipsilaterally.
D from top to bottom.
E from left to right.
Question #52
A cortex.
B neural tube.
C ventricular system.
D peripheral nervous system.
E circulatory system of the brain.
Question #53
A 700
B 16
C 4
D 8
E 12
Question #54
A all of these
B vestibular nuclei.
C reticular formation.
D tectum.
E none of these
Question #55
A neuroglia.
B neurons.
C parts of the autonomic nervous system.
D myelin.
E meninges.
Question #56
A John Money
B estrous cycle
C Kluver-Bucy syndrome
D anabolic steroids
E sexual dimorphism
Question #57
A behavioral psychology.
B neuroscience.
C neurophysiology.
D biopsychology.
E cognitive behavior.
Question #58
A most drugs used to treat depression are monoamine agonists.
B most drugs used to treat depression are monoamine antagonists.
C depressed people have high levels of monoamines.
D depressed people have low levels of monoamines.
E None of these
Question #59
A eliminate their sterility.
B render them potent.
C increase their muscularity.
D increase their sex drive.
E enable them to achieve an erection.
Question #60
A Initiates movement.
B all of these
C Integrates and coordinates the activity of sensorimotor structures.
D None of these
E Regulates movement.
Question #61
A clinical psychology
B psychophysiology
C physiological psychology
D psychopharmacology
E neuropsychology
Question #62
B voltage-activated ion channels.
C ligand-activated ion channels.
D nodes of Ranvier.
E myelin.
Question #63
A circles.
B dots of light.
C movement.
D contrast.
E straight lines.
Question #64
A the scotopic system.
B rods.
C the photopic system.
D rhodopsin.
E duplexity.
Question #65
A sympathetic nervous system
B cranial nerves
C somatic nervous system
D parasympathetic nervous system
E autonomic nervous system
Question #66
A the degree of depolarization on the axon adjacent to the hillock exceeds the threshold of excitation.
B its buttons are stimulated.
C there is an IPSP.
D there is an EPSP.
E its sodium-potassium pumps are stimulated.
Question #67
A the penis.
B a Müllerian system.
C a Wolffian system.
D testes.
E ovaries.
Question #68
A cerebellum.
B great cerebral commissure.
C all of these
D brain.
E cerebral hemispheres.
Question #69
A “release.”
B “all-or-none.”
C “summation.”
D “firing.”
E “activation.”
Question #70
A red nucleus.
B superior colliculi.
C substantia nigra.
D periaqueductal gray.
E cerebral aqueduct.
Question #71
A correlational research.
B biopsychological research.
C applied research.
D pure research.
E case-study research.
Question #72
A occipital cortex.
B hypothalamus.
C amygdala.
D prefrontal cortex.
E hippocampus.
Question #73
A do not have opposable thumbs.
B do not have tails.
C cannot walk upright for short distances.
D have opposable thumbs that are not useful for precise manipulation.
E have tails.
Question #74
A hypercomplex cells.
B complex cells or hypercomplex cells.
C on-center or off-center cells.
D type A or type B cells.
E simple cells or complex cells.
Question #75
A is stimulated by a high ratio of androgens to estrogens.
B can be blocked by hormones but is not stimulated by them.
C occurs automatically even if testosterone is present in large amounts.
D is stimulated by a high ratio of estrogens to androgens.
E occurs automatically unless testosterone is present.
Question #76
A nociceptive stimuli.
B mechanical stimuli.
C none of these
D thermal stimuli.
E all of these
Question #77
A necrotic.
B apoptotic.
C all of these
D none of these
E passive.
Question #78
D angiography
Question #79
A increase the number of different target cells innervated by each neuron.
B increase the ratio of axosomatic synapses to axodendritic synapses.
C increase the number of synapses.
D increase the number of synaptic contacts received by each neuron.
E focus the output of each neuron on fewer postsynaptic cells.
Question #80
A basal ganglia.
B structures of the medial temporal lobes.
C parietal cortex.
D hypothalamus.
E cerebellum.