Navigation » List of Schools » Glendale Community College » Business Administration » Busad 106 – Written Business Communication » Spring 2022 » Midterm
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Ancient
B High-context
C Low-context
D Primitive
Question #2
A There is no limit.
B 40 words.
C 10 words.
D 20 words.
Question #3
A We hope you can get our work completed in a timely manner.
B Please send a contract for heating and ventilation work by April 1 to allow installation to begin by April 15.
C Thanking you in advance for sending a copy of the contract for installation of a new HVAC.
D I would appreciate receiving a copy of the contract for your proposed installation at your earliest possible convenience.
Question #4
A Researching, organizing, and drafting.
B Edit, proofread, and evaluate.
C Writing, questioning, and guessing.
D Analyze, anticipate, and adapt.
Question #5
A All of these
B You may get passionate about something and want to fire back an email.
C You may have a very important email going to a large group or your CEO.
D You may be summarizing something in which you have worked very diligently.
Question #6
A Provide her telephone number.
B Identify herself and her company.
C Cite facts, statistics, expert opinions, examples, and specific details to support her request.
D Capture the reader’s attention and interest.
Question #7
A Adapting a message to its audience.
B Using positive language that avoids negative words.
C Eliminating unnecessary words like long lead-ins and words that add no value.
D Adding unnecessary words to a message to make it longer.
Question #8
A Organize,research, and draft.
B Edit, proofread, and evaluate.
C Analyze, anticipate, and adapt.
D Prewriting, drafting, and revising.
Question #9
A Buffer, reasons, bad news, and closing
B Buffer, explanation, reasons, and closing
C Bad news, explanation, reasons, and closing
D Bad news, reasons, buffer, and closing
Question #10
A Subject, opening, body, and closing.
B Subject, closing, body, opening.
C Subject, closing, body, and opening.
D Buffer, reasons, bad news, and closing.
Question #11
A provide specific details (time, date, etc.) if further action is required.
B omit the sender’s name to avoid legal liability.
C include familiar expressions such as “If I may be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to call me.”
D avoid repeating the information provided or referring to its use.
Question #12
A I recently read an article about your firm in the local newspaper.
B Please answer the following questions about your Web services.
C My name is Jill Aubrey, and I am the office manager for Cape Consulting Inc.
D Cape Consulting Inc. is the premier communication-consulting firm in the Cape and islands area.
Question #13
A Buffer, bad news, reasons, and closing.
B Bad news, reasons, buffer, and closing.
C Buffer, reasons, bad news, and closing.
D Closing, buffer, bad news, and reasons.
Question #14
A Please email me at your earliest convenience with your decision.
B Contacting me December 1st about your support of this new benefits plan will allow me to present this proposal at the next strategic planning session.
C If you have any further questions about this new benefits plan, please do not hesitate to contact me.
D We really need to implement this new benefits plan soon.
Question #15
A length.
B permanency.
C formality.
D social media marketing.
Question #16
A Lists confuse readers because they are visually distracting.
B Lists allow readers to review main ideas quickly. Increase skim value.
C Lists decrease a reader’s comprehension of the main ideas.
D Lists decrease the readability level of a document.
Question #17
A It is absolutely essential that our accounting records are accurate.
B Please refer back to the June financial statements.
C Let’s not repeat our competitor’s mistakes.
D I want to thank each and every stockholder.
Question #18
A It was our one and only office manager who won the raffle.
B There is only one job opening currently available.
C Three candidates are running for the board.
D There are three important issues that we can choose to discuss at today’s meeting.
Question #19
A Yes, we will send the information you requested.
B You may be interested to learn that we will send the information you requested.
C I am writing this letter to inform you that we will send the information you requested.
D This is to advise you that we will send the information you requested.
Question #20
A uses slang and abbreviations to personalize the message.
B dictates that all sentences be written as commands.
C emphasizes second-person pronouns instead of first-person (I, we) pronouns.
D means that all messages are written in the active voice.
Question #21
A The task force reached a conclusion about how to improve morale.
B We hope to discover the reason our profits are declining.
C The board will conduct a discussion about the possible merger.
D We will give serious consideration to your application.
Question #22
A When a writer joins two independent clauses with a comma.
B When modifiers must be close to the words they describe or limit.
C When language is sensitive and bias free.
D When the same word type or tense is used in a list (i.e. walk, talk, run, not walking, talked, ran).
Question #23
A expecting the audience to be pleased, mildly interested, or neutral.
B presenting ideas requiring persuasion.
C revealing sensitive news.
D delivering bad news.
Question #24
A Analyze, Introduce, Demand, and Act.
B Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.
C Anticipate, Interest, Desire, and Action.
D Action, Introduce, Desire, and Action.
Question #25
A Email follow-up.
B Create a numbered or bulleted list in the body of the letter.
C Paragraph.
D Enclosure in a memo.