Navigation » List of Schools » California State University, Northridge » Central American Studies » CAS 368 – Central American Revolutionary Movements » Sping 2022 » Quiz 3
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Berta Caceres is a COPINH activist leader who was gunned down.
HR 5474 proposed to cut military aid to Honduras and requiring the U.S to vote against international loans. However the bill did not pass.
B Berta Caceres is a COPINH activist leader who was gunned down.
HR 5474 proposed to cut military aid to Honduras and requiring the U.S to vote against international loans. The bill passed.
C Berta Caceres is a COPINH activist leader who was gunned down.
HR 5474 proposed to increase military aid to Honduras and requiring the U.S to vote in favor of international loans. However the bill did not pass.
Question #2
A The fight for land rights to stop projects that displace campesinos and indigenous communities and gentrify the land.
B The fight for land rights to stop projects that exploit campesinos and indigenous communities and poison the land.
C The fight for land rights to stop projects that displace campesinos and indigenous communities and poison the land.
Question #3
A At least 140 politicians were killed either by massacre or target assassinations.
B At least 150 campesinos were killed either by massacre or target assassinations.
C At least 160 campesinos were killed either by massacre or target assassinations.
Question #4
A A U.N policy that instead of stopping the flow on drugs, it ensured peasants access to resources and protection from dispossession and terror.
B A U.S policy that instead of stopping the flow on drugs, it restricted transnational corporations access to resources if done so by dispossession or terror.
C A U.S policy that instead of stopping the flow on drugs, it ensured transnational corporations access to resources through dispossession and terror.
Question #5
A They are designated areas where private interest can build cities exempt from the U.S legal system.
B They are designated areas where private interest can build cities exempt from the Honduran legal system.
C They are designated areas where local interest can build cities exempt from the Honduran legal system.
Question #6
A She would ensure the flow of U.S aid to Honduras if they acknowledged the ousting of Zelaya by the military.
B She would ensure the flow of U.S aid to Honduras if they declined to acknowledge the ousting of Zelaya by the military.
C She would stop the flow of U.S aid to Honduras if they declined to acknowledge the ousting of Zelaya by the military.
Question #7
A He posed a threat to the economic model supported by the Honduran government, U.S military and business elites.
B He posed a threat to the economic model supported by the U.S, Honduran military and business elites.
C He posed a threat to the economic model supported by the U.S, Honduran Catholic Church and business elites.
Question #8
A A series of neoliberal structural adjustment measures of the 1990’s. Examples are land counterreform, currency revaluation, and maquiladoras.
B A series of neoliberal structural adjustment measures of the 1990’s. Examples are land reform, currency devaluation, and maquiladoras.
C A series of neoliberal structural adjustment measures of the 1990’s. Examples are land counterreform, currency devaluation, and maquiladoras.
Question #9
A Death squads carrying out social cleansing by targeting delinquents.
B Death squads carrying out social cleansing by targeting leftist opposition.
C Death squads carrying out social cleansing by targeting revolutionaries.
Question #10
A The office closed abruptly when they began documenting the Honduran government involvement in the drug trade.
B The office closed abruptly when they began documenting the Honduran police involvement in the drug trade.
C The office closed abruptly when they began documenting the Honduran military involvement in the drug trade.