Navigation » List of Schools » Glendale Community College » Health » Health 101 – First Aid » Spring 2022 » Test 2 Chapter 3 and 4
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A The AED will turn itself off.
B Both You or someone else could be injured by the shock and You might prevent the AED from analyzing the heart rhythm properly.
C You or someone else could be injured by the shock.
D You might prevent the AED from analyzing the heart rhythm properly.
Question #2
A Place one pad on the stomach and one pad on the chest.
B Reverse the pads’ position on the chest.
C Place them as usual. It does not matter if the pads touch each other.
D Place one pad in the middle of the chest and the other on the back.
Question #3
A Turn on the AED.
B Perform 5 minutes of CPR.
C Deliver a shock.
D Stand clear.
Question #4
A It is an electrical shock that may help the heart to spontaneously develop an effective rhythm.
B It is commonly used on a person complaining of chest pain.
C It is more likely to be successful if CPR is withheld.
D It is not a link in the Cardiac Chain of Survival.
Question #5
A They can give the person the best chance for surviving cardiac arrest.
B They can eliminate the need for advanced medical care.
C All of these
D They can reduce responder fatigue.
Question #6
A True
B False
Question #7
A Check the pad placement on the person’s chest.
B Unplug the connector from the machine.
C Reset the AED by turning it off for 10 seconds.
D Resume CPR until the AED reanalyzes or you find an obvious sign of life.
Question #8
A The chest and stomach.
B The upper right and upper left sides of the chest.
C The upper right and lower left sides of the chest.
D The upper left and lower right sides of the chest.
Question #9
A Ensure that the person is breathing.
B Ensure that no one, including you, is touching the person.
C Ensure that the head-tilt/jaw-thrust is maintained.
D None of them
Question #10
A Give chest compressions.
B Give abdominal thrusts.
C Apply the pads and allow the AED to analyze the heart rhythm.
D Check for movement and breathing.
Question #11
A Send someone to call 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number while you begin giving care for choking.
B Give the infant a series of 5 back blows and 5 chest thrusts, and then call 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number.
C Check the infant for responsiveness.
D Place the infant on a firm, flat surface and begin CPR
Question #12
A Open the infant’s mouth and use a finger sweep to clear the airway.
B Give back blows until the infant starts to cough.
C Give abdominal thrusts.
D Give back blows and chest thrusts.
Question #13
A Each rescue breath should last about 1 second.
B Make a seal over the infant’s mouth and nose with your mouth
C All of these
D Open the airway by tilting the head to a neutral position.
Question #14
A Let the chest rise completely before pushing down again.
B All of these
C Compress the chest straight down and fast, at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute.
D Place the fingers in the center of the chest just below the nipple line.
Question #15
A In a sitting position with the infant’s head higher than his or her chest
B Face-down, with the infant’s head lower than his or her chest
C Flat and face-down on your leg or a table
D In the head-tilt/chin-lift position
Question #16
A About 2 inches
B About 1 inch
C About ½ inch
D About 1½ inches
Question #17
A Prevention
B Early CPR
C Early defibrillation
D Early recognition and early access to the EMS system
Question #18
A 30 chest compressions to 2 rescue breaths.
B 15 chest compressions to 3 rescue breaths.
C 15 chest compressions to 1 rescue breath.
D 30 chest compressions to 5 rescue breaths.
Question #19
A One hand on the forehead and one hand on the center of the chest
B One hand on the chin and two fingers on the center of the chest
C One hand on the forehead and two fingers on the center of the chest
D One hand on the chin and one hand on the center of the chest
Question #20
A Full-extension position.
B Slightly past-neutral position.
C Past-neutral position
D Neutral position.
Question #21
A 15 chest compressions to 1 rescue breath.
B 30 chest compressions to 1 rescue breath.
C 30 chest compressions to 2 rescue breaths.
D 15 chest compressions to 1 rescue breath. b. 15 chest compressions to 3 rescue breaths.
Question #22
A Between the shoulder blades
B On the rib cage
C Just below the nipple line
D In the middle of the abdomen, just above the navel
Question #23
A Begin the next set of compressions immediately.
B Give back blows.
C Give a third rescue breath after ensuring that the airway is properly opened and the nose and mouth are properly sealed.
D Perform a finger sweep.
Question #24
A Lower the child to a firm, flat surface and begin CPR, starting with compressions.
B Stop giving back blows and give abdominal thrusts only.
C Perform a finger sweep to remove the object.
D Stop giving abdominal thrusts and give back blows only.
Question #25
A About ½ inch
B About 1 inch
C About 1½ inches
D About 2 inches
Question #26
A Lay her down and give abdominal thrusts.
B Do a foreign object check/removal.
C Slap her on the back until she stops coughing.
D Stay with her and encourage her to continue coughing.
Question #27
A Electrocution
B Drowning
C Congenital heart disease
D All of these
Question #28
A A person who is in cardiac arrest is not responsive, not breathing and has no heartbeat.
B Cardiac arrest is always caused by cardiovascular disease.
C Cardiac arrest is the same as a heart attack.
D Cardiac arrest occurs when blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked.
Question #29
A On the rib cage
B In the middle of the abdomen, just above the navel
C In the center of the breastbone
D Between the shoulder blades
Question #30
A Are smooth, regular, and given straight up and down.
B Allow the chest to return to its normal position.
C Are delivered fast at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute.
D All of these
Question #31
A Begin the next set of compressions immediately.
B Re-tilt the head to ensure that the airway is properly opened and ensure that the nose and mouth are properly sealed before giving the second rescue breath.
C Perform a finger sweep.
D Take a bigger breath and blow with more force for the second rescue breath
Question #32
A With early CPR, most cardiac arrest victims do not need defibrillation.
B Following the links in the Cardiac Chain of Survival helps improve the person’s chance of survival.
C CPR prevents heart attacks
D If EMS is called, additional care may not be necessary
Question #33
A Early CPR
B Early recognition and early access to the EMS system
C Early defibrillation
D Prevention
Question #34
A Another trained responder or EMS personnel take over.
B You are too exhausted to continue.
C All of these
D The person shows an obvious sign of life
Question #35
A 30 chest compressions to 1 rescue breath
B 15 chest compressions to 1 rescue breath.
C 15 chest compressions to 3 rescue breaths
D 30 chest compressions to 2 rescue breaths
Question #36
A Persistent chest pain or discomfort
B All of these
C Nausea or vomiting
D Profuse sweating
Question #37
A ½ second
B 3 seconds
C 2 seconds
D 1 second