Navigation » List of Schools » Los Angeles Mission College » Psychology » Psychology 041 – Lifespan Psychology » Spring 2016 » Chapter 9 Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Fully inclusive classrooms
B Segregated environments
C The “the least restrictive” environments
D Multigrade classrooms
Question #2
A Mild mental retardation
B Autism
C Learning disabilities
D Emotional problems
Question #3
A Uses convergent thinking
B Is talented
C Is a high- IQ child
D Is creative
Question #4
A The vast majority of gifted children have IQ scores of 150 or higher
B Many gifted children are socially isolated
C Most gifted children show an evenly high ability across academic subjects
D Most gifted children have high self-esteem
Question #5
A Ability grouping
B Emphasis on effort
C Emphasis on native ability
D A shorter school year
Question #6
A Are voluntarily segregated
B Emphasize a specific are of interest
C Use constructivist classrooms rather than traditional classrooms
D Are usually located in upper-income areas
Question #7
A The racial divide in American public school is gradually improving
B Federal and state grants-in-aid have been sufficient in closing the funding gap between rich and poor
C Hispanic children are more racially integrated than African-AMerican children in U.S. schools
D African-American children are just as likely to attend a school that serves a mostly black population as they were in 1960’s
Question #8
A Social-constructive classroom
B Homogeneous grouping practice
C Cooperative learning technique
D Educational self-fulfilling prophecy
Question #9
A Students construct their own knowledge
B The teacher is the sole authority for knowledge, rules, and decision making
C Cooperative learning is frowned upon
D Teachers, students, and peers work together on a wide range of challenging activities
Question #10
A Outperform others on test of cognitive flexibility
B Have difficulty on selective attention tasks
C Are behind in detection of errors in grammar and meaning
D Are behind in reading achievement tests in both languages
Question #11
A Talking
B Watching educational programming
C Using educational computer game
D Reading
Question #12
A Emotional intelligence
C Self-discipline
D The size of the cerebral cortex
Question #13
A Above average on early childhood intelligence tests, but scores decreased by middle childhood
B Below average on intelligence tests during school years
C High on intelligence tests by middle childhood
D Lower on intelligence tests then white children adopted into similar homes
Question #14
A IQ shows significant fluctuations over the lifespan
B Ethnic and social class differences in IQ are unfounded
C IQ variations are largely determines by differences in environment
D Heredity contributes substantially to individual and SES differences in IQ
Question #15
A Bodily-kinesthetic
B Interpersonal
C Interpersonal
D General
Question #16
A Analytical
B Practical
C Emotional
D Creative
Question #17
A Complex skills can only be learned by drill in computation and rote memorization
B A blend of both drill in computing and “number sense,” or understanding, is most beneficial
C Because children need to retrieve mathematical answers automatically, they should be exclusively taught by rote
D Reasoning about number concepts should replace drill in computation in elementary school
Question #18
A Metacognitive
B Whole-language
C Pragmatic
D Phonics
Question #19
A Whole-language
B Metacognitive
C Phonics
D Pragmatic
Question #20
A Interpersonal intelligence
B Self-regulation
C Learned helplessness
D Metacognitive awareness
Question #21
A Metacognition
B Elaboration
C Cognitive self-regulation
D Selectivity of attention
Question #22
A Rehearsal
B Organization
C Metacognition
D Elaboration
Question #23
A Most commonly treated using behavior modifications techniques
B Most often caused by a highly stressful home life
C Highly heritable and is also associated with environmental factors
D Not usually a lifelong disorder
Question #24
A For a child to be diagnosed with ADHD, symptoms must appear before age 5
B Fraternal twins are more likely than identical twins to have ADHD
C All children with ADHD are hyperactive
D Boys are diagnosed with ADHD about 4 times as often as girls
Question #25
A Only minor
B Little or no
C Substantial
D Moderate
Question #26
A Classify three relations at once
B Seriate mentally
C Draw maps to scale
D Readily read maps of extended outdoor environments
Question #27
A Center on just one aspect of a problem, rather than focus on several aspects at once
B Center on just one aspect of a problem, rather than focus on several aspects at once
C Think through a series of steps and then mentally reverse direction
D Order items along a quantitative dimension
Question #28
A The threat of recess cancellation if any child misbehaves
B More than 15 minutes of recess a day
C No recess
D 5 to 10 minutes of recess a day
Question #29
A Often interferes with school work and can cause a sharp decline in academic achievement
B Is the leading cause of childhood injury
C Seems to foster self-esteem and social skills
D Often results in psychological damage to children
Question #30
A Practice winning and losing with little personal risk
B Develop a sense of pride in her superior motor skills
C Compere against her friends and establish a dominance hierarchy
D Play without rules and rely on individual ability
Question #31
A Gains in perspective taking permit a transition to rule-oriented games
B Child-invented games are usually contests of individual ability
C For most children, join community sports is associated with decreased self-esteem
D School-age children today spend more time engage in informal outdoor play
Question #32
A Makes strokes with his entire arm rather than just the wrist and fingers
B Has not yet developed adequate depth perception
C Can only use his wrist and fingers to form the letters and numbers
D Cannot yet visually distinguish fine details
Question #33
A Ginger, an overweight hispanic girl
B Ellysa, an African-American girl who lives in poverty
C Tanya, a Caucasian girl who lives in a rural area
D Meghan, a high SES Asian girl
Question #34
A Middle-SES children
B Boys
C Children who live in rural areas
D Asain children
Question #35
A Asthma
B Systic fibrosis
C Sickle cell anemia
D Diabetes
Question #36
A The increasing number of hours children sleep at night
B A lack of physical play space in many neighborhoods and schools
C The many hours children spend watching television
D Ineffective health education in the primary grades
Question #37
A Asthma
B Heart Disease
C Tuberculosis
D Diabetes
Question #38
A 12 of the primary teeth are lost and replaced by permanent ones
B Girls have slightly more muscle and boys more body fat
C Girls lose their teeth slightly earlier than boys
D Many children experience a decreasing desire for physical exercise
Question #39
A She was losing “baby fat” at an increasing rate
B Her ligaments were not yet firmly attached to bones
C Her bones were strengthening while her muscles were weakening
D The bones of her body had shortened and narrowed
Question #40
A Speeds up more significantly for boys than for girls
B Continues at the slow, regular pace of early childhood
C Slows dramatically
D Increases dramatically from the pace of early childhood