Navigation » List of Schools » Glendale Community College » History » History 111 – The Women in America » Spring 2022 » Reading Quiz Week Two Part 2
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A True
B False
Question #2
A False
B True
Question #3
A False
B True
Question #4
A African women’s physical strength and previous roles as agriculturalists in their communities in East Africa.
B African women’s willingness to learn European techniques over their male counterparts
C African women’s bringing of tools, understanding of rice, growing techniques, and cooking/preparation processes.
D African women’s previous experience growing sorghum in West Africa and so they were prepared to adapt the same principles to rice.
Question #5
A Male rice plants from West Africa
B Female rice plants from West Africa
C Male slaves from West Africa
D Female slaves from West Africa
Question #6
A a whole-sale copy of African culture that was 100% maintained despite all white plantation owners’ attempts to destroy and/or modify these cultures.
B a transmission of some traditional gender roles, preservation of food culture, and cultural artifacts from Africa.
C the complete erasure of African culture and traditions in the colonies.
D no real long-term possibilities or impacts on slave communities.
Question #7
A False
B True
Question #8
A an elite woman living in Shrewbery county England who refuses to move to the New England colonies
B a slave, who is forced to work in the salt ponds and experiences abuse
C indentured servant, who signed a treaty to work 5-7 years in the British colonies.
D an elite woman in Philadelphia, a colonial city in the Pennsylvania colony.
Question #9
A True
B False
Question #10
A True
B False
Question #11
A an elite woman living in Shrewbery county England who refuses to move to the New England colonies
B a slave, who is forced to work in the salt ponds and experiences abuse
C indentured servant, who signed a treaty to work 5-7 years in the British colonies.
D an elite woman in Philadelphia, a colonial city in the Pennsylvania colony.
Question #12
A False
B True
Question #13
A True
B False
Question #14
A True
B False
Question #15
A False
B True
Question #16
A False
B True
Question #17
A Puritan woman who wrote and published poetry successfully in the British colonies.
B Plantation mistress who introduced indigo to the South.
C Puritan woman who descended from a great Puritan pastor. She was a midwife and challenged the way colonial ministers taught Puritan faith. She was put on trial twice.
Question #18
A Puritan woman who wrote and published poetry successfully in the British colonies.
B Puritan woman who descended from a great Puritan pastor. She was a midwife and challenged the way colonial ministers taught Puritan faith. She was put on trial twice.
C Plantation mistress who introduced indigo to the South.
Question #19
A Plantation mistress who introduced indigo to the South.
B Puritan woman who descended from a great Puritan pastor. She was a midwife and challenged the way colonial ministers taught Puritan faith. She was put on trial twice.
C Puritan woman who wrote and published poetry successfully in the British colonies.
Question #20
A False
B True
Question #21
A False
B True
Question #22
A True
B False
Question #23
A True
B False
Question #24
A True
B False
Question #25
A False
B True
Question #26
A True
B False
Question #27
A False
B True
Question #28
A A man or woman who signed a contract and agreed to serve as a servant for 5-7 years without rights in order to gain passage to the British colonies.
B a sytem of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
C Laws governing the status of women in European society.
D Law that gives all property and monies to the first-born male. This is a system of property that ensures allegiance to the male head of household.
Question #29
A A period of increased religious activity and a religious revival in the early 1700s that inspired woman to join in large numbers.
B A man or woman who signed a contract and agreed to serve as a servant for 5-7 years without rights in order to gain passage to the British colonies.
C Laws governing the status of women in European society.
D Legal status of a single woman over 21 and/or a widowed woman in European cultures. This legal status allowed for limited rights in the public sphere.
Question #30
A A man or woman who signed a contract and agreed to serve as a servant for 5-7 years without rights in order to gain passage to the British colonies.
B A period of increased religious activity and a religious revival in the early 1700s that inspired woman to join in large numbers.
C a sytem of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
D The price in goods, properties, or monies that were given to a male family in exchange for marrying a European woman
Question #31
A Legal status of a single woman over 21 and/or a widowed woman in European cultures. This legal status allowed for limited rights in the public sphere.
B a sytem of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
C Law that gives all property and monies to the first-born male. This is a system of property that ensures allegiance to the male head of household.
D Legal status of a married European woman. As a married woman she became the property of her husband. She could not buy or sell a property, sue or be sued, or act on her behalf legally.
Question #32
A A man or woman who signed a contract and agreed to serve as a servant for 5-7 years without rights in order to gain passage to the British colonies.
B Legal status of a married European woman. As a married woman she became the property of her husband. She could not buy or sell a property, sue or be sued, or act on her behalf legally.
C A period of increased religious activity and a religious revival in the early 1700s that inspired woman to join in large numbers.
D Legal status of a single woman over 21 and/or a widowed woman in European cultures. This legal status allowed for limited rights in the public sphere.
Question #33
A Laws governing the status of women in European society.
B Law that gives all property and monies to the first-born male. This is a system of property that ensures allegiance to the male head of household.
C A period of increased religious activity and a religious revival in the early 1700s that inspired woman to join in large numbers.
D a sytem of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
Question #34
A Legal status of a married European woman. As a married woman she became the property of her husband. She could not buy or sell a property, sue or be sued, or act on her behalf legally.
B Laws governing the status of women in European society.
C a sytem of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
D Legal status of a single woman over 21 and/or a widowed woman in European cultures. This legal status allowed for limited rights in the public sphere.
Question #35
A Laws governing the status of women in European society.
B The price in goods, properties, or monies that were given to a male family in exchange for marrying a European woman
C Legal status of a married European woman. As a married woman she became the property of her husband. She could not buy or sell a property, sue or be sued, or act on her behalf legally.
D Law that gives all property and monies to the first-born male. This is a system of property that ensures allegiance to the male head of household.