Navigation » List of Schools » California State University, Northridge » Central American Studies » CAS 368 – Central American Revolutionary Movements » Sping 2022 » Quiz 2
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A To offer a public option for the urban majority to work alongside the free market in food provision.
B To offer a public option for the free market majority to work alongside the Sandinistas in food provision.
C To offer a public option for the poor majority to work alongside the free market in food provision.
Question #2
A COSEP advocated for the interest of campesinos and became a major platform of opposition. After Reagan’s election, COSEP moved into alliance with those seeking to undermine and overthrow the FSLN (Sandinistas).
B COSEP advocated for the interest of business leaders and became a major platform of opposition. After Reagan’s election, COSEP moved into alliance with those seeking to undermine and overthrow the FSLN (Sandinistas).
C COSEP advocated for the interest of business leaders and became a major platform of opposition. After Reagan’s election, COSEP moved into opposition with those seeking to undermine and overthrow the FSLN (Sandinistas).
Question #3
A Motivated by their commitment to their country and be willing to contribute less to society as a whole.
B Motivated by their commitment to their country and be willing to contribute more to society as a whole.
C Motivated by their commitment to the Sandinistas (FSLN) and be willing to contribute more to society as a whole.
Question #4
A Expanding the private sector while leaving much of the economy in public hands.
B Expanding the public sector while leaving much of the economy in foreign hands.
C Expanding the public sector while leaving much of the economy in private hands.
Question #5
A The “developmentalists” advocated the eventual incorporation of the peasantry into larger, state-run industrialized units.
The “campesinists” advocated the support of small-scale subsistence farming.
B The “developmentalists” advocated the support of small-scale subsistence farming.
The “campesinists” advocated the eventual incorporation of the peasantry into larger, state-run industrialized units.
C The “developmentalists” advocated the eventual incorporation of the foreign businesses into larger, state-run industrialized units.
The “campesinists” advocated the support of small-scale subsistence farming.
Question #6
A To address the increasingly urgent large landowners demands for land, while encouraging production by reassuring campesinos that as long as they used their land productively, it would not be confiscated.
B To address the increasingly urgent campesino demands for land, while encouraging production by reassuring large landowners that as long as they don’t use their land productively, it would not be confiscated.
C To address the increasingly urgent campesino demands for land, while encouraging production by reassuring large landowners that as long as they used their land productively, it would not be confiscated.
Question #7
A The Prolonged Popular War faction advocated continued rural organizing.
The Proletario wanted to focus on organizing urban workers.
The Terceristas wanted major urban insurrection and called for a broad national front.
B The Prolonged Popular War faction wanted major urban insurrection and called for a broad national front.
The Proletario advocated continued rural organizing
The Terceristas wanted to focus on organizing urban workers.
C The Prolonged Popular War faction wanted to focus on organizing urban workers.
The Proletario wanted major urban insurrection and called for a broad national front.
The Tercerista advocated continued rural organizing
Question #8
A The Guardia’s foot soldiers like those in the Guatemalan army were mostly poor campesino adult males whose humiliating training indoctrinated them into a culture of cruelty.
B he Guardia’s foot soldiers like those in the Guatemalan army were mostly poor campesino youth whose humiliating training indoctrinated them into a culture of machismo.
C The Guardia’s foot soldiers like those in the Guatemalan army were mostly poor campesino youth whose humiliating training indoctrinated them into a culture of cruelty.
Question #9
A Liberation theology transformed Cardenal to be a catholic activist; to work with Nicaragua’s rural poor and understand the word of God.
B Liberation theology transformed Cardenal to be a catholic activist; to work with Nicaragua’s rural poor and understand their struggles.
C Liberation theology transformed Cardenal to be a catholic activist; give daily mass to Nicaragua’s rural poor and understand their struggles.
Question #10
A A new Nicaragua liberated from the Somoza dictatorship, the Guardia, and U.S imperialism.
B A new Nicaragua liberated from the Somoza dictatorship, the Guardia, and the green revolution.
C A new Nicaragua liberated from the Somoza dictatorship, the Contras, and U.S imperialism.