
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

MODULE 7 (Chapter 08)

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #2
A  cleft palate
B  ​Barrett’s esophagus
C  ​acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
D  ​cleft lip
Question #3
A  ​inflammatory bowel disease
B  ischemic colitis
C  ​strangulated hernia
D  ​intestinal obstruction
Question #5
A  ​oral rehydration therapy
B  ​laxatives
C  ​antacids
D  proton pump inhibitors
Question #6
A  ​colectomy
B  ​diverticulectomy
C  ileectomy
D  ​gastrectomy
Question #7
A  ​hepatitis B
B  hepatitis A
C  ​hepatitis C
D  ​nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
Question #8
A  ​cirrhosis
B  nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
C  ​hepatitis
D  ​nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Question #9
A  melena
B  ​hematochezia
C  ​hematemesis
D  ​steatorrhea
Question #10
A  abdominal computed tomography
B  ​stool sample
C  ​upper GI series
D  ​abdominal ultrasound
Question #11
A  ​emesis
B  nausea
C  ​hematemesis
D  ​regurgitation
Question #12
A  Inflammatory bowel disease
B  ​Ischemic colitis
C  ​Irritable bowel syndrome
D  ​Dysentery
Question #13
A  ​oral or maxillofacial surgeon
B  ​orthodontist
C  dentist
D  ​periodontist
Question #14
A  colostomy
B  ​colectomy
C  ​colotomy
D  ​chyme
Question #15
A  ​trismus
B  bruxism
C  ​malocclusion
D  ​stomatitis
Question #16
A  ​anabolism
B  ​catabolism
C  ​absorption
D  metabolism
Question #17
A  ​colectomy
B  ​hemorrhoid
C  ​rectocele
D  proctopexy
Question #18
A  volvulus
B  ​strangulated hernia
C  ​intestinal obstruction
D  ​intussusception
Question #19
A  ​strangulated hernia
B  ​diverticulitis
C  ​diverticulum
D  diverticulosis
Question #21
A  ​jejunum
B  ​duodenum
C  cecum
D  ​ileum
Question #22
A  gallbladder
B  ​liver
C  ​pancreas
D  ​stomach
Question #23
A  oral thrush
B  ​stomatomycosis
C  ​eosinophillic esophagitis
D  ​bruxism
Question #24
A  ​Malocclusion
B  Flatulence
C  ​Halitosis
D  Pyrosis
Question #25
A  gingivitis
B  ​dental calculus
C  ​dental caries
D  ​edentulous
Question #26
A  ​sigmoid colon
B  ​ascending colon
C  ​transverse colon
D  descending colon
Question #28
A  Colonoscopy
B  Sigmoidoscopy
C  Hemoccult
D  Enteritis
Question #29
A  gastroduodenostomy
B  colonoscopy
C  gastrostomy
D  sigmoidoscopy
Question #31
A  cholangiography
B  colonoscopy
C  choledocholithotomy
D  choledocholithotomy
Question #33
A  enteritis
B  anastomosis
C  cheilosis
D  hematemesis
Question #34
A  Ulcerative colitis
B  Gastroesophageal reflux
C  Eructation
D  Nasogastric intubation
Question #35
A  herpes labialis
B  hiatal hernia
C  ulcerative colitis
D  nasogastric intubation
Question #36
A  anastomosis
B  trismus
C  melena
D  enteritis
Question #37
A  esophageal varices
B  ​ascending colon
C  descending colon
D  ​sigmoid colon
Question #39
A  Gastroesophageal reflux
B  Eructation
C  Ulcerative colitis
D  Nasogastric intubation
Question #40
A  anastomosis
B  cholangiography
C  xerostomia
D  ascites
Question #43
A  Ulcerative colitis
B  Gastroesophageal reflux
C  Nasogastric intubation
D  Celiac
Question #44
A  hiatal hernia
B  palatoplasty
C  hyperemesis
D  peristalsis
Question #46
A  leukoplakia
B  regurgitation
C  morbid obesity
D  volvulus
Question #47
A  cholangiography
B  gastroduodenostomy
C  ascites
D  xerostomia
Question #51
A  Hemoccult
B  Eructation
C  Aerophagia
D  Celiac
Question #52
A  palatoplasty
B  gastroduodenostomy
C  cholangiography
D  choledocholithotomy
Question #55
A  Hemoccult
B  Cirrhosis
C  Celiac
D  Aerophagia
Question #56
A  leukoplakia
B  volvulus
C  regurgitation
D  jaundice
Question #57
A  choledocholithotomy
B  colonoscopy
C  cholangiography
D  gastroduodenostomy
Question #58
A  Peristalsis
B  Regurgitation
C  Eructation
D  Cirrhosis
Question #59
A  proctologist
B  leukoplakia
C  regurgitation
D  palatoplasty
Question #61
A  gastroduodenostomy
B  leukoplakia
C  choledocholithotomy
D  esophagogastroduodenoscopy
Question #62
A  volvulus
B  antiemetic
C  leukoplakia
D  jaundice
Question #63
A  cholangiography
B  hiatal hernia
C  peristalsis
D  palatoplasty
Question #64
A  volvulus
B  ascites
C  antiemetic
D  regurgitation
Question #65
A  palatoplasty
B  hiatal hernia
C  peristalsis
D  xerostomia
Question #66
A  intestinal infection caused by food contaminated with feces
B  mushroom-like growth from the surface of a mucous membrane
C  sores that affect the mucous membranes of the digestive system
D  inflammation of the liver
Question #67
A  intestinal infection caused by food contaminated with feces
B  rumbling noise caused by intestinal gas
C  inflammation of the liver
D  sores that affect the mucous membranes of the digestive system
Question #68
A  inflammation of the liver
B  intestinal infection caused by food contaminated with feces
C  sores that affect the mucous membranes of the digestive system
D  mushroom-like growth from the surface of a mucous membrane
Question #69
A  sores that affect the mucous membranes of the digestive system
B  intestinal infection caused by food contaminated with feces
C  inflammation of the liver
D  mushroom-like growth from the surface of a mucous membrane
Question #70
A  inflammation of the liver
B  rumbling noise caused by intestinal gas
C  mushroom-like growth from the surface of a mucous membrane
D  sores that affect the mucous membranes of the digestive system
Question #71
A  excessive accumulation of body fat
B  professional cleaning of teeth to remove plaque and calculus
C  placement of solution into the rectum and colon for emptying
D  medical specialty concerned with preventing obesity
Question #72
A  excessive accumulation of body fat
B  physical wasting away due to diseases such as AIDS
C  placement of solution into the rectum and colon for emptying
D  medical specialty concerned with preventing obesity
Question #73
A  professional cleaning of teeth to remove plaque and calculus
B  medical specialty concerned with preventing obesity
C  physical wasting away due to diseases such as AIDS
D  excessive accumulation of body fat
Question #74
A  physical wasting away due to diseases such as AIDS
B  excessive accumulation of body fat
C  professional cleaning of teeth to remove plaque and calculus
D  medical specialty concerned with preventing obesity
Question #75
A  physical wasting away due to diseases such as AIDS
B  professional cleaning of teeth to remove plaque and calculus
C  placement of solution into the rectum and colon for emptying
D  medical specialty concerned with preventing obesity
Question #76
A  the presence of an abnormal numer of diverticula
B  inflammation of the mucosa of the mouth
C  also known as indigestion
D  inflammation of diverticula
Question #77
A  the presence of an abnormal numer of diverticula
B  inflammation of the mucosa of the mouth
C  inflammation of diverticula
D  difficulty in swallowing
Question #78
A  difficulty in swallowing
B  inflammation of the mucosa of the mouth
C  also known as indigestion
D  the presence of an abnormal numer of diverticula
Question #79
A  difficulty in swallowing
B  also known as indigestion
C  the presence of an abnormal numer of diverticula
D  inflammation of the mucosa of the mouth
Question #80
A  also known as indigestion
B  difficulty in swallowing
C  the presence of an abnormal numer of diverticula
D  inflammation of diverticula
Question #81
A  surgical removal of the gallbladder
B  surgical creation of an opening between the colon and the body surface
C  the presence of gallstones
D  acute infection of the bile duct
Question #82
A  surgical removal of the gallbladder
B  inflammation of the gallbladder​
C  surgical creation of an opening between the colon and the body surface
D  the presence of gallstones
Question #83
A  the presence of gallstones
B  surgical removal of the gallbladder
C  inflammation of the gallbladder​
D  acute infection of the bile duct
Question #84
A  surgical removal of the gallbladder
B  inflammation of the gallbladder​
C  surgical creation of an opening between the colon and the body surface
D  the presence of gallstones
Question #85
A  inflammation of the gallbladder​
B  surgical removal of the gallbladder
C  acute infection of the bile duct
D  surgical creation of an opening between the colon and the body surface
Question #86
A  anus and rectum
B  sigmoid colon
C  digestion
D  eating, swallowing
Question #87
A  anus and rectum
B  digestion
C  rectum, straight
D  sigmoid colon
Question #88
A  rectum, straight
B  anus and rectum
C  eating, swallowing
D  sigmoid colon
Question #89
A  rectum, straight
B  digestion
C  sigmoid colon
D  anus and rectum
Question #90
A  digestion
B  anus and rectum
C  eating, swallowing
D  rectum, straight
Question #91
A  small intestine
B  stomach, belly
C  presence of stones
D  esophagus
Question #92
A  liver
B  stomach, belly
C  esophagus
D  presence of stones
Question #93
A  esophagus
B  stomach, belly
C  liver
D  presence of stones
Question #94
A  stomach, belly
B  liver
C  presence of stones
D  esophagus
Question #95
A  esophagus
B  stomach, belly
C  small intestine
D  liver
Question #96
A  vomiting
B  bile, gall
C  colon
D  gallbladder
Question #97
A  vomiting
B  anus, ring
C  gallbladder
D  bile, gall
Question #98
A  gallbladder
B  bile, gall
C  anus, ring
D  colon
Question #99
A  bile, gall
B  colon
C  gallbladder
D  vomiting
Question #100
A  anus, ring
B  vomiting
C  bile, gall
D  gallbladder