Navigation » List of Schools » Glendale Community College » Political Science » Political Science 101 – Introduction to Government » Winter 2022 » Quiz 8 Voting, Campaigns, and Elections
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Today, Republicans enjoy a growing advantage over Democrats among voters with a college degree. Increasing educational attainment in the U.S. seems to favor the Republican party.
B Republican support among Americans with at least a college degree is growing. Promoting more educational opportunities in the rural south, as well as the Midwest, would benefit the Republican party and hurt Democrats.
C There is identical incentive for both parties to promote higher educational attainment, particularly among minority groups.
D Higher educational attainment among American voters has always benefitted the Democratic Party.
E Today, Democrats enjoy a growing advantage over Republicans among voters with a college degree. Increasing educational attainment in the U.S. seems to favor the Democratic party.
Question #2
A True
B False
Question #3
A Those earning between $50,000-74,999 per year.
B Voter turnout cannot be measured/predicted by income.
C Those earning less than $10,000 per year.
D Those earning $150,000 or more per year.
E The wealthiest 1%.
Question #4
A All of these.
B Large cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and Philadelphia are playing an increasingly important role in the presidential election. More rural portions of the US and are becoming politically marginalized during the election cycle because their populations are decisively smaller.
C None of these.
D It is mathematically impossible to lose the popular vote and still be elected president. The Electoral College ensures that the winner of the plurality of votes will be the next president.
E States with the largest populations are becoming less important in national elections. New York and California have been relegated in the election cycle in favor of states with smaller populations, which are nonetheless more likely to ‘swing’ the election.
F Given that California and New York together contain 86 of the 270 votes necessary to win the presidency (over 30% of the number needed), to this date, no modern candidate has ever lost both of these states and been elected president.
Question #5
A True
B False
Question #6
A More Republicans than Democrats are being elected from majority-minority districts.
B Fewer Republicans from surrounding districts are being elected to the House of Representatives.
C More Democrats from surrounding districts are being elected to the House of Representatives.
D Fewer Democrats from surrounding districts are being elected to the House of Representatives.
E More Republicans have been elected President since the 1950s.
Question #7
A The Supreme Court
B The President
C The Prime Minister
D The House of Representatives
E The Senate
F All of these.
Question #8
A True
B False
Question #9
A The shape of congressional districts can affect which party controls the U.S. Senate and thus shapes policy.
B The shape of congressional districts alone may affect which party controls the House of Representatives and thus shapes policy.
C It all but ensures a liberal consensus in the House of Representatives.
D Congressional districts play a crucial role in determining who gets elected president.
E Redistricting allows non-citizens to vote on issues like healthcare, climate change, and gun control.
Question #10
A The Republican candidate substantially underperformed their total vote count from 2016.
B Voters with higher educational attainment turned in favor of the Republican candidate in 2020.
C California nearly flipped to the Republican candidate in 2020.
D The Democratic candidate narrowly flipped the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia–with the average margin of victory falling within 1-2% points.
Question #11
A False
B True
Question #12
A True
B False
Question #13
A True
B False
Question #14
A True
B False
Question #15
A Democratic Party
B Republican Party
Question #16
A The lower one’s income, the greater their dependence on public services and, therefore, the higher the chances that they will vote.
B There is no meaningful correlation between household income and voting patterns.
C The less one relies on public services, the more likely it is that they will vote.
D The more one votes, the greater their wealth will become.
Question #17
A Only registered voters.
B All residents of the United States.
C Only citizens of the United States.
D Only those 18 years, or older.
E Only Americans who have voted in an election.
Question #18
A Both Republicans and Democrats engage in gerrymandering.
B Only Republicans have been guilty of gerrymandering.
C Only Democrats have been guilty of gerrymandering.
D Partisan gerrymandering has been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
Question #19
A False
B True
Question #20
A True
B False
Question #21
A False
B True
Question #22
A False
B True