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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A hemolysin
B erythrogenic toxin
C enterotoxin
D exfoliative toxin
E toxic shock syndrome toxin
Question #2
A soil to human
B All of the choices are correct.
C human to human
D animal to human
E fomites to human
Question #3
A acne
B furuncles and carbuncles
C meningitis
D impetigo
E scalded skin syndrome
Question #4
A are motile
B All of thechoices are correct.
C produce coagulase
D have capsules
E lack spores
Question #5
A Fomites
B Mechanical vectors
C Blood
D Direct contact
E Body fluids
Question #6
A herpes labialis
B infectious mononucleosis
C chickenpox
D herpes keratitis
E shingles
Question #7
A All of the choices are correct.
B cannot be prevented at this time with vaccination
C has a maculopapular rash that lasts for days to weeks
D is caused by Parvovirus B19
E is a childhood febrile disease with a bright red rash on the cheeks
Question #8
A Has a clear discharge
B Can be caused by Streptococcus pyogenes or Streptococcus pneumoniae
C Treatment is with a broad-spectrum topical antibiotic
D Can be caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, or Neisseria gonorrhoeae
E Transmitted through both direct and indirect contact
Question #9
A Is given in early childhood
B Contains attenuated virus
C Protects against three different viral diseases
D None of the choices are correct.
E Contains toxoids
Question #10
A exfoliative toxinA
C staphylokinase
D exfoliative toxinB
E lactase
F catalase
Question #11
A it is a very rare form of herpesvirus
B a rash appears on the fourth day
C appears as a mononucleosis-like illness in adults
D starts with a high fever
E causes roseola in infants and young children
Question #12
A the skin microbiota changes constantly over time
B high salt areas of the skin limit bacterial growth
C All of the choices are correct.
D the skin microbiome is much more varied than previously thought
E vast numbers of organisms are found on expansive, dry areas of the skin
Question #13
A Prophylactic antibiotics
B Wear insect repellent
C Ivermectin treatment
D Good hygiene
Question #14
A organisms have a unique combination of metabolic enzymes that are displayed when color-changing dyes are utilized to demonstrate their physiological response to specific substrates
B organisms display specific antigens that can be bound by color-changing antibodies that allow the clinician to locate and identify the pathogen
C bacteriophages infect certain bacterial cells and the specificity can be used to identify the organism
D organisms will not grow on certain media types and can be selected for on others
Question #15
A Labeledcomplementary DNA
B Unlabeledcomplementary DNA
C Labeled identicalDNA
D Labeledcomplementary RNA
Question #16
A Immunelectrophoresis
B Immunochromatography
C Weil-Felix
D Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
E Western blot
Question #17
A precipitation
B agglutination
C sensitivity
D cross reaction
E specificity
Question #18
A Specificity
B Precipitation
C Agglutination
D Cross reaction
E Sensitivity
Question #19
A precipitation
B specificity
C cross reaction
D sensitivity
E agglutination
Question #20
A Salmonella
B Clostridium
C Treponema pallidum
D Streptococcus
E Pseudomonas
Question #21
A Precipitation
B Cross reactions
C Specificity
D Agglutination
E Sensitivity
Question #22
A two known antibodies andone unknown antigen
B two known antibodies andone known antigen
C a known antigen, an unknown antibody, and a known antibody
D All of the choices are correct.
E one known antibody, one unknown antibody, and an unknown antigen
Question #23
A hypograft
B autograft
C allograft
D isograft
E xenograft
Question #24
A is in the majority of the population with regard to Rh status
B All of thechoices are correct.
C can never have an Rh+ baby
D inherited two dominant genes
E is at risk for a pregnancy resulting in hemolytic disease of the newborn
Question #25
A Serum sickness is a systemic response
B Involves an immune complex reaction
C The Arthus reaction is a local response
D Involves production of IgG and IgE antibodies
E Antigen-antibody complexes are deposited in the basement membrane of epithelial tissues
Question #26
A Anaphylaxis
B Both antibody mediated and immune complex mediated
C Antibody mediated
D Immune complex mediated
E Both anaphylaxis and antibody mediated
Question #27
A hemopathology
B epidemiology
C humoralpathology
D histopathology
E immunopathology
Question #28
A light region
B variable region
C joining region
D hinge region
E constant region
Question #29
A glycoproteins, called MHC antigens, found on all body cells
B All of thechoices are correct.
C a set of genes that code for MHC glycoproteins
D located in the thymus gland
E found on the third chromosome
Question #30
A autoantigens
B superantigens
C allergens
D heterophilic antigens
E None of the choices are correct.
Question #31
A function in allergic reactions
B secrete antibodies
C suppress immune reactions
D directly destroy target cells
E activate B cells and other T cells
Question #32
A stimulates hematopoiesis
B increases the availability of iron
C increases metabolism
D increases phagocytosis
E reduces the ability of temperature-sensitive organisms to multiply
Question #33
A pyrogens
B complement
C leukotrines
D interferons
E lysozymes
Question #34
A Vagina, Urethra, Mouth, Skin, Nose
B Liver, Endocrine glands, brain
C Liver, Endocrine glands, Skin
D Urethra, Endocrine glands, brain
Question #35
A Encapsulation
B Phagocytosis
C Adhesion
D Exocytosis
E Margination
Question #36
A nephrotoxicity
B selective toxicity
C chemotherapy
D synergism
E prophylaxis
Question #37
A false
B true
Question #38
A penicillin
B isoniazid
C vancomycin
D cephalosporin
E erythromycin
Question #39
A hydrogen peroxide
B boiling water
C pasteurization
D chlorination
E moist heat autoclave
Question #40
A 121°C at 15 psi for 15 minutes
B 63°C for 30 minutes
C 71.6°C for 15 seconds
D 100°C for 30 minutes
E 160°C for 2 hours
Question #41
A Ultraviolet light
B Ethylene dioxide
C Moist heat
D Formaldehyde
E X rays
Question #42
A Bacteriostatic—kills bacteria
Bactericidal—kills bacteria
B Bactericidal—kills bacteria
Bacteriostatic—inhibits the growth of bacteria
C Bacteriostatic—kills bacteria
Bactericidal—inhibits the growth of bacteria
D Bacteriostatic—inhibits the growth of bacteria
Bactericidal—inhibits the growth of bacteria
Question #43
A Are nitrogenous bases
B Found within nucleotides
C Include adenine and guanine
D Always paired with a specific pyrimidine
E Only found in DNA, not in RNA
Question #44
A mutations in manufactured cells will cause problems for existing organisms
B medical insurance costs will likely skyrocket
C the ability to create life from scratch raises a multitude of issues
D oil and gas prices will increase as a result of the decreased demand for fossil fuels
Question #45
A phenotype
B proteome
C genotype
D proteotype
E genome
Question #46
A false
B true
Question #47
A uses 2 ATPs, produces 4 ATPs, without using oxygen
B uses 2 ATPs, produces 4 ATPs, and requires oxygen
C uses 2 ATPs, produces 2 ATPs, and requires oxygen
D None of the choices are correct.
E uses 2 ATPs, produces 2 ATPs, without using oxygen
Question #48
A Krebs cycle
B Preparation for Krebs cycle
C Electron transport system
D Glycolysis
Question #49
A 42 ATP
B 38 ATP
D 24 ATP
Question #50
A 24 ATP
C 38 ATP
D 36 ATP
Question #51
A 5
B 4
C 3
D 6
Question #52
A high salt
B high acidity
C carbon dioxide
D temperatures above 37°C
E oxygen
Question #53
A Glucose
B CO 2
C H 2O
D NH 3
E CH 4
Question #54
A carrier proteins in the membrane
B size of the pores in the membrane
C the size of the cell
D osmotic pressure
E substrate concentration
Question #55
A prophages
B spikes
C peplomers
D envelopes
E capsomeres
Question #56
A viroids
B satellite viruses
C All of the choices infect bacteria.
D prions
E bacteriophages
Question #57
A Use of animalinoculation, Use of enriched broth media, Use of enrichedagar media
B Use of cellculture techniques, Use of animalinoculation, Inoculation ofembryonated eggs
C Inoculation ofembryonated eggs, Use of enriched broth media, Use of enrichedagar media
D Use of cellculture techniques, Use of enriched broth media, Use of enrichedagar media
Question #58
A syncytia
B cytopathic
C chronic latent viruses
D oncoviruses
E inclusion bodies
Question #59
A chronic latent viruses
B syncytia
C oncoviruses
D inclusion bodies
E cytopathic
Question #60
A metabolically inactive
B living structures
C All of the choices are correct.
D resistant to heat and chemical destruction
E resistant to destruction by radiation
Question #61
A true
B false
Question #62
A Thin layer of peptidoglycan, Lipopolysaccharide, Outer membrane
B Teichoic acids, Thick layer of peptidoglycan, Cell membrane, Lipoteichoic acids
C Thin layer of peptidoglycan, Lipopolysaccharide, Cell membrane
D Thin layer of peptidoglycan, Lipopolysaccharide, Outer membrane, Lipoteichoic acids
Question #63
A Filament, hook, basal body
B Basal body, hook, filament
C Basal body, filament, hook
D Filament, basal body, hook
E Hook, basal body, filament
Question #64
A anaerobic
B microaerophilic
C autotrophic
D fastidious
E aerobic
Question #65
A Joseph Lister
B Robert Koch
C Ignaz Semmelweis
D Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
E Louis Pasteur
Question #66
A Egyptians using moldy bread on wounds
B Public health officials monitoring diseases in a community
C Bacteria in the soil secreting an antibiotic to kill competitors
D A microbiologist using the microscope to study bacteria
E Escherichia coli producing human insulin
Question #67
A Very little DNA is transcribed into RNA that is then translated into proteins.
B Aseptic techniques could reduce the number of wound infections in the surgical setting.
C Biofilms can form on implanted objects in the human body and be responsible for infection.
D Enzymes found in bacteria can be used to cut DNA.
Question #68
A protozoa
B bacteria
C infectious particles
D molds
E parasitic worms
Question #69
A ribose
B glycogen
C glucose
D deoxyribose
E fructose