
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Final Lecture Exam

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  East Los Angeles College  »  Microbiology  »  Microbiology 020 – General Microbiology  »  Winter 2022  »  Final Lecture Exam

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  hemolysin
B  erythrogenic toxin
C  enterotoxin
D  exfoliative toxin
E  toxic shock syndrome toxin
Question #2
A  soil to human
B  All of the choices are correct.
C  human to human
D  animal to human
E  fomites to human
Question #3
A  acne
B  furuncles and carbuncles
C  meningitis
D  impetigo
E  scalded skin syndrome
Question #4
A  are motile
B  All of thechoices are correct.
C  produce coagulase
D  have capsules
E  lack spores
Question #5
A  Fomites
B  Mechanical vectors
C  Blood
D  Direct contact
E  Body fluids
Question #6
A  herpes labialis
B  infectious mononucleosis
C  chickenpox
D  herpes keratitis
E  shingles
Question #7
A  All of the choices are correct.
B  cannot be prevented at this time with vaccination
C  has a maculopapular rash that lasts for days to weeks
D  is caused by Parvovirus B19
E  is a childhood febrile disease with a bright red rash on the cheeks
Question #8
A  Has a clear discharge
B  Can be caused by Streptococcus pyogenes or Streptococcus pneumoniae
C  Treatment is with a broad-spectrum topical antibiotic
D  Can be caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, or Neisseria gonorrhoeae
E  Transmitted through both direct and indirect contact
Question #9
A  Is given in early childhood
B  Contains attenuated virus
C  Protects against three different viral diseases
D  None of the choices are correct.
E  Contains toxoids
Question #10
A  exfoliative toxinA
C  staphylokinase
D  exfoliative toxinB
E  lactase
F  catalase
Question #11
A  it is a very rare form of herpesvirus
B  a rash appears on the fourth day
C  appears as a mononucleosis-like illness in adults
D  starts with a high fever
E  causes roseola in infants and young children
Question #12
A  the skin microbiota changes constantly over time
B  high salt areas of the skin limit bacterial growth
C  All of the choices are correct.
D  the skin microbiome is much more varied than previously thought
E  vast numbers of organisms are found on expansive, dry areas of the skin
Question #13
A  Prophylactic antibiotics
B  Wear insect repellent
C  Ivermectin treatment
D  Good hygiene
Question #14
A  organisms have a unique combination of metabolic enzymes that are displayed when color-changing dyes are utilized to demonstrate their physiological response to specific substrates
B  organisms display specific antigens that can be bound by color-changing antibodies that allow the clinician to locate and identify the pathogen
C  bacteriophages infect certain bacterial cells and the specificity can be used to identify the organism
D  organisms will not grow on certain media types and can be selected for on others
Question #15
A  Labeledcomplementary DNA
B  Unlabeledcomplementary DNA
C  Labeled identicalDNA
D  Labeledcomplementary RNA
Question #16
A  Immunelectrophoresis
B  Immunochromatography
C  Weil-Felix
D  Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
E  Western blot
Question #17
A  precipitation
B  agglutination
C  sensitivity
D  cross reaction
E  specificity
Question #18
A  Specificity
B  Precipitation
C  Agglutination
D  Cross reaction
E  Sensitivity
Question #19
A  precipitation
B  specificity
C  cross reaction
D  sensitivity
E  agglutination
Question #20
A  Salmonella
B  Clostridium
C  Treponema pallidum
D  Streptococcus
E  Pseudomonas
Question #21
A  Precipitation
B  Cross reactions
C  Specificity
D  Agglutination
E  Sensitivity
Question #22
A  two known antibodies andone unknown antigen
B  two known antibodies andone known antigen
C  a known antigen, an unknown antibody, and a known antibody
D  All of the choices are correct.
E  one known antibody, one unknown antibody, and an unknown antigen
Question #23
A  hypograft
B  autograft
C  allograft
D  isograft
E  xenograft
Question #24
A  is in the majority of the population with regard to Rh status
B  All of thechoices are correct.
C  can never have an Rh+ baby
D  inherited two dominant genes
E  is at risk for a pregnancy resulting in hemolytic disease of the newborn
Question #25
A  Serum sickness is a systemic response
B  Involves an immune complex reaction
C  The Arthus reaction is a local response
D  Involves production of IgG and IgE antibodies
E  Antigen-antibody complexes are deposited in the basement membrane of epithelial tissues
Question #26
A  Anaphylaxis
B  Both antibody mediated and immune complex mediated
C  Antibody mediated
D  Immune complex mediated
E  Both anaphylaxis and antibody mediated
Question #27
A  hemopathology
B  epidemiology
C  humoralpathology
D  histopathology
E  immunopathology
Question #28
A  light region
B  variable region
C  joining region
D  hinge region
E  constant region
Question #29
A  glycoproteins, called MHC antigens, found on all body cells
B  All of thechoices are correct.
C  a set of genes that code for MHC glycoproteins
D  located in the thymus gland
E  found on the third chromosome
Question #30
A  autoantigens
B  superantigens
C  allergens
D  heterophilic antigens
E  None of the choices are correct.
Question #31
A  function in allergic reactions
B  secrete antibodies
C  suppress immune reactions
D  directly destroy target cells
E  activate B cells and other T cells
Question #32
A  stimulates hematopoiesis
B  increases the availability of iron
C  increases metabolism
D  increases phagocytosis
E  reduces the ability of temperature-sensitive organisms to multiply
Question #33
A  pyrogens
B  complement
C  leukotrines
D  interferons
E  lysozymes
Question #34
A  Vagina, Urethra, Mouth, Skin, Nose
B  Liver, Endocrine glands, brain
C  Liver, Endocrine glands, Skin
D  Urethra, Endocrine glands, brain
Question #35
A  Encapsulation
B  Phagocytosis
C  Adhesion
D  Exocytosis
E  Margination
Question #36
A  nephrotoxicity
B  selective toxicity
C  chemotherapy
D  synergism
E  prophylaxis
Question #38
A  penicillin
B  isoniazid
C  vancomycin
D  cephalosporin
E  erythromycin
Question #39
A  hydrogen peroxide
B  boiling water
C  pasteurization
D  chlorination
E  moist heat autoclave
Question #40
A  121°C at 15 psi for 15 minutes
B  63°C for 30 minutes
C  71.6°C for 15 seconds
D  100°C for 30 minutes
E  160°C for 2 hours
Question #41
A  Ultraviolet light
B  Ethylene dioxide
C  Moist heat
D  Formaldehyde
E  X rays
Question #42
A  Bacteriostatic—kills bacteria
Bactericidal—kills bacteria
B  Bactericidal—kills bacteria
Bacteriostatic—inhibits the growth of bacteria
C  Bacteriostatic—kills bacteria
Bactericidal—inhibits the growth of bacteria
D  Bacteriostatic—inhibits the growth of bacteria
Bactericidal—inhibits the growth of bacteria
Question #43
A  Are nitrogenous bases
B  Found within nucleotides
C  Include adenine and guanine
D  Always paired with a specific pyrimidine
E  Only found in DNA, not in RNA
Question #44
A  mutations in manufactured cells will cause problems for existing organisms
B  medical insurance costs will likely skyrocket
C  the ability to create life from scratch raises a multitude of issues
D  oil and gas prices will increase as a result of the decreased demand for fossil fuels
Question #45
A  phenotype
B  proteome
C  genotype
D  proteotype
E  genome
Question #47
A  uses 2 ATPs, produces 4 ATPs, without using oxygen
B  uses 2 ATPs, produces 4 ATPs, and requires oxygen
C  uses 2 ATPs, produces 2 ATPs, and requires oxygen
D  None of the choices are correct.
E  uses 2 ATPs, produces 2 ATPs, without using oxygen
Question #48
A  Krebs cycle
B  Preparation for Krebs cycle
C  Electron transport system
D  Glycolysis
Question #50
A  24 ATP
B  2 ATP
C  38 ATP
D  36 ATP
E  3 ATP
Question #52
A  high salt
B  high acidity
C  carbon dioxide
D  temperatures above 37°C
E  oxygen
Question #53
A  Glucose
B  CO 2
C  H 2O
D  NH 3
E  CH 4
Question #54
A  carrier proteins in the membrane
B  size of the pores in the membrane
C  the size of the cell
D  osmotic pressure
E  substrate concentration
Question #55
A  prophages
B  spikes
C  peplomers
D  envelopes
E  capsomeres
Question #56
A  viroids
B  satellite viruses
C  All of the choices infect bacteria.
D  prions
E  bacteriophages
Question #57
A  Use of animalinoculation, Use of enriched broth media, Use of enrichedagar media
B  Use of cellculture techniques, Use of animalinoculation, Inoculation ofembryonated eggs
C  Inoculation ofembryonated eggs, Use of enriched broth media, Use of enrichedagar media
D  Use of cellculture techniques, Use of enriched broth media, Use of enrichedagar media
Question #58
A  syncytia
B  cytopathic
C  chronic latent viruses
D  oncoviruses
E  inclusion bodies
Question #59
A  chronic latent viruses
B  syncytia
C  oncoviruses
D  inclusion bodies
E  cytopathic
Question #60
A  metabolically inactive
B  living structures
C  All of the choices are correct.
D  resistant to heat and chemical destruction
E  resistant to destruction by radiation
Question #62
A  Thin layer of peptidoglycan, Lipopolysaccharide, Outer membrane
B  Teichoic acids, Thick layer of peptidoglycan, Cell membrane, Lipoteichoic acids
C  Thin layer of peptidoglycan, Lipopolysaccharide, Cell membrane
D  Thin layer of peptidoglycan, Lipopolysaccharide, Outer membrane, Lipoteichoic acids
Question #63
A  Filament, hook, basal body
B  Basal body, hook, filament
C  Basal body, filament, hook
D  Filament, basal body, hook
E  Hook, basal body, filament
Question #64
A  anaerobic
B  microaerophilic
C  autotrophic
D  fastidious
E  aerobic
Question #65
A  Joseph Lister
B  Robert Koch
C  Ignaz Semmelweis
D  Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
E  Louis Pasteur
Question #66
A  Egyptians using moldy bread on wounds
B  Public health officials monitoring diseases in a community
C  Bacteria in the soil secreting an antibiotic to kill competitors
D  A microbiologist using the microscope to study bacteria
E  Escherichia coli producing human insulin
Question #67
A  Very little DNA is transcribed into RNA that is then translated into proteins.
B  Aseptic techniques could reduce the number of wound infections in the surgical setting.
C  Biofilms can form on implanted objects in the human body and be responsible for infection.
D  Enzymes found in bacteria can be used to cut DNA.
Question #68
A  protozoa
B  bacteria
C  infectious particles
D  molds
E  parasitic worms
Question #69
A  ribose
B  glycogen
C  glucose
D  deoxyribose
E  fructose