
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Quiz 5 Chapters 16 and 17

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  West Los Angeles College  »  Political Science  »  Political Science 001 – The Government of the United States  »  Winter 2022  »  Quiz 5 Chapters 16 and 17

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  Iran and Iraq.
B  Brazil and Venezuela.
C  Russia and China.
E  Mexico and Canada.
F  France and Germany.
Question #2
A  neo-isolationism.
B  selective engagement.
C  constructivism.
D  neoconservatism.
E  liberal internationalism.
Question #3
A  selective engagement.
B  a “Cold War.”
C  a balance of trade.
D  neo-isolationism.
E  a balance of power.
Question #4
A  regulatory agencies.
B  the National Security Council.
C  the intelligence community.
D  the armed services consortium.
E  the Washington community.
Question #5
A  is the nation’s chief diplomat and oversees the Foreign Service.
B  directs the country’s international trade agenda.
C  is not involved in short-term foreign policy.
D  is more powerful than the president.
E  is directly responsible to Congress.
Question #6
A  all of the choices are correct
B  are approved by the president.
C  are negotiated by the president.
D  constitute over 90% of international agreements the United States enters into.
E  can be reversed by the next president in power.
Question #7
A  was Congress’s attempt to reassert itself in war-making and created a new series of steps to be followed by presidents in waging military conflict with other countries.
B  was supported by large-scale demonstrations in Saigon and was undertaken after President Nixon reached a diplomatic agreement with Vietnam.
C  was supported by large-scale demonstrations in Saigon and was Congress’s attempt to reassert itself in war-making.
D  created a new series of steps to be followed by presidents in waging military conflict with other countries and was undertaken after President Nixon reached a diplomatic agreement with Vietnam.
Question #8
A  sees each nation as acting in its own interest regardless of moral considerations.
B  supports steps to move beyond the nation-state framework.
C  mandates interventionism in nations that have low GDP’s.
D  assumes the best in others and sees it as possible for countries to run the world together, with open diplomacy, freedom of trade, and no militaries.
E  contends that spreading capitalism ought to be a major goal of U.S. foreign policy.
Question #9
A  supports steps to establish a single world government.
B  sees each nation as acting in its own interest regardless of moral considerations.
C  sees nations as normally willing to cooperate and agree on moral standards for conduct.
D  contends that spreading Christianity ought to be a major goal of U.S. foreign policy.
E  mandates noninterference with the internal policies of sovereign nations.
Question #10
A  the manner in which the armed forces are deployed.
B  a title given to senior members of the State Department.
C  the establishment and maintenance of a formal relationship between countries that governs their interactions on a diverse array of matters.
D  formal public meetings held by heads of government.
E  a philosophy that sees nations as normally willing to cooperate.
Question #11
A  military intervention.
B  all of the choices are correct
C  economic aid.
D  diplomacy.
E  technical assistance.
Question #12
A  the manner in which the armed forces are deployed.
B  the formal agreements that are approved by the World Court.
C  a nation’s international goals and the techniques and strategies to achieve them.
D  interactions with other countries that are not related to economics.
E  the treaties that are ratified by the Senate.
Question #13
A  all taxpayers pay taxes at the same percentage rate.
B  people with higher incomes pay taxes at a lower percentage rate.
C  the tax burden consists mostly of property and sales taxes.
D  people with higher incomes pay taxes at a higher percentage rate.
E  tax rates increase by a set percentage every year.
Question #14
A  decrease the rate of growth of the money supply (by raising interest rates).
B  increase taxes.
C  decrease taxes.
D  take complete control of the economy.
E  expand the rate of growth of the money supply (by lowering interest rates).
Question #15
A  regulate the markets for stocks and bonds.
B  negotiate with Congress in developing a budget.
C  seek a balanced trade policy.
D  develop a rational trade policy through the United Nations Trade Information Commission.
E  implement the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve.
Question #16
A  Debt; deficit
B  Deficit; debt
C  The central costs; the marginal costs
D  Surplus value; inflationary value
E  The marginal costs; the central costs
Question #17
A  The National Rifle Association
E  The Environmental Protection Agency
Question #18
A  is a government program set up for senior citizens and the elderly.
B  was created by President Bill Clinton in 1996.
C  is not funded through payroll taxes.
D  is a health insurance program for low-income citizens.
E  receives no funding from the states.
Question #19
A  is a government program set up for senior citizens and the elderly.
B  was created by President George W. Bush in 2002.
C  is a government program set up for the poor.
D  was created by President Barack Obama in 2010.
E  no longer exists.
Question #20
A  After a policy has been implemented, it is often challenged in the Supreme Court.
B  Groups inside and outside government conduct studies to determine what actually happens after a policy has been in place for a while.
C  Policy evaluation leads to other nation-states intervening in the U.S. domestic law making process.
D  After a period of evaluation on a policy, the president implements and executes the law.
E  More often than not, policy evaluation leads to aggressive changes to the law’s original structure.
Question #21
A  the process of making the media aware of the issue.
B  concerned with how policies are carried out by bureaucrats, the courts, police, and individual citizens.
C  when studies are conducted to see what happens after a policy is implemented.
D  concerned with a specific strategy for the proposal.
E  the discussion of proposals between governmental officials and the public.
Question #22
A  alternative specification.
B  policy enactment.
C  policy meditation.
D  policy implementation.
E  agenda setting.
Question #23
A  the process of considering solutions and proposals to address the identified problem. and the action taken by members of the president’s staff in response to congressional initiatives.
B  making Congress aware that a problem requires congressional action and the process of considering solutions and proposals to address the identified problem.
C  concerned with the implementation of policy by bureaucrats, the courts, police, and individual citizens and the action taken by members of the president’s staff in response to congressional initiatives.
D  concerned with the implementation of policy by bureaucrats, the courts, police, and individual citizens and making Congress aware that a problem requires congressional action.
Question #24
A  all of the choices are correct
B  information provided by policy advocates or interest groups.
C  a crisis occurring.
D  reading the local newspaper.
E  letters from constituents to their members of Congress.
Question #25
A  only affects matters concerning law enforcement.
B  can be defined as all policies that affect housing.
C  is limited to policies that only affect major corporations.
D  is related strictly to policies that benefit senior citizens.
E  can be defined as the broad strategy government uses to do its job; the relatively stable set of purposive governmental behaviors that address matters of concern to some part of society.